hiboux / Comments

  • Gwen!
    I was so happy to log onto mibba and see that you had left a comment on the story. It's been so long since we've talked. How are you? I hope all is well! :)
    July 31st, 2017 at 12:44am
  • Believe me, I take that as a huge compliment and I hope that you have been doing a little writing here and there, because I truly do miss your stories!
    November 4th, 2016 at 04:28pm
  • Happy New Year to you to! Even though it’s nearly March . . .
    Awe thank you, Gwen! It always means a lot to hear that you’re still enjoying the story. I’ve got some more surprises up my sleeve and I’m finally making time to write it so I’m hoping to have a few chapters out by the end of next week.
    I’m doing well. Our winter was cut surprisingly short this year. We had nearly two months of lovely 50-60 degree weather. I say lovely because even though it was cold, the sun was still shining and it was just a good scene, but two weeks ago we got back into the eighties. It was literally ninety the other day, and I’ve never missed the cold so much. Other than that I’ve just been working and trying to use my Disney pass as much as I possibly can before April 19th, because I am not about to renew it. They upped my pass from $800 to a grand, and I love that place but their greed is just getting to be too much. Sorry for the ranting. I know it’s an idiotic thing to be mad about since people actually have real problems in the world, but I feel strongly haha.
    That’s completely understandable! You’re right, when you live alone you can do whatever you want. You can kick off your parents as soon as you walk through the door. You can get in as late as you want or be as loud as you feel like, but when there are roommates you have to be considerate of them. I’m glad to hear the people are lovely. Are they also in the same program as you? Haha you do say witty things and you have a rad humor. It’s always come across in your stories and I thoroughly enjoy it. I know this might sound weird, but Spanish from Spain is weird. They have those regional variations and things don’t always mean the thing that it means where you’re from, but I bet that as long as you’re making an effort to speak the language, the locals are appreciating it.
    Oh okay, that totally makes sense. I’m sorry to hear about your father, but I get why you don’t drink. It’s better not to.
    Did you enjoy Barcelona more or Madrid? And I googled Urederra, and you’re right! Did you jump into the river? I hope you did. That water looks so fucking blue. It looks like it’s been photoshopped. I’m jealous, Gwen! Have you done more exploring? For my part, I am beyond fucking stoked right now, because my sister and I booked our tickets and hotels for Ireland! So if you’re on the Emerald Isle between May 29-June 5, I’d love to buy you a steak!
    February 28th, 2016 at 11:28pm
  • November 8th, 2015 at 10:02am
  • That just makes me even more excited to write it! Hopefully I’ll be on that part of the storey before New Years. I want to finish up There Must Be a Way before December starts.
    Thank you so much for sharing that. It honestly makes me feel better about having changed my mind a couple times. It’s comforting to know that I’m not the only ones who’s veered off the original path. And you’re absolutely right. I tried to force myself to keep at it, but I was just making myself miserable and I couldn’t put myself through that.
    Haha I love it! I hope to one day be able to feast on that ham. So I googled La Rioja, and I must say it’s stunning. Are you roaming the fields and hiking? I hope you are. That landscape was made to be taken advantage of! And I have a question, have you always not drank or did you recently stop? I’m just always intrigued by people who don’t drink. I’ve cut back significantly in the last two years, but every once in awhile I get a little off my face.
    That is so awesome! It sounds like a great program, and the hours sound great. I mean obviously you have to prep, but even then, it’s still good. Oh my goodness Gwen! I can’t believe you winged it like that. I would’ve been freaking the hell out over where I was going to stay. Have you finally sorted the living arrangements all out? I’m sure you have since it’s been awhile, but still. That’s mental. How have things been going since we last spoke? Have you gone exploring? Met any interesting locals?
    Fuck. That does sound annoying and its way more tedious than it is in California. Here, you have to do a written exam, if you pass you get a learner’s permit and you have to drive with someone who has a license that’s over 18 years old. After that, you can take your driving test as soon as you feel comfortable and as long as you pass you’re given a regular driver’s license and can drive around on your own.
    They are! I’m in love with them and google them at least once a day to stare at them. I swear I’ve kind of turned into Gollum in regards to them, but I just want to take tea in the little parlor and quote some fucking Jane Austen. My sister’s also a big fan so she said she’d humor my request, which is nice. It would be! Now if only Amber could be in the area around the same time and it’d really be a party haha. That is crazy! What are the odds that you two would be the embassy in the same country? I hope your sister had a chuckle about it when she heard. But it would be rad though. I know you say you don’t drink, so instead of a pint I’d get you a nice cup of tea.
