When the coffin shakes and the needle breaks, come right away with me.

I'm Lois, I'm sixteen and this is where I post all my stories. Feel free to ignore me or leave me a message, this account isn't used all that much.

send me a comment


date: june 3rd, 2012.
time: 10:57pm
mood: irritable, tired.
doing: writing, texting.
thoughts: I've ruined my diet.
music: elite - deftones
updates: layout, new story- shade of blue.

reads (tbc)

story title.
characters: boy & girl.
chapter: #1; chapter title.
status: very active.

story title.
characters: boy & girl.
chapter: #1; chapter title.
status: completed.

story title.
characters: boy & girl.
chapter: #1; chapter title.
status: indefinite hiatus.

story title.
characters: boy & girl.
chapter: #1; chapter title.
status: very active.

story title.
characters: boy & girl.
chapter: #1; chapter title.
status: completed.

story title.
characters: boy & girl.
chapter: #1; chapter title.
status: indefinite hiatus.

come on you'll see once and for all.

layout by allyssa@lieslikelullabies. | photo credit: lauryn holmquist.