Anyone want to do a closed RP with me? =)

Hey everyone who bothered to read this. XD. I'm not too sure if you're allowed to post journals like this (then again there's no rules saying you can't, soo...) And I'm really, really bored tonight. >.< So thanks for reading this, as I have no idea how to go about asking someone specific to rp with me. Anyways, I play the Quizilla way, if that's ok. Long paragraphs, and you can play...
September 8th, 2010 at 02:29am

Watty Awards writing contest. =D (questions, and brothel inside- *** your stories)

/self-whoring/ There's another writing site called Wattpad, which is hosting the watty awards. Basically what you do is get as many votes on your story as you can, then either enter to the second round or fail. You continue for that round until the winners are called.You also get to 'cast' your characters, as though you were making a movie. You pick and choose celebrities who will play your...
August 10th, 2010 at 06:06am

Er..Banner phail? Someone help me?

Hey everyone. Thanks so much for helping. Anways, I found and followed instructions from somewhere on how to get the banner onto my layout, which worked, but I'm stuck. Can anyone tell me how I can get my banner bigger and my title get smaller? The link below is my story, and you can kind tell it's a fail. you can see, my text is huge and I have no idea...
August 9th, 2010 at 11:32pm

Signature Help??? D=

Thanks a bunch for reading this guys. I have absolutly no idea how you make your signatures, but could you guys help me learn? I've seen alot of your guys and your really good at it.I want to make a signature for the phrase "You used to be much more..."Muchier"...You've lost your muchness." from the mad hatter. I want it in three rows in the middle, medium sized font, and I want it to fade from...
July 14th, 2010 at 07:56pm

Near death experiences.. D=

Excuse this hysterical, rant-like journal, but Im scared out of my mind and dont want anyone I know to worry too much about me. I think I'm making a big deal over nothing, but once I've said something, I'm sure its going to stop bugging me. I lost my glasses, embarrased myself, and nearly died today.(Understand something: I HATE the ocean. This might be a changed view due to recent events, but...
July 9th, 2010 at 05:47am

BANNER MAKERS, I'M SO CONFUZZLED. How to make a NICE banner? [Helping me = free story comments.]

Thanks so much for reading this. =D This has been annoying me for SO long. The only reason I don't have my story posted here, [I've already written and revised seven chapters, and I was planning at doing one at a time] is because I can't make the banner I'd like, and I will LOVE YOU FOREVER if you help me. [Or better yet, make me one. XD]Think of this as a contest. First things first, if you can...
June 21st, 2010 at 11:44pm

Who want's to be my writing buddy? =D

So, I'm not sure if anyone here has done this, but a writing buddy is someone who acts like a beta-reader, a friend, and an e-pal all throughout a story. You write together, exchange manuscripts, proof-read for eachother, and chat to eachother.So, I'm just wondering if anyone wants to be my writing buddy? =D. I'm writing a teen thriller/romance, and would LOVE it if someone else was writing the...
May 31st, 2010 at 11:25pm

10 things I hate about vampire stories. And online writing in general. [/rant]

[A note before I begin: I am not bashing anyone here. I'm not even talking about writers from JUST Mibba. It goes for all writing sites. I have nothing against sites like Quizilla, Wattpad, etc, or the people who post things there. I DO, however, have an issue with what they post. If I offend anyone here, forgive me. Journals are made for people like me, and for rants.]10. Vampires are meant to be...
May 31st, 2010 at 04:33am