    November 8th, 2015 at 09:56am
  • No need to apologize, especially since you’re in Spain! That is fucking rad! What are you doing over there? Are you taking courses? Teaching? On an extended holiday? Whatever it is, you must give details. What part of Spain are you living in? And have you had any of that black foot ham? Because whenever I see it in travel channels my mouth waters a little.
    Since you said you’re okay with spoilers, I shall deliver the spoilers . . . There Must Be a Way is going to sort of rekindle the romance, the feelings that lay dormant shall catch fire again, but Paulina won’t walk away from Francis, she loves him too much. So the next installment (All of Me) will begin and fate will once again throw her and Harry together, and there will come a time when she will make the decision to leave politics and be with him, but – and this is because I think she’s too amazing and has too much potential to let it go to waste by simply being a duchess and because I feel that there is a genuine love and respect between her and Francis, I am going to write a spin off where she really does cut ties with Harry forever, and marries Francis and devotes herself to politics and even becomes President, because this is fanfiction and I feel that bitch should be president. Haha. Well those are the plans for the story. It won’t happen for awhile, but I’m excited and I’m glad that I will at least have one amazing reader following her political journey after it deviates from Harry completely.
    As for me, I already told you about moving which was the big highlight of the summer, and I’m still going to school, although when I was nearly done becoming an RN, I decided I didn’t want to do it anymore. I swear I can be so fickle sometimes, but I don’t know. I don’t want to work nights and holidays. I want to be able to have weekends off and time to do shit that I want, so I’m getting my associates in Spanish because I need to perfect my skills so that I can get certified by the state and work as a court interpreter. My boss has a couple contacts in the court system in San Bernardino county so hopefully within a year or two I’ll be doing that full time and won’t have to commute to LA everyday because I fucking hate the traffic. I’ve also been going to Disneyland a lot, since I’m not going to renew my pass when it expires. Those wankers are charging over a thousand dollars for the pass that I paid eight hundred for last year, and I am not about that life. And Universal Studios is almost done building their Harry Potter World so I am so fucking stoked for that, because I am filing my taxes early this year so I can blow my return there haha. And I’m excited for Halloween. I found this great flapper dress at the store, so naturally I had to buy a blonde wig and a headpiece to go along with it. I know I probably sound lame, but my friend is having a Halloween party tomorrow and I’ve been looking forward to it all week because I am going to get dolled up and hopefully the wig will stay in place.
    You need to tell me more about Spain! Have there been any attractive locals?
    More importantly, if you meet any that look like this you’ve got to pounce!

    October 24th, 2015 at 12:48am
  • Also, I love the fact that you said you’d be happy to read an entire series dedicated to Paulina in politics. Everyone is so obsessed with Harry and her ending up together, but she just has so much potential and I have some news I could relay, but it would be spoiler-ish. So if you’d like to know, just let me know and Ill tell you, if not, I’ll stay quiet :)
    October 6th, 2015 at 09:42pm
  • What do you mean you didn’t visit any cool places? You lived in Spain for eight months! I think that’s pretty fucking rad. And as for the Spanish, I think I’d have been in the same position. Spaniards speak so many different dialects that unless you’ve grown up there, you can’t truly communicate as well as you’d like, but I’m sure the locals appreciated the fact that you at least knew some Spanish.
    I believe you! I toughed out the heat during the day, because electricity is ridiculously expensive during the summer. So it was only at night, after seven when I would turn on the central air, because I refuse to sleep uncomfortably, but even then it hurt whenever the electric bill came. I swear I hate being an adult sometimes. I enjoyed not having to worry about utilities. We actually hit 114 this summer. Needless to say, I spent that day walking around my house in just a sports bra and shorts because I could not stand to put on proper pants and a shirt.
    I’m sorry to hear that your summer was so challenging. It’s never any fun to call your mom whining, but the good thing is that she’s at least there to listen. You’d think that by now we’d have kicked the procrastination habit, but I’m still like that whenever I have a paper or anything due. But what matters is that you finished those fifty papers and added a certificate! Congratulations, by the way. This is going to sound strange, but how was the driver’s exam? I’ve heard that it’s harder in Europe than it is in the US. Granted, I heard that from Top Gear so it might just relate to Finland, but I’m still curious.
