
First, this starts off with me saying: I'm bi.Just had to get that out there.Because I like this girl. And it's kind of complicated. I mean, I'm pretty sure she's straight. She's always telling me that and thinking I'm accusing her of not being (Like today, we had this conversation, and I was asking her what was up with her making a bunch of lesbian comments lately, like if someone says something...
November 19th, 2011 at 03:32am


Okay, this is to apologize for not updating ANY of my stories lately, to those of you that read them. What's been happening is that, now I'm always on my school laptop, and like, at home, NOTHING works, not even this site, which seriously sucks.But there's not I can really do because at school I'm normally doing work and have no time to actually update. The only reason I have any time to do THIS...
September 9th, 2011 at 04:43pm

Korn/Disturbed Concert, Chamberlain Competition, and other things That go in my mind

Okay, first offI had the best experience EVER on Sunday. I went to the Korn/Disturbed concert in Brookings. It was AWESOME!So, here's the lineup and my opinions on them:StillWell-Sadly, Travis, Theo and I only got in there in time to just hear their last song. It sounded like they were a really amazing band.In This Moment-This band was AWESOME! You almost never see a FEMALE lead singer of a metal...
March 25th, 2011 at 01:10am

That stupid four letter word.

There's this guy...Wow, this seems to be like it'll be annoying, but I have to tell SOMEBODY and I can't talk to anybody around me, because everybody is ignoring me tonight it seems.But, I really like this guy. I think I even love him. His eyes make me smile and his laugh stops my heart and oh god, don't get me started on his smile. I mean, I like him so much that it hurts my heart so bad when I...
March 9th, 2011 at 02:33am


Don't you just hate it when your friend blames you for starting a fight?Like, I was talking to her and, as kind of a joke, I put my status on myyearbook as "feels betrayed". I did this because a while ago she had told me that "she only added people she trusted on facebook." and then I go to her profile on facebook and see that she added two people in our class that aren't even our friends.So yea,...
January 17th, 2011 at 02:27pm