Koiochi Academy First Chapter

I Finished my first chapter as you can tell. I have edited this chapter approximately five times. Why? Well, I first had this story on my handheld. and as i was re-typing it onto my laptop, i edited some of it. and when i put it on quizilla, i edited it some more, and then i put it on fiction press, and then gaia, and then went back to fictionpress, and now here it is today.Even though I edited it...
December 19th, 2009 at 10:48pm

Welcome to Mibba!

Hello. I just joined the Mibba community. I used to go onto quizilla but ever since it went through that big change, I've been trying to look for another site. For a long time, I stopped looking and stuck to writing in journals. But then I started looking again and found out a lot of quizilla-ers (if that's even a word) came to Mbba.Since I'm new, I might need a little help on things but I'll...
December 18th, 2009 at 03:30am