

Hi I am Hannah, as you may have noticed : ) I think I have a wicked cool name but you can disagree. I only like it because it spells backwards as well as forwards.
I think I should give you some details about myself because you have either actually bothered to search for me or found me on accident or you are a friend of Hayley's. She's on this thing too.
I am not the type of person you would normally find on here becaue frankly I think I have terrible writing skills but I do have the knowledge to write a story. It's just my paragraphs or commas are all over the place so in advance, I am sorry. Atleast I am trying : )
I drive, I go to University because one day I want to be a successful teacher.
I have always loved "rock" music. I remember when i used to wear big trousers with chains aha. Those days are long gone but anyway... I still listen to rock. None of that speed garage rubbish though. It is terrible. Sorry if I have offended you.
If you want to know more just holla at me or add me. I don't bite.
By the way people, I am new to this thing. Don't be harsh!

No one bothers to find out who or what you are. Instead they invent a character of you"