hiboux / Comments

  • NauticalMile

    NauticalMile (200)

    United States
    You're such an enabler! Damn you! I'll see if i can spark it again. As for you post all the new stuff! Haha I have a lot too maybe I'll just send them to you va message so I don't have to make pages for stories.
    December 27th, 2014 at 11:20pm
  • NauticalMile

    NauticalMile (200)

    United States
    I'll delete all of those for ya! Haha

    I kid. Actually Dazed and Confused is one of my favorites. I still have in mind all i wanted to happen even a possible sequel. I had her getting sick from being there too long and all that. Also a way to get home and Sherlock possibly going with her (that's the sequel idea ) then she's sort of the new Watson. Ahhh you're making me want to finish it!
    December 27th, 2014 at 10:59pm
  • NauticalMile

    NauticalMile (200)

    United States
    Do it! That'd be great! I'll go kill everyone in my unfinished stories as well haha. I think I'd want to kill off so many characters. Just dead, everybody is dead, the end. But I'd write they're dead part in french and end with la fin. Because I'm classy. Then I'd laugh like the crypt keeper. What story would you want me to continue? U have so many unfinished things i wonder if i should just delete them.
    December 27th, 2014 at 10:14pm
  • NauticalMile

    NauticalMile (200)

    United States
    Yes! Yes! A million times yes! Just straight up go "and then they woke up..." which I've done before haha. I got to say I rely on supernatural elements just so i can bring them back. With Hard headed woman series, I really wanted to bring your character back. I still do for that sequel but it's rooted in reality now so i must bring ya back in hallucinations. Ya for crazy!
    December 27th, 2014 at 09:48pm
  • NauticalMile

    NauticalMile (200)

    United States
    I know exactly what you mean. I have thirty or more pages of ideas/jump starts for stories. It's all about zoning in on one which is what I'm trying to do. I'm pretty sure i avoid finishing the stories because being done gives me anxiety. I don't like ending them and parting with characters. Woe is me haha
    December 27th, 2014 at 07:42pm
  • NauticalMile

    NauticalMile (200)

