I Hate You..I Like You...

I'm tired of being your rebound girl. Mick, you tell me you like me-but you won't show it. How do you expect me to believe something thats not shown. I hardly see you, when we text one of us always finds a way to ruin the conversation. Im not very proud of that..But just what can i do? I saw you at the game..Way to make me feel welcomed, thanks for that. Explain the dramatic look you gave me. Im...
September 10th, 2011 at 08:04am

Lost Alone

Few Months Ago I Would Continuously Think: : : How Is It, I'm The Only One Thats Left Alone, 24/7? No One Cares About How I'm Really Feeling-They Never Ask, Thinking All Is Fine, But Its Quite Funny How They All Make Me Feel Wanted When They Need It. It Hurts To Know That My 'Bestfriend' Is One Of Those That Dont Bother To Ask, Or At Least Seem To Care. Sometimes I Feel Im Alone In This World,...
March 21st, 2011 at 06:08am


So Ima Normal Teen, I Admit To That.I Scream&Fight Laugh&Cry..You Know Just What Every Other Teen Would Do To Get What They Want.Im Currently Single,But There Is Definitely A Boy Who Got My Attention..Haha Pretty Crazy How That Happened..I Barely Started Talkin To Him A lot More.But It Is Pretty Awkward Considering My Ex,Is His Bestfriend..I Guess Im That Mest Up I Fell For The Boys...
March 5th, 2011 at 07:07am

He'll Never Know..</3

How do i tell him i can't go a dayy without him runnin thru my mind?? Or possibly tell him that he's changed my life drastically. Anthony was probably the first guy i started likin in the beginnin of high school at least :/ it was goin so well witout him knowin how i felt but it turns out i trusted the wrong person maybe for too long and she told him. Makin our friendship end, mayb it was supposed...
September 27th, 2010 at 04:46am