not4long / Comments

  • HeatherGitGirl

    HeatherGitGirl (100)

    United States
    Just confused about her being 16 when she slept with him..i mean. He was already out of school and was like what? 20 something? lol. thats the only thing that confused me. other than that its really good and i like it!
    July 20th, 2010 at 09:30pm
  • the-quiet-one

    the-quiet-one (100)

    You're really welcome :)
    No problem i think that i can deal with nutty people....well for the most part that is ;D Haha, but i can't wait for everything to be revealed.
    Haha, now that you mention it i remeber that you said you'll leave sometimes this week, i think.
    You're welcome again :) Oh really? That's awesome. He shoudn't have put up with her at all after he found out that Michelle didn't like his daughter.
    July 20th, 2010 at 07:46pm
  • aye chica !

    aye chica ! (100)

    LOL! I FORGOT!!!
    Peace and love,
    July 20th, 2010 at 05:25pm
  • aye chica !

    aye chica ! (100)

    Lol, if you've died from boredom...then I've been dead ages and years ago!!
    I think I was born bored....odd :O
    I had such a fucking hard time to write the whole "Drug her. Fuck her. Mark her." I didn't want tattoo instead of Mark, but Mark just doesn't sound right. But it does, cause it's going to make a whole lot of sense in the story later:D So I'll just leave it!!
    ANd for your guesses....holy fuck your so close with the Bartender! I probably just gave it away there....but I ain't saying who yetXD Mystery Boy...still ain't that close. But Jason Berry is in the story...if you remember, Charity is fucking him behind Ginny's back.
    Thats what they said when I wanna buy the tickets on the site....but if you go to be selling them.
    Ohhh, that be dope if you go to Bullets For My Valentine concert!!! I lurve Matt Tuck<3 Oh, he's a babe!!!!
    I laughed so hard when you said "If I get in an 69 position with any of the guys!!" THAT BE FUCKING AMAZING!!! Lol, Ive been counting down for ages!!! Im so stoked!! Makes it even better cause this is my first concert ever!!
    Well...I did go to another one before....but it was people imitading? is that the word? forgot how to spell it lol! but they were pretending they were it wasn't really an concert.
    Yes! You can be in Saint Vee?? Do you wanna be one of their victims, the ones they kill off??? I could use some of those later on....or what do you wanna do? You can have your pick....
    And I would rather be long term....Im totally with Zacky if you don't mind!! And that be dope if Im best friend with the main character!!!
    And I will send you the bio later onnnnn fo sho XD
    XD Im like that with a few stories....only if their really good tho!! But I feel honored that your literally waiting for Saint Vee to be updated!! Hopefully either tonight or tomorrow night there will be another updateXD
    July 20th, 2010 at 05:24pm
  • aye chica !

    aye chica ! (100)

    OH MY GOD!!!!!
    Haiii! Thought you died or something lolXD
    But don't worry about it, I may have been depressed from missing you sooo much, but I'm all good now! I always know how it is. Life usually comes around very unexpectedly. It's gone one moment, and then all of a sudden, it's on your goddamn back!
    And thanks for reading my stories!! Trying to get Hells Fallen Angels caught up lol! And Saint Veronika...basically she just went to a club. She has never been to a club before, so she's so freaking nervous about all the girls dress half naked, literally fucking on the dance floor. And the alcohol, well, she's not a drinker, except for the fact she drinks red wine occassionally. Or white wine. But yeah! And then Mystery Boy from the previous chapter walks into the club and sees her. Of course, in the previous chapter, I made sure that he said "Drug her. Fuck her. Mark her." So, Mystery Boy walks in, sees her, asks her to dance with him, takes her back to the bar, orders her a drink, and adds a bit of drugs in it, gives it to her, she drinks it, gets drugged, then he rapes her! Hopefully that sums it up for you!
    By the way, do you have any idea whom Mystery Boy or the Bartender (whom is a lady) is??? Guess!!!
    That would be so fucking dope if you could go to their show on Halloween!! Im praying for ya girly!!! The concert Im going to do is in 69 days for meXD I wonder if that's a sign....
    Everything for me is just going by dandy! Life is a bitch, but Im sailing right through it!
    YES! WRITE AN MATT FIC!! What do you think it's going to be about???? Tell me all the details girl!! Oh, and I wanna be in it!!!
    And okay, I got myself caught up in your story, so fucking amazing!!!!!

