kissmetoofiercely / Comments

  • ohdangletsbang

    ohdangletsbang (100)

    Hah that's exactly me! I eventually forget lol
    December 28th, 2010 at 07:46am
  • ohdangletsbang

    ohdangletsbang (100)

    I write about everything. Mostly about reality and life, about the past or the future. And I can write I just don't think I would stick to a story...I'm lazy as heck xD And eventually the inspiration fades.
    December 28th, 2010 at 07:36am
  • ohdangletsbang

    ohdangletsbang (100)

    really? i have no stories lol
    or anything.
    i basically made this page to read stories,
    but perhaps in some near future i'll post my short stories up.
    December 28th, 2010 at 07:18am
  • ohdangletsbang

    ohdangletsbang (100)

    I'm well! Watching Discovery Kids with my bro and listening to music. you?
    December 28th, 2010 at 07:06am
  • ohdangletsbang

    ohdangletsbang (100)

    Helloo you!(:
    December 28th, 2010 at 06:55am
  • auden

    auden (650)

    United Kingdom

    If you are recieving this comment it is because I am missing an entry for my contest "Tattoo Mania.' If you need to drop a spot or drop out completely please let me know in the contest thread, with the numbers you wish to drop.

    The deadline has been extended until the 13th and I will start judging on the 14th.

    Good luck and I can't wait to read what you write!
    December 3rd, 2010 at 08:12pm
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    dude! thats exactly what i thought! cuz i knew i already wuz gunna have to skip 2, and i always find out about more, so its like,...yeah. our minds really are in sync, huh? lol
    lol, thats always awkward. but its good if hes awkward, i guess. cuz its like, "um, mr.___, im on my peri-" "okay, okay!! you can sit out today!" lol. although, ive never had a male pe teacher, so.. and no, only two years. but i think i might want to stay in it for all four, but like, other pe classes where we dont have to run the mile haha. you?
    ah!! so much drama!! haha. this is why i stay away, lol. so much simpler. but i really hope everything gets better for you guys. keep me updated, yeah?
    i know wutcha mean, sista! like, i only really joke around my other friends..and its really kewl that you get what i mean, and kinda feel the same way, because i told one friend that before, and she just looked at me like i needed to go to the mental hospital, haha.
    i read the article xD its so amazing! and its like, trying to convince your parents "mom, its better to get it profesionally done, cuz then its less likely to get infected. im sure you dont want me doing it myself, behind your back, cuz you said no, and me dying from my stupid teenage ways..." lol, but my mom would kick my arse for that one >.< im still trying to convince her for the industrial!
    and im fianlly starting to rewrite WIB, and its like, the same past but SO different. it will most likely now be called "The Voice Of Silence" and i hope to get started on, literally right now, haha. im really excited, though, its going to be a big improvement. well, i hope so anyway. wunna see the sumary so far?
    November 18th, 2010 at 08:55pm
  • stained glass eyes

    stained glass eyes (150)

    United States
    Oh and this one.
    November 16th, 2010 at 11:46pm
  • stained glass eyes

    stained glass eyes (150)