    United States
    Yes! Glad you liked the update and hope your Christmas was lovely! I'm really excited for this story though. I've been typing it on my kindle no less! I'm determined to get it rolling because things have been far to mundane for Es and Jack. I do like to warn you that things aren't always going to be lovely just so you are prepared but yeah its going to get cool. I'm excited! Do you have any pieces in the works? Perhaps a sequel?
    December 27th, 2014 at 06:49pm
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    Haha I’m glad it gave you a laugh. It’s one of my favorite scenes in the films, and now I feel like watching the movies. Perhaps I’ll do that this weekend. A couple months ago, I indulged myself by buying the blu-ray box set but I haven’t gotten around to watching it, so maybe I’ll open it up, grab some sangria and enjoy.
    Hell yeah a jumper’s a long project, but I’m sure when you finish it it’s gonna look rad. By the way, that monkey came out so cute! Have you ever considered selling your knitting? I think you could make some good money from that. People always love hand made things. I know I do!
    I did, thank you! I got to watch a couple movies. I saw Fury and The Book of Life, and the previews for upcoming movies were so good! I honestly feel like I’m going to be spending all my weekends in December at the movies, except on Christmas day, because I think it’s a dick move for movie theaters to be open on Christmas day. The employees deserve a day off!
    October 29th, 2014 at 06:32am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    They are! And the worst part is that they always take forever to go away. If it was just a couple days I’d be fine, but they take weeks and it’s just so annoying. Thank you though. I’m feeling much better and I’m hoping that I’ll be completely better soon. I’m tired of wearing thick sweaters when it’s warm out.
    It is! And the best part is that one of the trips has an eight day vehicle rental included and the other one has train tickets. I mean, I know that the hotel is probably going to up their prices on food to try to break even on such a good deal, but that’s alright. I’m okay with paying for overpriced food, just as long as I can go to an authentic pub and get drunk. That’s a dream of mine! And I want to the Guinness brewery. A friend of mine went a couple years back when she was studying abroad in the Netherlands, and the pictures she shared were awesome. Especially the one of my favorite ginger Conan O’Brien! I will definitely let you know when I make that trip. It’ll probably be next summer since I have to save up and stupid bills always have to be paid, but I’m determined to take that trip!
    I know I shouldn’t laugh, but when you said that there’s no post so you can’t receive a rejection letter, I couldn’t help but giggle. Not at you though! It’s because I remembered Uncle Dursley from Harry Potter, and . . . yeah. Haha. Ah! I love your Saturdays. Books and time on the computer are such a treat, and I don’t mean that sarcastically. I truly do think so. I love having time to myself when I can just do that. Knitting? Are you making lots of scarves and hats right now? You’re such a lovely daughter! I’m sure your mum loves having you over on Sundays, and I’m sure she cooks some yummy food for you to have while you’re there. And since I’m replying on Sunday, I hope you had a rad weekend!
    Thank you. I did have a good time at work. I was afraid that since I took a few days off, it was going to be an absolute disaster, but thankfully the other assistant was on top of it, so there was nothing to freak out over :)
    October 26th, 2014 at 08:36pm
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    Also, thank you for the comment on The Thrill is Gone! I love that you enjoy how passionate she was about her studies and politics. I’m bringing that back in her full force in the sequels and while it’s not going to be as major a plot point in the Volver Volver sequel, it will be in the following one. And thank you, it’s honestly so rad to hear that you’re still into it even though its been so long since it was written
    October 22nd, 2014 at 10:14pm
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    Sorry for not replying sooner. I caught a bad cold and I was out of it for awhile, but I’m thankfully on the mend now and can use my laptop. Hoorah for that!
    Ah, that sounds lovely. Down here, we never get that. I mean, the leaves fall but there are never many of them and we don’t get chilly weather to walk around with. I remember that it used to be like that at Berkeley, and while the weather occasionally made me crazy, I used to love being able to walk around like that and to see actual seasons. Ah! Cookies! I fucking love cinnamon biscuits. Now, you’ve made me hungry and all I’ve got to eat is chicken soup and lentils.
    Haha we need to do it one day! It’d make for an epic story.
    Same here! I’ve been looking at this site called Groupon, and there are so many amazing vacation deals. There was an eight day trip to Ireland with the flight and hotel included, and it was only a grand. I know that it’ll probably be an uncomfortable economy flight seat but that’s such a good price. So now I’m just trying to save up, because I am determined to take that trip. And they have packages to Edinburgh and Paris and just – ah! I like to waste time on it when I have a free minute.
    My day has been good. I woke up fairly early today. I finally got off the Nyquil so I didn’t sleep twelve hours straight and was able to go out with my dogs for a walk, even though I got scolded for it since I’m supposed to stay home. But it was nice going outside and now I am going to spend my day catching up on stories and perhaps doing a little writing. I have to go back to work tomorrow and I feel up to it, so I’m hoping I stay that way.
    How about you? How have you been?
    Thank you! I just reread your comment and I’m glad that you appreciated the fact that Alistair had stuck with Harry in the dream. I just feel like they’ve got this beautiful relationship and although it is mostly formal, there are moments when it shines through that Alistair genuinely cares about Harry and wants what’s best for him. I feel that Alistair is very paternal in that regard, he’s filled the void his wife and daughters left, with Harry.
    How has the application process been going? Have you had any interviews?
    October 22nd, 2014 at 10:11pm
  • Lady.V.

    Lady.V. (960)

