NauticalMile / Comments

  • You are the best! I absolutely adore it. Now I must write the next part :)
    August 30th, 2013 at 11:08am
  • Thank you:)
    Not really sure about where the story is going to go yet, I sort of make it up as I go along. Anyway, I'll work on that, so I can get a decent idea of where I'll go.
    Here are a couple pics of the character :)
    August 29th, 2013 at 11:37pm
  • Thanks for the comments. I'll try to update both new stories some time during the weekend.
    If you're still willing to make a banner for the supernatural one, I'll be more than happy to accept :)
    August 29th, 2013 at 08:32pm
  • Since you posted your procrastination project, I'll post mine too :)
    August 16th, 2013 at 10:09pm
  • Now not only can we say that great minds think alike, but they also function the same way, because instead of finishing what I should be finishing, your supernatural story inspired me to try and write something of my own. Ha ha.

    On a side note, I'd love to read that star trek story, if you decide to post it at some point Mr. Green
    August 12th, 2013 at 03:53pm
  • We were!
    We were just babies back then, with our African orphans (god, I really hope that none of these new overly sensitive mibbians see that and go on a racist ramble).
    ahhh I remember the tweet conversations we'd have and the chapter posting rolls that we'd go on
    I miss not having to work and ditching class, those days were lovely lol
    July 31st, 2013 at 07:12am
  • haha yeah, but at least quizilla has them all organized with that drop down thing
    July 31st, 2013 at 06:57am
  • I lied!
    The cousin looks like Lenny Kravitz. I can't believe I'd forgotten about that sexy ass man
    July 25th, 2013 at 07:00am
  • haha it is
    and I am!
    I swapped with the morning assistant today so I have the afternoon to write and its nice to be able to sit around and write. It makes me feel like when I was back at Berkeley and could ditch class and write aah how I miss those days!
    Awe thanks Amber! :)
    July 23rd, 2013 at 11:53pm
  • We went on a road trip up the pacific coast highway. We stayed at Berkeley for a week visiting friends and then we went up to Oregon. It was a nice little trip, but when we got him his family showed up and I just wanted to kick them out so I could write and walk around my damn house in my chonies! ahh
    but they left and now I'm free to write whenever I please
    and ooo I bet the food was delicious! That's what I love best about going to Mexico the seemingly never ending feasting
    July 23rd, 2013 at 11:29pm
  • He is.
    I love how tall he is and those shoulders. That's a man.
    I'm sorry but I don't like men that are all small and look like they can get beat up.
    I mean, sometimes I do when they're strung out looking haha but Idris just looks like he can beat someone up without even breaking a sweat and that's damn sexy in my book haha
    ooooo how was your trip to Mexico?
    July 23rd, 2013 at 11:23pm
  • she is, but she's a cousin on the Mexican side, not the British side haha
    or is that weird?
    I figured it could be something they joked about and it's not incestuous so it's alright lol
    but if you think it's weird, I can come up with someone else
    As for the helicopter pilot, his name is Frederic Anthony Davenport (29) and he's been deployed several times to Afghanistan. He's gone high in the ranks and is soon to be honored with a knighthood. He's a lovely looking morenito since his late father married a Haitian beauty. He's a good, principled man that's a little more on the serious side but definitely has a sweet side. I think the best way to describe him is as being chivalrous, a proper lovely masculine man. I currently have him looking like Lewis Hamilton since he has the complexion but I'm torn with Idris Elba because that man is fine, but he doesn't look like he could be half gringo British
    July 23rd, 2013 at 11:06pm
  • It's going well.
    I took an unintentional break from it, but now I'm close to finally finishing up The Thrill is Gone and starting on Not With Haste. I'm excited for it since I've changed how I wanted things to happen. It'll be fun. And I'm thinking of having your character end up with Vera's cousin. He's the second son of the heir that passed away, and is an altogether lovely guy is a talented chef. Well, it's either him or Vera's other cousin who is a helicopter pilot and is highly decorated in his career.
    July 23rd, 2013 at 10:57pm
  • ahh
    that sounds lovely.
    By the way, have you seen the show Vikings?
    I finally watched it last week and its really fucking rad
    not to mention most of the guys are fucking hot
    July 23rd, 2013 at 09:24am
  • ooooo
    was this fairly attractive ginger a tall man?
    The other day I saw a ginger that looked like a viking and I just about fainted.
    He was so tall and so manly looking. umph!
    July 23rd, 2013 at 09:19am
    AMBER YOU ARE BEYOND HILARIOUS, if I could I'd marry you!
    hahahaha but seriously, that gif was just -AH!
    I lack the words to convey just how much I fucking cracked up. It was priceless and so the QUeen haha
    I love the one of "Her telling Harry that she and Paulina are cool" that one got me the most lol
    June 1st, 2013 at 10:20am
  • OMG
    and I'm a little faded so when I saw it I was like, "WTF?!"
    that seriously sobered me up a bit haha
    May 31st, 2013 at 06:02am
  • Ooh, I messed up with that. He was supposed to come out in the chapter I just posted, but then I hit the fifteen page mark and got frustrated, so I decided to post without it. He’ll come out in the next chapter though, and he won’t be the drama. It’s that pinche ginger that’ll have messed things up. I just want to introduce Francis so that I can integrate him into the story and set him up for his role later on. And yes! That man is just fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!
    May 17th, 2013 at 11:49am
    I got teary eyed while reading your comment and I want to give you a great big hug!!
    It does my heart well to know that curly headed fuck is being appreciated, and that on occasion, she helps remind of the good that's in politics. And there's so much good in it, it's just covered with those fucking Republicans that won't let anything good happen, and the spineless Democrats that are afraid of getting their hands dirty and being politically incorrect, but there are some people out there that are fighting the good fight, and strive to do well in the midst of the Washington nonsense. oooooo I'm going to stop my rambling now, once I start, there's no stopping me, and I'm tired because I went wrestling after three months of not going, and everything hurts and I must get some sleep.
    But you're the best, Amber!
    You have inspired me to write, write, write!
    I'm going to write through my community college classes tomorrow! :)
    May 14th, 2013 at 09:56am
  • And we're expected to be the sugar. Sweet and conveniently packaged.
    May 7th, 2013 at 11:47pm