365 men xD

HAPPY NEW YEAR =D (for yesterday)So it's New Year, 2011, which means it's resolution time. I want to do something every day.And no it's not men, I just thought that was a funny title xDMy aim is to post a poem on a blog every day and this being a creative writing website I thought I could do a cheeky bit of advertising on here. So, pardon the desperation, but I'm giving you a link. You don't have...
January 2nd, 2011 at 09:26pm

Biting nails is a hard habit to break >.<

Seriously, if you have any tips please tell me them! Google was not brilliant in this search front.Worry not I will not be writing a whole blog on nails.For once, I'm in a happy mood. I know. A teenager . . . on the internet, . . .not ranting??Happy things =]I had my first kiss yesterday, admittedly both of us had a bit to drink but it was nice. Awkward but nice. The sense of dying alone is not as...
December 21st, 2010 at 09:45pm

Two Door Cinema Club make me happy =]

It's true, that's not one on that album I don't like. Listen to them if you haven't yet.I finished my first draft of a story - 180 pages - I'm rather proud. Haven't put it on here because I got worried about people stealing it >.<On a sadder, more pathetic note, I have to keep reminding myself I'm ugly. My hopes keep getting raised if I notice a boy looking at me or you know, something else...
December 8th, 2010 at 08:11pm

This blogging gets kind of addictive o.o

I'm really liking the whole thing of just posting whatever the hell you want and having random people reading it. Hello random person =] i hope you're good or at least not too bored.Right, I thought I'd just the first 5 things that come to mind:1. I don't think I'm very good with people... my friends seem better at making friends than I am. That's not phrased exactly right but umm... yeah.2. My...
November 3rd, 2010 at 11:12pm

"We gotta get out of this place, if its the last thing we ever do."

This feeling have creeped me over again. The feeling of longing to be free, start again, get out of this damn bubble that surronds me. It's happened because a trivial argument between my parents - mum's getting annoyed at dad for not having pictures of her on his facebook. Tension happens, itches under my skin and the air pratically has heated sparks of rage flying through it. They're upstairs...
October 26th, 2010 at 12:30am

It seems cliché

to be writing one of these things, especially after studying blogs as part of my English coursework, but there are things I'd quite like to get off my chest, I'll do my best not to sound whiney.I'm beginning to feel isolated, like my friends are simply with me until they find someone better to be with. I don't think I'd be missed that much if I were gone (though not meaning dead, there)They all...
October 21st, 2010 at 11:56pm