    Peace and love,
    July 19th, 2010 at 10:52pm
  • zackystheman4me

    zackystheman4me (100)

    United States
    I get what u mean believe!!! But I can't wait and I hope u have fun on the trip
    July 19th, 2010 at 05:21pm
  • zackystheman4me

    zackystheman4me (100)

    United States
    HOLY CRAP!!!! I thought it was just me...I:m so glad I'm not the only one. My sister use to make me watch that movie IT and would scare me all the time with those flippin things....again I hate clowns. (can you tell? lol) Okay now to the story. I think you're head in the right place with the sorty so far....please get rid of Michelle she get on the last nevre. I think you should make Brian see how mean she really is to his kid. I mean it just a thought
    July 18th, 2010 at 07:50pm
  • zackystheman4me

    zackystheman4me (100)

    United States
    No it doesn't I would read it. It sound pretty wicked....and it's never been done. You'd be the first... I say go for it. Plus I would read it. It sound interst and and come on....who wouldn't be thilled about about reading about it. Just no clowns....I'm scared of them....long story... Lmao!!!
    July 18th, 2010 at 07:38pm
  • zackystheman4me

    zackystheman4me (100)

    United States
    As far the Matt Sanders story I think it would be awesome. You're a good writer and I don't think your filler chapters sux. I mean I'm just getting the hang of it myself. My older sister is a great writer and she started the Nightmare story then gave it to me. The last five of six chapter I have did on my own and I think they sux but people like it. And there are so many direction you can go with a Matt Sanders story.....what are you thinking about so far? Do you have a plot yet?
    July 18th, 2010 at 05:50pm
  • fallen_angel94

    fallen_angel94 (100)

    United States
    Yea i do & no problem
    July 13th, 2010 at 04:59pm
  • aye chica !

    aye chica ! (100)

    BAH! I never experienced an earthquake either....and I definately don't want to...but I have no choice. I mean I could always move away to someplace with no earthquakes. But if I go into the prairies of Canada, they have tornadoes. And if I go to the maritimes, they have hurricanes. Sooooo....I really cannot make up my mind of where I want to liveXD
    But also if it helps with your's hot right nowXD In BC that is....and there are a few wild fires going around :(
    Lol....don't feel bad...nobody is gonna guess who the "hooded stranger" is. Well except for one person....but she helped me pick the person out...I didn't tell her what part the person would have, but it was obvious for her who the hooded figure was lolXD
    But nope...nobody is gonna guess who the hooded stranger is. Here's a hint...the person is not in Avenged Sevenfold. Im so evil like thatXD But they will have a part of the gang in the story....obviouslyXD
    Gawd...The Rev....he's my fucking hero. I love that man to pieces <3 It's a shame he had to go....but he at least left the world with a strong message from his music. In 14 days, Im getting there new album, so excited!
    Dude! Im getting spiderbites soon! Which is two lip piercings beside each other....I might be getting them this or next weekXDDDDDDDDDDDD
    Oh, and Im getting my ears stretched!!!!!!!!!!!
    And getting my hair cut short again and dyed dark brown and blond!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!
    And yes, I have read your latest updates....and amazinggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!
    Couldn't comment cause my computer said so lol!!!!!!!!!!!
    I will try again though, just fer ya!
    July 13th, 2010 at 04:33pm
  • aye chica !

    aye chica ! (100)

    Oh heyyyyyy again!
    Fuckin missed ya girl! I went down to Southern BC where Canada's only desert is! So fucking hot...but I got such a killer tan with it! I reccomend that you go there one day...its amazing! Even tho I go there every year....but still! I love it!
    Vancouver has typical weather. Ran and sun...clouds....occassional thunder storm. Thats about it. Typical shit. But if it helps you, we live on the ring of fire, so were prone to earthquakes. And were in due for a huge mofo of an earthquake soon :S
    And yesssssssssss....The Rev is soooo in the story! I mean hello...Saint Vee like fo sho calls for him! Ahhh, I love how Im slowly adding the smut and blood and shit in the story. And Im slowly introducing the it will be a while till you hear their namesXD
    And the dude in the hoodie? Your wrong about your guessesXD
    Its gonna be a major surprise!!!
    But it is somebody affiliated with in real lifeXD
    Im gonna read your updates for your story righhhhht now....Ive got a lot of catching up to do lolXD
    July 13th, 2010 at 05:47am
  • I Rise to Fall Again

    I Rise to Fall Again (100)

    United States
    your welcome!! :)
    July 9th, 2010 at 08:27pm
  • Marie_Echelon

    Marie_Echelon (100)

    You are welcome!!!! :) I really love your story btw!!! :)
    July 8th, 2010 at 02:40am
  • aye chica !

    aye chica ! (100)

