
I've had this void. This really huge, gaping void that you left when you told me we were friends.My stomach has been doing flips since that day. Flips on empty. Like there's been a hole burned through the lining on my stomach and the acid is spilling on my insides. Burning. And that's not the only emptiness I've felt. I feel like my heart isn't where it is intended to be anymore. I feel like it's...
September 22nd, 2010 at 05:43am

This is What You Want

My name is Veronika.No, that's a lie. My name is Veronica and I am in love.Which sounds just as stupid in writing as it does when I say it to myself. Myself only, because I'm too scared to say it to the boy in person.I don't think I've ever honestly believed in real love. I'm seventeen though so, what do I honestly know about the subject.Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.When I was thirteen, I convinced...
August 22nd, 2010 at 09:07am

Morning Thoughts.

This was mainly a journal of thoughts I had during my first period this morning. It's similar to my "5th Period" entry I did a while back.I detest my first period. English bores me. Not moreso than my instructor, though. His appearance is simply bland. Tall, pale man with greying hair. To make his lack of visual interest worse, he has an even less amusing, monotonous tone. His attitude is severely...
October 16th, 2009 at 09:52am

Fifth Period.

I wrote this in my fifth period after my Algebra final. I thought my train of thoughts was interesting, so I'm posting it here.The guy in front of me in my math class. He has a sweater with this design that my ex had on one of his shirts. Everytime I see him wear it, I want to stab him. I hated that shirt.I hate my ex.I just finished the final. Early, I guess. There's 25 minutes left. It wasn't...
January 23rd, 2009 at 12:15am

Waiting for an Opportunity

Okay, so basically my life here stands as such:1. My ex-boyfriend hates me, there's no simpler explanation to it than that. What's worse is that I miss having the friendship we did. I wish I could just talk to him to clear some recent things up.2. I'm stressed about school. I have one D and my coordinator is most likely going to be on my ass about it tomorrow. I'm not to have anything below a C....
November 19th, 2008 at 06:45am

new beginnings....

Well I am once again at the beginning of a new week. This is gonna be a new beginning for me. I know I have promised that to myself over a thousand times last year, but I never went through with it. But hell, I'm in high school now. I'm not gonna mess this year up. I have had enough people in my family mess up their education because they wanted to be stupid. So I just have to keep focused on...
December 10th, 2007 at 11:28am