    Thank you very much for reccing my drabble Mirrors. Cute
    October 11th, 2014 at 12:46am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    That must be nice though. To actually feel that there’s a new season coming. I feel like we have an eternal summer, just with varying degrees, and while it is nice most of the time, it must be rad to see the leaves fall and to see snow set in and then to see spring burst forth! Ah! I keep thinking that we need to have ourselves a swap. You can live in California for a month and I’ll head out to Belgium. Yesterday, there was a travel special on PBS and it was Rick Steves in Belgium, and it was just so beautiful. I kept thinking that I just want to take a walking holiday through there. You should! You should definitely take the train to somewhere new and just have some drinks and good times. And make sure to take pictures of the lovely sights! And if there are any lovely gingery men, take discreet pictures of them haha
    That makes sense, because if you’re not completely in love with something at the store then you’re going to take it home and just hate it in your space. So it’s best to hold off on that. Hopefully you’ll find some rad pieces that catch your eye at the stores.
    I know, right? I honestly had to keep myself from telling her off, because like you said, you don’t do that. I have a friend who’s Japanese and Mexican, and her mom knew that I was allergic to fish(lies of man haha) and so one day she made shark fin soup. And I told her that I was afraid I might be allergic, but she said it wouldn’t do anything to me, so I ate the damn thing and I pretended that I really loved it and then she served me again and I ate it all, because if someone takes the time to make something for you, you’ve got to eat it. haha who knows! Maybe the Belgians and the Mexicans have some of the same sensibilities. I’m glad you feel the same though, because some of my friends just laughed at me. But I’m gonna laugh at them when they end up getting married and that stuff happens to them.
    It is. That kid was honestly driving me crazy. On several occasions, I finished briefings and files that he just had to take down to the printers we use to get them made into fancy little packets, but the fucker somehow managed to lose them and fuck everything up. I’m just so happy that he’s not my concern anymore.
    How have you been?
    September 28th, 2014 at 11:04pm
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    I know exactly what you mean. I feel like it doesn’t matter how much product or effort I put into it, it’s always gonna go back to being the messy curls I was born with. Like the other day, I spent an hour straightening my hair, because I figured that I wouldn’t wash it during the weekdays and I’d be set, but no, it is too fucking hot in Los Angeles. We’ve been in the high 90’s and on the day that I decided to straighten my hair for the rest of the week, it was a hundred degrees and in the time that it took me to walk from the parking lot to my first class, I had sweat up a storm and the frizz came back because people are not meant to live in this weather. Well, Australians are meant to live in this weather, but I swear they have evolved to that point. Sorry, I was rambling too much. It’s just disgusting, because even in Venice it was in the 80s and we’re always in the seventies, so it’s just been gross. And I’ve given up on my hair, I just pin it up and say fuck it.
    Congratulations on moving out! How are you settling into your new place? Have you finished putting your touches on it or are you still in the process of doing so? Sorry, I just love moving into a new place. I mean, I hate the actual moving and unpacking part but the decorating is always so much fun. Awe that’s adorable, and I don’t think you’re a baby. That just means you’re a good daughter. I don’t get people who can go entire weeks and months without talking to their parents. I seriously think there’s something wrong with people like that. But yes! That is adorable and I can just imagine you talking to yourself while you’re tidying up or reading. Haha
    You’re right. Those things do happen, and sometimes there are lean months but I’m confident you’ll be able to find a new job to cover your bills. But like you said, you have time to do other things now. And there is nothing wrong with spending time on the internet. That’s a beloved indulgence of mine :) Oooh, what kind of projects have you started? Are you building anything rad?
