Starting to Notice a Depressing Trend Here...

Recently, I've started to notice that a lot of good poems are going unread here on Mibba because they don't have a depressing title. I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but I strongly believe that the people who read poems on Mibba tend to be a bit... Sad. For example, one of my most popular poems was called I can Bleed, which has 15 readers. Another poem of mine, called Winter, has...
October 14th, 2011 at 12:00am

Do any of you wish you could punch your younger self in the face?

I'm not going to lie. I consider myself quite good at poetry. But whenever I work up the guts to look at my old stuff I want to kill twelve year old me. I was such a horrible person! Luckily for my sanity, I've deleted all of my old stuff because it is absolute crap. So, fellow Mibbians, have you ever thought about something you used to do, or say, or something you wrote a while ago and thought...
September 30th, 2011 at 11:07am


So Zoelin and I decided to go to the shop, to buy some snacks or something like that.We saw a packet of pringles and took it to the counter.Cashier:Would you like to get another packet? It's buy one get one free.Zoe: I dunno... Are we that piggish Ailith?Me: YEAH!*Zoe went to get another packet*Later on, on the way back, we were wondering how to smuggle BOTH packets into the house.Zoe: My mum's...
January 1st, 2010 at 01:18pm