Zodaic Signs

Okay, you're all probably not interested, but I need to post this somewhere because I creeped myself out. I took a quiz on facebook about Zodaic signs which was helarious!!! And i loved my result in the end, because it was helarious and gave me a good giggle for about ten minutes.Besides the point, in my moment of curiosty, i searched Zodaic compatability, sad i know :/ but anyway, I compared my...
August 19th, 2009 at 07:21pm

help me

okay so i have tons and tons of coursework due in from last year. BUT that's not the point as to why i am here.the reason i am writing this journal is because one of the pieces of coursework that i am missing from last year is my creative writing.basically a story, or some form of descriptive text, but i'm gonna go with story because theres countless rules and regulations that come with the...
January 19th, 2009 at 03:27pm

OH HELL NO!! (a grey's anatomy rant)

i'm sorry maybe it's just me. But has anyone actually thought about how absolutely stupid it is that Brooke Smith (Erica) is being dismissed from grey's anatomy? It's so absolutely stupid, i can't actually believe it.She's been in the damn programme for 2 seconds and she's already being taken out.they say they "can't write for her character anymore" WTF!?! if you can't write for a character you...
December 19th, 2008 at 08:43pm