    There are a lot! I recently went through and saw what chapters I left off on so that I can start reading them. I meant to do so this weekend, but then the in-laws decided that they were dropping by for a visit so they had to be humored. And I swear I love them, I know people have worse mother-in-laws but I still haven’t forgiven her for this one time when they were staying over for like a week and Hector said that he wanted camarones a lo diablo, which is shrimp with a spicy red chili sauce. Now I’m not going to pretend that I’m a great cook when it comes to sea food, I fucking hate sea food with a passion but I still make it for him because he asks for it and obviously I’m gonna indulge him. So I went and bought what I needed and I was cooking in my little kitchen and when I finished making that I also made some mole because I wasn’t going to eat shrimp. But I digress, I served myself and his younger siblings mole, and then his parents and him had the shrimp. And I guess they didn’t come out right (I never taste the sea food though, I can’t. it grosses me out), but Hector ate it and so did his dad, they were being polite, but his mom straight up got a napkin and spit the food in it, and I was so insulted. And then I told her that I would serve her some mole with chicken and rice, but she went into my kitchen and made herself a fucking sandwich. And I know it probably seems ridiculous, but you can’t go into a persons kitchen and cook! I get that the shrimp sucked but the chicken and the mole sauce were delicious, and I swear sometimes I think I’m an old Mexican woman because I don’t think I’m ever gonna get over that. But anyway, that was a long rant. Sorry! I’m just so annoyed by that. But yes! They were here all day Saturday and left Sunday so I didn’t get to relax and read the way I wanted to, but I’m hoping to catch up on all that good stuff soon.
    As for how I’ve been, I’ve been good. The bad assistant that was just a fucking moron got transferred to another lawyer, and now there’s this new kid named Brian who is incredibly and does all his work and doesn’t annoy me, which is clearly the most important thing haha. But yeah, I’ve been working and going to school and a few weeks back I went to Berkeley and it was amazing. The weather was perfect and I was able to hang out with a few friends that are still up there. I swear, if it wasn’t for all that damn rain they get up there, I’d make the permanent move, but I’m just too much of a Southern Californian. I need sunshine! Even though I complain about how hot it is. Also, I’ve been going to Disneyland a lot. I’m putting my annual pass to good use and I’m so excited to take my nieces during Christmas time because Disneyland during Christmas is my favorite fucking place ever!
    September 16th, 2014 at 09:32am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    First things first, I fucking love your haircut. The bob is seriously working for you, and I bet it must feel great to not have so much hair, although I must say that I’m always envious of people who have long hair but it needs so much maintenance and short hair is so fresh and easy!
    Now that I’ve said that, your random rambles made me tear up a bit. I’m so happy that you understood why I ended things this way. I was terrified that people were going to hate it and feel like I hadn’t been true to Harry and Paulina, but reading that you felt it was right and the characters grew while still retaining their essence – ah! It made me choke up a little, and my puppies think I’m a little crazy, but that’s okay, because to have a writer that I adore say that about my writing, was fucking awesome. And also, I’m stoked that I made you laugh and cry and took you on that emotional rollercoaster, because I’ve taken myself on it. This story was never supposed to be 118 pages long and with four sequels on the way. It was supposed to end sadly and that was it, but these characters – you know how it is, they take on lives of their own.
    And it is crazy. I didn’t realize it had been three years until I saw the publish date on the story info page, and I tripped out. Because like you said, these characters have been around for so long. I remember countless nights when I was stressed over school or crying over relationship trouble, and I wrote to forget, and ahhh now I’m the one that’s rambling, but yes, it has been three years. And even longer since our days on quizzilla. Amber and I were actually just reminiscing about that.
    Also, you’re quite the multitasker. I honestly don’t think I could’ve been talking to my mom and reading a story at the same time. You deserve some cookies for that!
    And now that I’ve finished this story, I’m going to take a little break and catch up on all the great stories that I’ve neglected. There are so many updates for your stories that I need to read and that’s what I plan to spend my weekend on! It’s going to be grand :)
    And now that I’ve said all that, how are you, Gwen? It’s been ages!
    September 11th, 2014 at 07:56am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    I just realized I never replied to one of your comments and I feel like a massive idiot . . .