    As for my summer, I mainly spent it working and the highlight of it was moving. I hate the fact that I left Venice, but we found a well priced house in Fontana so we just had to go for it. The heat is something I have to get used to, but I like the area. I was also going to get Mexico for a few weeks, but then shit got crazy over there so I went to San Francisco instead and I loved it. And as for the Ireland part, maybe I’ll see you there! My sister and I are planning on going either during June or July 2016. It’s going to be a trip to one of the motherlands. I found two hotels that I’m obsessed with. One is the Powerscourt Hotel and the other Carton House Golf and Spa Resort. My grandparents told me I was crazy for wanting to spend money when there’s a house waiting for us, but those places look like something out of an Austen novel. And you know I can’t resist anything remotely Austen looking.
    October 6th, 2015 at 09:39pm
  • It seriously has been!
    For my part, I’ve been good – incredibly hot, but good. I’ve never been so eager for fall weather to arrive. I’m hoping that it’s one last week of ninety and hundred degree weather before the seventies come out, because I would love to be a little cold. I even went up north to San Francisco to escape the heat for a few days. It wasn’t as chilly as I wanted, but it was nice. I always love going up there to have cheddar broccoli soup in a fresh bread bowl. It’s the best!
    How have you been? Did you enjoy your summer or visit any cool places?
    October 5th, 2015 at 07:27am
  • and it was a perfect gif!
    You can never go wrong with bunnies :)
    October 4th, 2015 at 11:05am
  • Basically trying to find time to type out the next chapter for GWTD and then I see you've been updating like a mad woman! Good for you! Even better for me because now I've got more th u ngs to read haha . Also I didn't realize how complicated Belgium addresses were until I got an order today for my jewelry from there . It made me think of you haha I assume the complicated addresses are to deter tourism and thus savor the beauty of Belgium. How is the new year going for you anyways?
    January 15th, 2015 at 10:54pm
  • Basically trying to find time to type out the next chapter for GWTD and then I see you've been updating like a mad woman! Good for you! Even better for me because now I've got more th u ngs to read haha . Also I didn't realize how complicated Belgium addresses were until I got an order today for my jewelry from there . It made me think of you haha I assume the complicated addresses are to deter tourism and thus savor the beauty of Belgium. How is the new year going for you anyways?
    January 15th, 2015 at 10:53pm
  • Thank you for saying that! Sometimes I worry that I might be boring readers with how much politics is involved in this story so hearing you say that you love it seriously means a lot. And thank you! I’ve been trying to make her a better version of herself and I figured that learning Mandarin was the next logical step. Well, it was either that or Arabic. And rest assured that there will be lots more interaction with Francis! So much so that I am both excited/dreading the day that I have to bring Harry back.
    January 11th, 2015 at 09:57am
  • And Happy belated New Year to you!

    Haha no need for that, even with spoilers I’m perfectly capable of enjoying a book or show. Now I’m even more excited. I can’t wait to learn more about this Julio and Alicia.
    I’m sorry to hear that the rain showed up and melted the rain. Hopefully it started snowing again and you got some decent coverage around your home that way you can have a proper snow day or two. haha that’s what everyone says, but sixties is so cold. I’m a sunshine kind of person! And the other day when I left for work, it was actually thirty-eight degrees and I had to go back into the house to get a thicker coat. I swear Southern Californians are absolutely useless when it comes to the cold. All anyone has talked about for the last few weeks is how we’re actually having winter temperatures this year. Last winter, we were in the seventies and eighties so this sixties and fifties business is a rude reminder that there is such a thing as seasons.
    It was great! And they were still doing their Fiesta Navidad thing so it was a lot of fun. We made it into a full family outing so we were the obnoxious group of twenty people that kept crowding everything but that was okay. I was just glad that the park wasn’t as crowded as I thought it’d be. We eat this thing called a rosca de reyes and there’s a little plastic baby hidden inside it and whoever gets the baby has to make tamales. It’s random, but I’ve always enjoyed it and whenever I get it, I always take the easy way out and just buy tamales because they take way too much time to make, and the one time I made them, they came out horribly.