    United States

    That's my page :)
    November 16th, 2010 at 11:34pm
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    me toooo. even though it takes me forever to respond
    ahhh. i would love to, but im so fuckin busy right now. im actually kinda glad i didnt make basketball (tryouts were today and saturday) because then i can focus more on my homework, and i can go to more concerts haha
    ohmygod, i know! its actually okay this year, but last year it was cut completely in half. and i akways got stuck against the girls who just stood there, so it wasnt even any competition. the only good thing about last years PE class was that the teacher would let you make up the mile if you were on your period haha
    ahhh. im sorry, but i hate situations like this. if you know he would leave you if he found out about the real you, then break it off with him. cuz right now, youre wasting your time and his. and thisll sound super cheesy, but youll find someone that is better for you and that will like you for who you truly are
    i completely know what you mean. and its really weird, because im more comfortable sharing with strangers than with people im close with. cuz like, with a random person, i can get what i need to say off my chest and im never going to see them again. theyre not going to treat me differently, because they dont effing know me. but all my friends would change around me, and i dont want that.
    but yeah.... HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY (again lol) and i'll read that article right now :D
    November 16th, 2010 at 03:07am
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    lol, i know. after i posted it i looked down and was tempted to add another comment saying "holy shit, thats a reeeallly long comment" lol.
    duuude. that sounds really awesome. and super original idea, too. is it just like...i dont know how to phrase this but, like... an "organization" or whatever, or a competition?
    well im glad hes getting better :D
    D: no fair. my pe class is all girls. they only go coed for weights
    that sounds kewl. i cant really say much because im not a fan of the beatles, but i have been obsessed with covers lately. quite possibly the best one : kiss me through the phone by a midsky surrender. check it out haha
    yeah, unfortunately. and did you hear the FANTASTICAL NEWS?!?!?!? ronnie gets out deceeember 18thhh. woo!!
    hmm. well like, id just start being the real me around him. because right now it sounds like hes not really liking you, but someone else because youre not being yourself. or if youre more confrontational than me, talk to him about it.
    duuuuude. thats so. fucking. awesome. you should totally send me the article, because i am officially tattoo obsessed.
    just...gah. like, she was never really my "biffle" and i dont really feel like im close to any of my friends, cuz i can never see myself going to them to talk about anything serious. or maybe im just untrustworthy, which is deffinitly a possibility...but yeah, idk. sometimes its just like...i dont know why im here, y'know? all i do is wake up, go to school, do my homework, and get yelled at multiple times by my mom. its like i dont even see any direction my life is headed sucks major monkey tits, dude.
    November 7th, 2010 at 05:08am
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    gah!! >.< i iz sowwy, again
    i know its like.. fucking realize we dont understand what your saying already!! jeez
    ohmygod i know. but i have to get up at 5 - 5:30 am anyway. which is REALLY difficult. *sigh* i hate it when you start to feel as if you NEED eyeliner and mascara, or else id be sleeping in way later haha.
    um...i cant say i have, seeing as i dont know what "NaNoWriMo" is. enlighten me, please?
    aww. dont worry, ive never won either. *winces* jeez, i havent written anything for such a long time. im suck a bum :/
    :O ohmygod. is he okay? i'll pray for him. what kinda situation is he currently in?
    LOL i know wutcha mean. you love your friends, but when they think theyre the shit theyre just a bit annoying
    lol nice. its like, some people are "ohh im so sorry, wunna talk" and others are like "get the fuck over yourself." not saying its a bad thing, sometimes its actually exactly what you need. but i understand how you felt, i go through that more than i would like, and more than anyone knows :(
    meh, didnt go out. i wanted to dress as ashley purdy, but i didnt go anywhere, seeing as no friends live around me and my neighborhood is the ones where rapists and murderists and all that shit hide. lol trying out for basketball, which im excited about. im most likely not gunna make it, seeing as i totally suck and am the worst at open gym. ive always wanted to, but my mom hates driving me places so that serves as a problem...but i said that it would look good on a college application, so shes letting me. dont know why i didnt think about that before.
    i met pierce the veil at one of their concerts!! :DD and then i met ETF also. twice, actually. and get scared. but ETFs new album sucks, and not to sound melodramatic, but it breaks my fucking heart. theyve been my favorite band for years, and they were actually the first band ive ever heard and liked. the fact that i stick through them during an extremly controversal lineup change, and then they dissapoint me with a fucking album is complete and utter shit. have you heard it? listen to city of sin, and then bad blood. exact same fucking intros. and the lyrics are totally unoriginal also. like, makes me wunna cry :'( i snuch out to go to the midnight signing, and it wasnt even worth it.
    but yeahh...other than that its just been school, homework, and then more school, more homework. a buncha stupid drama shit between my "bffl" and i.
    but yeah. really hope Rich gets better. and if you wunna talk about the little depression period you had dont hesitate to talk. or, rather type haha.
    November 7th, 2010 at 04:08am
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    I AM SO SORRY!! I FEEL REALLY BAD FOR NOT RESPONDING IN...i dont even wunna look to see how long ago my last comment was :/
    yeah, but its kinda the opposite for me. at first teachers are really strict cuz they dont wunna get fired but then they eventually start to chill a little. but my spanish teacher....gah >.<
    i know!! it should be after lunch. we get to sleep in, and our brains would actually be functioning by then
    that reminds me of this girl at my school. shes really pretty, really smart, shes in praise band, applied chapel, sports, every fucking thing you can think of. and shes soooo nice, so i cant dislike her :/
    did she update it yet?!?! did you wiiiin?!?
    soo...whats been happenin? i have a lot to tell youuuuu. its actually been exciting lately for once
    November 3rd, 2010 at 01:18am
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    i know right. less drama...
    well thats good. and i think teachers should teach at the same speed and everything. cuz i have the evil teacher for spanish, and it seems all my friends have the nice ones. so not fair... they dont even do a fraction of the shit we do :/
    duude i know!! its like... do you WANT me to shove a bag of candy down your throat?
    yeah. the only thing about those is that sometimes it takes forever to end. its like: I wunna know who won already!!!
    i shall check it out :P
    October 17th, 2010 at 02:42am
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    ah, can't ever get away from that can we?
    dude i know wutcha mean about how they dodnt fit the stereotype but they act like it. and that suuucks. but as long as shes not a bitch and a total ass to him, right?
    duuude. i hate when people are all like im not ____ enough (pretty, smart, etc) yet theyre like...the prettiest, smartest, most whatever person i know. its like shut up! i would love to look like you!!
    nah, not cheesy. and it sounds really interesting. but of course everything involving tattoos/piercings catches my interest haha xD
    totally worth it :D
    muchas gracias mi amiga :P
    duuude. did you use it? i havent read anything in awhile... :(
    October 13th, 2010 at 05:55am
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    ah, boys, wutcha gunna do?
    ohmygosh, i know right!! like, hot guy + tattoos + piercings + plus long black smexy hair = just....pure sexiness and speechless girls lmao xD
    i know its like...i kinda know, but i cant put it into words, and if i did it would be really long and awkward
    awesome. well i hope you kick ass, like im sure you will
    dude, ima try. and i saw suicide silence on sat!!! you know those people who headband so hard their hair is flying everywhere? well that was me, for like...90% of the time. and there was 5 bands. my neck still hurts lol
    oh, and y'know that story summary thing i sent you about two chicks switching places? can you resend it to me, cuz i cant seem to find the one i wrote down and mibba doesnt save sent messages, and i dont feel like rewriting everything cuz im lazy haha.
    love your new profile layout btw :)
    October 5th, 2010 at 07:04am
  • auden

