about myself

~TAKEN~ he's wonderful bisexual I like guys more female. obviously.

My name is Lauren. =] I'm pretty sarcastic, I like to laugh at people and I have horrible language. I can be rather random and ramble on about some useless topic. I live in Florida with my two dogs, Athena and Qotu.

My nicknames include Ren, Lori/Laurie, Spencer, Kitten, Sex Pixie ;D, Tiger. Feel free to call me any of the above. Or just my real name. =]

Oct. 17 ~ Libra

One question. One honest answer. You can ask me one questions [TO MY INBOX] about anything, no matter how crazy, dirty, publicly indecent, embarrassing or wrong it is. No catch, I will answer, but I dare you to post this to your profile and see what people ask you...

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