    And before I forget, you went on a writing spree! I need to catch up. I just saw that you restarted The Lucky Ones! I know I said it in the comment you left, but I’m really hoping to read more of Fern :)
    January 5th, 2015 at 08:48am
  • Awe! Thanks so much, Gwen :)
    Now I’m even more intrigued. I like a good use of clichés, that’s why I enjoy novelas so much, and if it’s funnier and angstier than Downton, I have a feeling that I’ll be alternating between laughing and full on crying, because I swear Downton Abbey has left me emotionally exhausted on more than one occasion. This is going to sound silly and I know I should just watch the show already so I know who they are, but I’m trying to finish re-watching The Office first (my love of Jim Krasinski was recently rekindled and I just love him as Jim) before I move onto Gran Hotel, but back to my question, who are Julio and Alicia? Are they lovers? Also, Andrés is a total cutie. I just googled him and if he’s got a face look that and his character’s sweet, then I know I’m going to love him.
    I bet! I can’t believe you tackled Christmas Eve dinner on your own. Mad props to you for that. That is one dinner I shy away from, there’s so much work to put into it and all the tidying up to do, but I bet it was lovely to be able to sit down at the table with your family and feast on the food you made them. I can’t believe there wasn’t any snow though! I had seen on the news that there was quite a bit of snowing going on over there and figured that you must’ve gotten your fair share, but I guess it must be hanging back until later in the season. My Christmas was good. We spent Christmas Eve up north and then drove back to LA for Christmas Day. It was nice not having to make the tamales this year, I just showed up and feasted haha, but it was great. I love Christmas time, I seriously think it’s the best time of year and although it wasn’t as cold as it everywhere else, it was in the sixties (which is freezing by our standards) so everyone was bundled up and cozy. And now I’m looking forward to Three Kings Day because the whole family is going to go to Disney California Adventure for their celebration and it’s a lot of fun. And New Year’s is almost here which means I’m going to open up my tequila from Penjamo and finally indulge. I ration that like crazy and since my parents are visiting Mexico in mid-January I think it’s okay to get at it since they’ll be bringing bottles back.
    So did I! That astronaut said that his grandparents always talked to him about space and traveling and I was like they’re going to have beautiful babies, but then assholes killed him off. Mr. Pink was a lovely man, and I have to admit I shed a tear when he commanded the cyberman to self-destruct and when he sent the little boy through. He was an honorable man, and I like that. And speaking of things I like, Downton Abbey Season 5 is FINALLY going to air in the US! I’m so excited for it, and now even more because I got my brother and brother-in-law hooked! They kept saying that I was lame for watching it, but no one can resist Cousin Violet.
    December 30th, 2014 at 07:09am
  • I have a thief story of my own that I'm trying to work out . An all female team of con artists basically and they are forced to assist the government to recover something stolen from another nation.
    December 29th, 2014 at 12:15am
  • First off Grifters sounds amazing! You could certainly work it Godfather part 2 style and layer the story with two different generations of thieves. I love thieves too case in point ocean's 11 . Ha. I like the void story too. That'd be neat to see the emotional bits of it maybe their family reaction too? I'd read all of them now I'm going to wait impatiently til they come out
    December 29th, 2014 at 12:08am
  • Yes good! Haha I'm glad you're writing them out, I'm so excited about the prospect of those ideas . I say pursue it for sure, write to your heart's content! What are these ideas I'm curious, i always love your style of writing . It's so light and ethereal with the heaviness of fog.
    December 28th, 2014 at 11:22pm
  • Yes good! Haha I'm glad you're writing them out, I'm so excited about the prospect of those ideas . I say pursue it for sure, write to your heart's content! What are these ideas I'm curious, i always love your style of writing . It's so light and ethereal with the heaviness of fog.
    December 28th, 2014 at 11:22pm
  • Believe it or not, I actually have it on my Netflix queue. And now that you’ve recommended it, I’m even more excited to watch it! Do you have a favorite character on a show? And have you finished all three seasons?
    As for your second question, I’m doing well. I’m on winter break so no studying for a few weeks (thank heavens!) and work isn’t that stressful right now, since my boss is on vacation. All I have to do is show up to answer the phone and take down messages. Yesterday, I only had one call for him and I was there for a full eight hours. Its days like those that are my favorites haha. That reminds me, Happy belated Christmas! How was yours? And was there any snow? And have you seen the Doctor Who Christmas Special yet? I keep meaning to watch it but haven’t been able to yet and I’m still upset over Mr. Pink. I wanted that lovely man to marry Clara and have babies. They better bring him back somehow!
    December 28th, 2014 at 08:11am