    I feel you though. It’d be nice to have an entire year (paid, of course) off from work. That’s the perfect vacation time or at least a solid month to have spread out across the year. Though I’d sit through 24hrs of Fox News if it meant I could get two months vacation. Sorry, I just really like vacations and think we don’t get enough of them!
    I’m hoping that by now you’ve gotten over your cold, but with the weather the way it is, you might’ve gotten sick again. I know I’ve been sick twice within the last month and a half. It hasn’t been pleasant. Ugh! That’s horrible. I get that your body understands that you have the “time” to be sick, but it’s such a pain. You could be out enjoying yourself, instead you have to be nursing a cold.
    Exactly! Finally someone who understands. 80% of it is all the boring stuff that’s mandatory and you can’t get away from, and you do it all in hopes that that 20% will be rad and you’ll get to have fun and travel and go on adventures, but you can’t get enough time to go on proper adventures and do far off traveling and ahh. Fucking hell dealing with the electric company sounds like a fucking nightmare. It sounds like they weren’t operating their business right.
    Gwen, I am jealous of your home! So very jealous! I’m imagining all those beautiful pictures you used to pick and a lovely little house in the middle of it and I’m jealous and I will offer you my place and one of my puppies (Jane, because Aden is a momma’s boy) if I can roam around there in the Spring. It truly does sound beautiful though. I’m imagining these long, slow strolls through the country and sitting under trees with a good book. That is heavenly. And you should definitely take a picture from the living room! I’m sure even without the leaves, it’ll all look lovely.
    The same thing happens to me. I always tell myself that today will be the day I catch up on Gwen’s updates, but something always comes up, and even right now, I’m battling Nyquil since I’m fighting off a cold. Oh well. I’m trying to get some alone time on Sunday, so I’m definitely going to catch up then :)
    February 18th, 2014 at 07:13am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    Thank you for saying that you love that Paulina’s work is important to her. It truly means a lot to me, because I have one reader that consistently complains about everything that Paulina does. They’re still angry that she’s at Harvard and that she doesn’t just follow Harry around, and to hear that you appreciate that she’s still her own person means a lot to me! Ah! Thank you, Gwen :) You’ve honestly just made my night. And I’m sorry that I didn’t reply in so long. I’m going to blame it on adulthood conspiring against me!
    February 4th, 2014 at 08:05am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    It has been! And I have a middle aged Mexican woman to blame for my absence, but she’s left and I’ve returned! I’m doing well. A bit sad that the holiday season has gone, it feels like Christmas went by really fast this year, but I’m doing good. Just waiting for classes to start up again, which will be nice since I’m not taking too heavy of a course load. How about you? How’ve you been?
    Neither do I. I feel like on any given day either you or Amber had updated, or me and one of you lovely ladies had updated. It was a good time, and I’m sure all the readers enjoyed it, though I think I enjoyed it most when you two updated haha. The oneshot were insane! I still remember the one you wrote for me about Fred Weasley. Oh, how I cried! It was such a lovely piece of fanfiction.
    That’s insane! I honestly thought you were enjoying a lovely white Christmas with snowmen and snowball fights. Ah. That sort of rain. It’s alright, annoying rain deserves rambles, and weather like that is hell, because like you said, people keep getting colds and their bodies are just all out of the whack because the weather refuses to cooperate.
    Staying with family’s always nice. There’s a guarantee of delicious food to much on. That sucks though that you weren’t able to move in sooner. Are you moving far from where you’re currently living or is it in the same general area? But yeah, being an adult is such a pain. I mean, I rent out my parents little guest house, but even then, keeping house and making sure there’s food and that everything’s working properly, it’s a pain. When I imagined being an adult, I imagined it a bit more exciting, and a lot less to do with trips to the local home improvement store to put a shelf or fix the toilet or find a cleaner that’ll get a stain out of the carpet. Bah! Sorry, my puppies had an accident the other day, and I swear it took three different cleaners to do away with it, but I’m sure you don’t want to hear about that. but as for my new years, it was nice and quiet. I went over to his relatives house in the morning, then spent the evening with mine, and then there were some lovely edibles to ring in the new year with and that was fun. Happy belated New Year to you! You updated so much stuff! I’ve got to get reading!
    January 3rd, 2014 at 09:29am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    Ugh. I hate the fact that it’s not always rad. I hate the fact that it’s not even rad at least 80% of the time. I mean, being an adult is good sometimes, but having to pay for things out of pocket and be responsible for yourself is overrated. I miss the days when we could write updates like mad. Those were good days. There was always something new to read and the oneshots seemed neverending. Ah! Sorry! I’m getting nostalgic over here. But yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t respond sooner. I think it’s been over a month, but my mother in law showed up and she just wouldn’t leave, but she’s gone (finally) so now I’m actually going to have peace and be able to write. And I hope that you had a great holiday season with enough snow for a white Christmas but not so much snow that you weren’t able to enjoy yourself :)
    How are you, btw? Any fun plans for New Years?
    December 28th, 2013 at 10:38am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    Believe me, I almost gave up as well.
    I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to get back in the groove of writing since it had been so long, but thankfully watching a few episodes of The Paradise was enough to get me going.
    I just read your blog, and I’m sad that you and Amber haven’t been able to update :(
    I still have loads of your updates to catch up on! And I’ve scheduled a day to go on a reading spree.
    On Sunday, I’m going to have the day to myself (finally), and I’m going to get myself some oh so delicious sweet bread and hot chocolate, and just read those lovely updates. I really can’t wait to see what Aimee and Rufus are up to, and Fern and Thom, as well!
    Also, I’m going to be praying that you get hit with inspiration again!
    November 8th, 2013 at 07:34am
  • ScreamingIntheNight

    ScreamingIntheNight (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the comment on The Pheonix and the Moon :) I keep forgetting about that one for some reason and I wish I wouldn't.
    October 3rd, 2013 at 11:14pm