purplebull / Comments

  • hahaha, well then.. hehe Happy belated birthday to you (:
    There's this kid in my class in school and he has the same
    birthday too.
    December 4th, 2010 at 11:56pm
  • Hahaha ohhh Americans.... They just really live inside their own bubble, it's nice in a way. We used to house exchange students and my favorite thing was just watching them realize we don't own kangaroos and koalas are actually fairly viscous. Being passenger to the ones old enough to drive on the right hand side... It's just the funniest.
    I do love taking people to the beach for the first time though. I can't imagine never seeing one!!

    Hsuan well do an exchange just so I can see America, I want to feel the Arizona sun and swim in California, lose my money in vegas and get lost in new York. Amazinggggh!!! Hahah

    Oh wow, I've been to Bali and Thailand.. That's as far as my travels.but I'm a citizen in England due my dad :)
    November 29th, 2010 at 08:20am
  • People are seriously the biggest hypocrites ever!!! I'm just glad I'm the kind of person who isn't easily offended. I don't follow the crowd so to speak haha.

    Oh my god!! Somebdoy not from the commonwealth who just gets the metric system!! It's the most annoying thing in the world!

    Oh my mum won't let me move out, ever. She's very much the same'- has to have us all around all the time, only she slowly let's us drift haha.

    Usually mount bullet is amazing, there's a few local places. Kind of try and shake it up every year.

    What about you? Any favorite places to travel?
    November 29th, 2010 at 05:02am
  • Exactly and that not everybody is going to sugar coat everything. Somethings people won't ever agree on, why not allow your opinion to be heard.

    Oh it's so so crazy!!
    Right now it's just on midday and already it's 31 degrees, which is like...87 in your system. It's not even summer yet haha!!

    Snow, it's just... Wow! My family used to go all the time in winter. Now I'm old and independent I usually call a road trip with my friends and we go stay up in a cabin or something. It's amazing.
    November 29th, 2010 at 02:25am
  • Incredibly true. I understand completely there's a degree where I have to know when to keep my mouth shut. But on matters of my opinion why not say what I think hahah....

    It's just so weird!!!
    I can't ever imagine having A white Christmas. Over here we sit outside eating seafood and go down to the beach. New years I go camping down near this river and yeah I don't get out of my gathers because it's so hot hahaha. I would kill for a white Christmas though
    November 28th, 2010 at 12:40pm
  • Haha my mum lectures me on the things I say All the time. She worries that I'll offend somebody or say the wrong thing haha.

    Ha, well it's based this time last year, so it's pretty much December 09- around feb 10. It's so strange and confusing how the seasons are so opposite depending on where you are in the world...
    November 28th, 2010 at 06:51am
  • Very true, just things that I have to keep my own without sharing with the woe ya know... I think it'll make more sense when it's over as to why :)

    Haa no, none of this happened in summer. Over here summer in December-feb, so all this is just the months before ya kno. The next chapter is the beginning of summer...

    Oh good. I can't really rush this at all haha there's far too many things hat happened.
    November 27th, 2010 at 12:12pm
  • Exactly!
    Some parts I probably won't write about at all, just because they're too raw still ya know.

    But so far the two chapters are exactly what happened just before the summer. There's one more to go before it sort of starts, I have a feeling it'll be slow....
    November 27th, 2010 at 03:09am
  • Uh I hope so!
    I'm not really sure how close to the truth I want it to be or whether I want to play with it a bit :)
    November 25th, 2010 at 12:41pm
  • favourite stories?
    UM, MINE?
    nah nah I kid.
    what're you into?
    November 22nd, 2010 at 01:53am
  • Chapter one of the new project is up... Just to see what people think so far.
    It's thrilling and scary all in one, it's amazing!
    November 21st, 2010 at 01:23pm
  • I am very excited, it's kind of like a therapeutic approach to deal with some things that happened. :)

    Oh gosh I didn't think I'll ever write something cliche and undaring. I just love the satisfaction of shocking people far too much haha
    November 20th, 2010 at 10:11am
  • Hahaha well it's safe to say I know I definately got attached to the hero in my next story :)
    I wrote the first 3 chapters and I'm liking it so far, hopefully it's not a flop!!

    Oh gosh I HATE unrealistic. I knew as soon as I started an arranged marriage kind of story that I didn't want it to be cliche and have them fall in love.
    I hate damsels in distress; that quiet no hoper. They're my pet hate hahha you'll never find them in my stories I promis.

    I think love Is a nice concept to think about, It's cute to think about my parents being in love since they were 16 and all but it's just not for me. And I think writing this next story kind of makes me realise and understand why :)

    Don't appologise I love long comments :)
    November 19th, 2010 at 06:09am
  • Oh my god! I could seriously NOT believe I got an actual death threat. Like I copped the "if he's dead I'll kill you" ones but this was like a crazy person threatening to find me and my family haha psycho!!! 
    But yes I understand what you're saying completely. I can't handle things being too far fetched or unrealistic. This is fiction yes but it doesn't mean it can't have a bit of realism to it ya know...

    Oh gosh, I've never gotten attached to characters... Like I've  been left with aching hearts over the storyline but never really needed a character to survive. I don't know how people are going to take my next little project if they're like this I've MTTM... Ethan was based a fair bit of the main boy in it...

    I used to be soooo anti-love hated everything about the idea. I'm not so bad now I just choose not to fall in it. Too risky for mento deal with haha. I think they got reflected in the story a bit...
    November 18th, 2010 at 07:09am
  • Hahahahaha, I had to know I'd get a rise from you when I addmitted that.
    Well in fairness I didn't write it just to kill him off and I did change a lot from my previous ideas.
    Basically, I didn't want them to seem invincible, this is a story about the mafia after all. And I'm quite cynical, I don't believe in falling in love and all of that. Plus how many stories have you read on mibba with a strong female protagonist that has to face harship and heart break in the most tragic situations.
    Even though I said it in the end of one of my chapters, I always knew he'd come back. I just had to find out how important he was to readers :)
    Im cruel I know.
    November 18th, 2010 at 12:05am
  • Haha thank you :)
    I kind of started the sequel with the idea that Ethan would die and I just worked from there, like I always knew it was going to happen I just didn't know if he was going to stay dead. And then Harry Gordon popped up and boom. Had an idea that's got me writing so many chapters in advance...

    I'm driving myself insane, I'm like "yeah take it one chapter at a time it'll be fine!" yet I'm siting here right now racking my brain for a good ending hahah.

    You're far too nice!!!!
    November 17th, 2010 at 11:12pm
  • Why thank you :)
    I thought I'd mix it up a bit and well Harry Gordon was a massive deal over here and it seemed like a good twist.

    That's what I'm thinking. Just be chill and let it flow... I just hope it doesn't end suddenly or stupidly...
    November 17th, 2010 at 10:30am
  • I'm hoping by putting in that huge clue I haven't ruined anything for anybody. But I think what will actually play out may shock and awe a few people... Hrmm I just don't want to give all these people too much haha.

    I have the BIGGEST problem, I have no idea at all how to end it. Yet I know it's coming to a slow dreary close as we speak... Hrmmmmmm
    November 17th, 2010 at 12:23am
  • Hahaha.
    Well like anything I would be so sure ;)
    My mind is too flippant with ideas so not even I know what I'm really doing withthis
    November 16th, 2010 at 08:05am
  • Haaaaaa!
    Genius :)
    November 16th, 2010 at 01:51am