Cold soda Failure. Cold soda is BAD. Muy mal, I do say. [I have a question concerning you NaruTards. Also, arthritis.]

I'm drinking cold soda right now and it's upsetting me.My mother can't drink room temperature soda, I can't drink cold soda, and my father doesn't drink soda period. We, being the family of always-shining-bright light bulbs, came up with a system to solve our dilemma.Well, we put half of the soda in the ever so convenient mini-fridge underneath the water bubbler and the other half stayed on the...
December 29th, 2009 at 01:51am

I want YOU (yes you) to *** out YOUR stories and music, TODAY! [How f-cked up do you have to be? Seriously.]

I'm watching some show that's similar to Cops, but it's all about out-of-control (pretty much deranged) criminals.Honestly, I can't help but wonder... How sick do you have to be to stab someone nineteen times; to hold a clerk hostage at gunpoint in front of a toddler and teen mother; to throw a woman around the store like a rag doll with no reason behind it; to brutally attack people in a...
December 26th, 2009 at 07:00pm

I have a confession to make... I'm addicted to Mibba already! [Want to see my tattoos?]

Honestly! I already really like Mibba. (If you couldn't tell - I think this is my third journal today, haha.) I wasn't expecting page after page of welcoming comments. It was a nice surprise, though. :) The people on here are so friendly.--I, along with 99% of the high school population over here, work at a grocery store.There was a snow storm that went from last night onto mid afternoon....
December 21st, 2009 at 03:22am