    Lol I totally forgot what your last comment said XD
    I've got such a great memory! But don't fret, Im like that all the time to everybody else! Half of the time I get distracted by food or music and totally forget what the other person said in their last comment!
    Im sooooooo excited! Im going on vacation tomorrow, and will be gone for a week! But it sucks cause I have to go to the dentist tomorrow :( To get a tooth pulled out. Well, technically, it's a piece of my baby tooth from when I lost it (and yes, I have all adult teeth now). But still. I guess when I lost my tooth, it broke away from a chip of it, leaving it there still attached to my gums. Its like so fucking small, you can't even see it....well you can, but not right away. So the dentist needs to pull it out. Fuck my life, literally lol!
    Oh! And I updated Saint Veronika!! Im so excited for this story! Its gonna get downright "dirrty" and nasty. Blood and sex. Two of my favorite things....believe it or not lolXD
    And I read the last few chapters I missed out on from your story, and I love it! And I see that somebody else commented on it! Im gonna continue pimping your story around :D
    July 5th, 2010 at 06:24am
  • aye chica !

    aye chica ! (100)

    Lol I had nooooooooo idea that I was an angel or an epic personXD Now Im feeling special lol!!! I just try to be me, and apparently everybody takes that for granted! I was never the type of person to follow everybody else. And sadly, no matter how hard I try to stay away from trends, half the time I'm the one setting the trends. Don't ask me how that happens lol!
    I KNOW! I'm so freaking stoked for the 26!!!!! Like holy crap! I wonder what the hell I did to get this fucking lucky!
    Okay, this is going to sound so horribly...awkward lol...but I really want to move to England because......*sighs* I love British accents *blushes*. Yeah, I know I'm an odd child! But I will tell you this, I am a sucker for guys with British and Russian accents. Oh, and Californian accents. But seriously, the first two accents I mentioned, are so fucking hot!
    Pfft! Invade my home??? Dude, I'm the one that invades peoples home lol! I find my home soooooo boring, it's why I never homeXDDD Buuuuut, if you secretly follow me home one day after school, then, well you will be lucky enough to catch me lolXD
    Your lucky that you have a huge family! I only have my folks, my pets, and me! I'm an only child sadly :(
    Yeah, it is so fucking hard to move from the city to a small town. It's unbelievable. Nobody brought me into their own little group of friends. mostly because, I was short, geeky looking, and well, short lolXD But hell, that was in grade 8. In grade 8, I had long blonde hair, glasses and all. But now, I got short hair like..........shorter than Victoria Beckham's hair (love her) and dyed it this reddy brown color<3 Oh and my fashion changed a whole lot lol!!!
    Dude, your an epic person too! I love our little comment rants we give to each other! Something for me to look forward to each day I get my ass on the computer lolXDD
    Btw, did you add me on Facebook as Rock Angel???
    July 1st, 2010 at 12:13am
  • aye chica !

    aye chica ! (100)

    Okay, the whole Graduation thing means that I've completed Grade 12 (the last grade of schooling) and that I managed to pass all of my classes without failing. And then I get an Diploma, which is a piece of paper saying that I finished school. So we have a huge 3 hour ceremony giving awards and such wearing these ridiculous robes that make us look fat lol!
    Okay, since Im more awake this morning, I will be working on Saint Veronika. Been so tired after graduation lolXD
    I KNOW! Like dude, I got VIP passes! Like what the fuck man?!!?!? What the hell did I ever do to earn that shit??!?!?!? I've always had bad luck from the day I was born, and now I get to meet my favorite band of all time??!??? LIKE OMFG!!!!!!!!!
    But you, just one day, just wait for it, and one day, it will be your turn to meet them and go to their concert=D
    And I will....I will probably crack up laughing during the photo take lolXD
    And I will have fun for youXD I will try to get an autograph for you!
    Oh hey thats cool that your from Israel! I was born in Canada and raised in canada. How fucking boring!
    By the time I was actually able to hang out with my friends wa in Grade 11. I had lived in the city all my life, born there and shit, and then in Grade 8, I moved into shitville, and it took me forever to make friends. Nobody accepted me for some reason lol!
    But, my best friends now, finally accepted me into their group then.
    Sept 26 is the date for the concertXD
    June 30th, 2010 at 05:40pm
  • aye chica !

    aye chica ! (100)