    auden (650)

    United Kingdom
    ugh, hello!

    I am sorry for spamming everyone with my comments, I promise this will be the last time unless you do not have an entry by the deadline. In which I will comment to ask if you need an extension.

    This comment is for those who are in my Tattoo Mania contest as well as the Cute Boys/Girls.

    I have decided that for these contests because I am always adding spots every other day to allow my contestants to enter as many times as you wish. This will allow more competition to win and I will get to read more of everyone's lovely stories. I also don't want to limit everyone's creativity. If a picture inspires you (and is not already taken) then I want you to write.

    The last reason for this decision is because I am running three contests and more enter everyday I can't keep track of how many times an individual enters.

    So whether you are a part of the Cute Boys/Girls or the Tattoo Mania you can enter as many times as you want. Later today I will add more spots for the contests.

    Have a lovely day!
    October 4th, 2010 at 05:02pm
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    aww! dang, i woulda been all "if you dont take me, i'll slit your throat" well...if i knew him well enough haha
    haha, that is odd. but one of my friends went to a justin bieber concert one night (with her sister, she doesnt like them) and the next i think it i lay dying or some shit like that. it was funny
    oh trust me hun, guys are my weakness too xD and that sounds really awesome. but of course, i like pretty much all tattoos haha
    nah. im like...procrastinating in that, and i really know i shouldnt be. in all honesty, the thought of college and the real world freaks me out a bit, and i dont wunna think about it right now. but i know im interested in writing, so thatll deffinitely be one..
    haha i know. one day il be nonstop writing, and the next no inspiration comes to me. gives me whiplash >.< and word of advise: dont join too many contests at the same time. i did that, and it...sucked, to put it simply
    i know! theyre really unique. theyre coming to vegas in a month, but its at a bar :( im hoping to somehow sneak in haha
    September 28th, 2010 at 07:12am
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States happened already? did you ask him to take you or anything?
    lol, that stinks. Carrie Underwood isn't terrible, i actually kinda like her when im in the mood for that type of music, but thanks haha. that kinda reminds me, today we had to run the fun run in pe, and my friend didnt have her ipod so i was playing my music on speaker and we were singin along. then these people singin taylor swift come up behind us and we start singing louder trying to outsing them hahah xD
    that sucks. and yeah its like, i try not to give a shit, but i really need good grades to get a scholarship or im stuck in vegas for college. and i wunna go to cali/florida/texas for college, so..
    but i find myself not giving a crap about a lot of things lately. like..i just dont care. i havent written in forever. im hoping its just a slump and i get outa it soon :/
    i know. and its so depressing, cuz theyve been my favorite band for like...two years now. like, if it was some band i was like whatever about, i wouldnt mind so much, but this is etf...
    on a brighter note, do you know pierce the veil? if not, check em out. theyre coming out with a new music vid midnight tonight and im psyched !!
    September 28th, 2010 at 05:35am
  • TheThespian

    TheThespian (100)

    United States
    haha thats awesome. i know wutcha mean about people not looking like theyre into certain bands (again this topic lol) there was a girl in my spanish class, and the sub was all "tell me one thing about yourself" and blah, blah, blah. and this girl said her fave bands atl, and i said mine was etf and ptv, and afterwards shes all "omg i love those bands!" and all that shiz. its kewl, cuz i made a new friend, and i hate the majority of that class xD lol
    would your friend be able to drive you to the concert? and i know. so far i dont know about a7x coming to vegas, but im pretty sure theyre going to come here after there european, japan, etc tours. well at least im hoping, cuz they HAVE to come to vegas!
    meh. i had a sub for spanish today, and it seriously made my day 5x better, cuz i hate my spanish teacher. but that happiness was ruined when i failed my spanish test, which was over everything from spanish I. yeah...but my grade cant get any worse, cuz its already a 66, and ive never had a grade near as bad as that. the only other seriously bad grade i can think of was...78 in 7th grade. and that year i didnt turn in my major project. so it sucks >.<
    im so upset about etf :( everything theyve done this year has been dissapointing. their two new songs, and the album cover came out today. max doesnt even look like max, the only reason i know its him was from process of illimination. and i think theyre coming out with a music vid tonight...but ive lost hope in them :'(
    September 28th, 2010 at 05:10am