    Okay, Im all good now. Had to get that off my chest lol.
    Bahaha! Im gonna love Saint Veronika! I have so much surprises in store for it! But lets just say, shit is gonna go down soon. Very soon.
    I hate and love filler chapters....just depends on when I have to write them. They suck balls though.
    Talking about Avenged Sevenfold, you will never believe this. My friend (whom is 27) yes, I know, I have old friends, but shush! Anywho, for my grad present, she bought two tickets to the Rockstar Uproar concert, and pre-ordered the new Avenged Sevenfold album!!!! Annnd, the tickets are VIP tickets. So Im allowed to go to the backstage lounge to meet the bandsXDD And with the tickets, I get a poster, a zippo lighter, guitar picks, a laminated stage pass, and a free rockstar drink<33333
    Exciting eh????!?!?
    LOL! I haven't been to a garage sale for such a long time! I prefer thrifting betterXD I got the DVD like two years ago<3
    So this friend of yours, whom played Syns he yummy to look at??? ;) Jk lolXD Unless he is.....:O
    I've never had a best friend...I moved around a lot lol! But thankfully, we stayed here in this small shithole town long enough for me to make some really good friends....and now, I can't live without em<3
    Uh oh....just inspired myself to write a new story..... :O
    Im updating now. In about half an hour, start checking Saint Veronika<3
    June 30th, 2010 at 04:29am
  • aye chica !

    aye chica ! (100)

    Yeah, I've got this really hot shirt that if I pulled down on the scoop neck part, it will show up the top of my boobies. Im thinking about wearing a push up bra too, so my boobs are really enhanced! I'm going to do anything I can just to get their attentionXD
    LOL! I can just see myself doing that walk, it's great! I would probably be like "ow, ow, ow, ow" right after getting bangedXD
    Ohmygod...I've always wanted to fuck Jimmy! Do you know how exhilerating the ride would be? He's like fucking crazy...his personality that is! So yeah, I could imagine being fucking murdered after getting banged by him!
    Lol! I seen this picture one time with Matt having a huge boner on stageXD I lol'd at itXD
    Lol, I got my LBC DVD at an garage sale...brand new...still in the package! Fucking bonus for me! It was also for only five dollars!
    Dude...short people are the shit! The tall giants underestimate us like all the time! They think we can't do shit, but really...were so much better than the giantsXD Johnny seemsl ike a pretty damn good ride!
    Dude...I would kill to hear that boy playing that riff! I love Syn's solo's!
    I used to have only guy friends....but then, girls started befriending me. I only have one really close friend that doesn't give a flying shit if I'm talking about anal sex or how shitty my periods areXD I love that girl to pieces! Lol, I eat like a pig when Im on my periods! I hate when you feel so fat, you can barely walk lolXD
    I need to update too lol!
    June 27th, 2010 at 03:29am
  • aye chica !

    aye chica ! (100)

    Okay, before we start to ramble again. Here's how you do italics [i] [/i]. Hopefully it shows up lol.
    Okay, but yes, I've been known that my laugh and smile stands out the most. Not too mention that I'm so unbelievably fucking short with a huge rack and ass that goes out to China. Kay, I'm not fat, but I'm just wildly curvy lolXD You would understand if you see pics of me=D But yes, I'm defiantly gonna stand in front of Zacky, cause I'm damn sure that Jason will be close by there. Or Matt. Both men look yummy<33333.
    Plus, I can try to catch Zacky's attention....maybe a wink or two? Lol. I have my ways on how to catch their attention....I'm evil like thatXD
    Oh gawd I know! My poor Vagina will be so scared once it sees Matt's Penis. It will be like "O.O NO!" and I will be like "YES! GO FOR IT!" Oh man, I'm defiantly going to be ready for Matt :D
    O.M.G....I was watching my LBC DVD and they zoomed in on Syn and while he was playing the guitar he walked over to the edge of the stage, leaned over, shook his head and pulled a face. I nearly jizzed all over my houseXD He's amazing<3333
    Thats why I love Johnny. He's just like me. Short, looks so oh so sweet and innocent, but man, we can get downright nastyXD
    Oh man, I know. I will admit, last March was the first time I heard of them. I was in a really bad state as well....going mentall insane and shit, and then I was reading a store on Mibba whom had Syn in it. And oh good lord...he was gorgeous in that story. So I wanted to find out more about him, researched him, found out about the band, first song I heard was A Little Piece Of Heaven and nearly died, again! I fell in love with them ever since<333
    And no, I'm not in a band. I do write song lyrics though!
    Lol, I talk about my periods lots of times! My friends (whom are girls) don't mind though. Well except for a few of them. But my really close friends, hell they talk lots about it too. It's just a girl thing ya know lol??? I usually talk about how I gush a lot and shitXD
    June 26th, 2010 at 04:46pm