ignitetheairwaves- / Comments

  • gbkBTS

    gbkBTS (100)

    United States
    yeah if i dont like someone on the internet, i go off and then like 3 minutes later, i'm ok :)

    ahaha yeah my best friend and i start screaming random lyrics but all of my other "friends" say i'm embarrassing. haha. like we'll scream hello brooklyn, the part where they're like "EVERYBODY KNOWS THERE'S A PARTY AT THE END OF THE WORLD. WHOA WHOA..." yeahh. but usually we sing the part of "no one can touch us" by sing it loud that alex sings (:
    the one where he goes "we're getting higher every time that we love."

    but instead of "higher" we say "HOTTER" because thass just how we roll. no i'm kidding. she thought he said hotter and one time i was like "did you just say hotter? he said HIGHER" and she was like "OHHH" but we still say hotter :)

    i rememberrr one time in 7th grade when one of the PE teachers was saying that we never all want to do the same thing and me and a bunch of random girls were just standing there while he was like complaing about us "seventh graders" while i leaned back on the basketball hoop, making remarks like "thats just how we roll" and "we're cool like that," i made the teacher laughh. aha. he's a tough teacher though. i'm glad i dont have him. he's actually the coach or whatever for the cross country or running club or whatever it's called and i hear he follows are the runners on a motor scooter thing. hahaha, i fell on the floor laughing when i heard that.

    whoa, i got really off topic. anyways, yeah i'm always like "wait what?" to everythingg and a lot of people hate talking to me on the phone because i'm deaf. haha. oh! and i have HORRIBLE memory. it's like, scary. i dont know what i'm going to do with my life :o

    like, i'll be talking to someone and then some other person walks by and says hi to them and they're like "oh hey" and then i just wait and then they're like "oh sorry, what were you saying?" and i'll shrug my shoulders and be like "oh i dont know. nevermind." and they're say "no! i'm sorry! really, what were you saying?" and then i'll be like "no, seriously. i dont KNOW. i forgot..."

    same thing on the phoneee :D

    and omg my friend mat has his own fucking language or something and i dont think he likes texting me anymore because i'm always like "i dont know what that means..." and "whaaat?" haha. he uses words that i've never even heard of :|

    oh oh oh. i'll try to make a character named nicole hug him. like, if i can work it out somehow. haha. i already have one though. she's in chapter 6. haha. but it was just kind of random and i named her after my best friend but yeah.

    mmm, i had a dream that i dated alex gaskarth for like 2 days and then i broke up with him. and i was telling my friend about it and i was like "that is so weirddd" and she didnt let me finish and was like "that IS weird" and then i continued and was like "because realistically, i would NEVER break up with him" and then she said i was horrible. she think i'm obsessed with him. i dont know where she got that crazy idea from. :)

    but yeah, in my dream it was like an innocent relationship and we were texting and he was on tour and was like "i miss you :)" and when i woke up, i was like "DAMMIT" aha.

    but if it happened in real life, i'm sure it would be illegal. he's 22. i'm 14... i mean, i certainly wouldn't mind but i'm sure a lot of people would :|

    if we ever got married, i wonder if jack would be the best man... i'd probably ask nicole to be a bridesmaide or whatever they're called and as i'm walking down the isle, i'd be like "HA. i told you i was gonna marry him!... I TOLD YOU ALL."

    ...i'm getting off topic again.

    if someone wrote a fan fic about alex dating a 14 year old, i'd read it.

    i would ask my friend toni to write one (she's a really good writer but she never finishes anything. ahaha) but she refuses to write ATL fics.

    cuz like last year, we were obsessed with these two guys who look like joe jonas (yes, both of them. and they were like best friends) and they come off as gay but they probably arent. haha. anyways, she wrote a slash about them and i was like "MAKE A JALEX ONE" and yeah, she refuses because she says they're hot but she doesnt know they're personalities and doesnt want to make them wrong or something and i was like "SOOO? i'm sure alex doesnt cut himself and get hit by his dad in real life... and i KNOW how he is" and she was like "i know, but still. i dont want to..." so i officially give up on her.

    are youu interested? haha. no no. i'm kidding.

    okayy, no one will pick up their phone and i was bottling this all up for conversation and here you gooo :)

    you should feel special. haha.

    oh and that last comment you sent me, you sent it at 3AM. :O

    where are you from?!! no dont answer that, i'd feel like a creep. i dont want to know where you're from.

    but meee, i'm from california. southern california. it's not as sunny as they say. it was raining this morning, and it was dark D:

    i live near LA and i wanted to see hey monday in Bakerfield in march but thats three hours away D:

    i didnt know that!!! and after i looked it up on mapquest, like the next day i went to school and was freaking out, screaming at random people "DID YOU KNOW BAKERFIELD IS THREE HOURS AWAY?" yupp.

    oh, but i think my friend and i might see them at hob sunset strip on march 30. yayyy (:

    it's on a tuesday. if i can go, her mom's gonna take us (:

    okay. i'm finally done. i think. i probably forgot something, considering how bad my memory is. um um um, yeah. i was gonna say something else and now i forgot.

    yeahh, i'm like, not even gonna check how long this comment is. i'm scared to. it's probably like 3,000+ characters. hahaa. ok. byee :)
    February 6th, 2010 at 07:16pm
  • iwishiwas

    iwishiwas (100)

    United States
    haha your welcome :)
    February 6th, 2010 at 05:47pm
  • gbkBTS

    gbkBTS (100)

    United States
    yeah i get it :) haha.

    i dont know if this helps but that would be so annoying if that happened to me. haha. i'd probably like cuss her out and then block her... but thats just me :D

    i dont know, i have a really short temper :|

    your fic is really good though. it shouldnt matter how long you take. as long as like you're not taking two or three weeks in between or something exaggerated like that :p

    i've been listening to rekcless abandon all day since yesterday because of YOUU. ha. i can get songs stuck in my head so easily and if i'm not listening to it, i'm all jittery like a drug addict without drugs. seriously. i'm like that will jolly ranchers and lollipops too :)

    btw, i had to read your comment about 7 times to completely understand all of it. thats not a bad thing, i just felt like sharing. i'm so slow :|
    February 6th, 2010 at 04:31pm
  • gbkBTS

    gbkBTS (100)

    United States
    my story comment? haha.
    February 6th, 2010 at 01:15am
  • Cree

    Cree (150)

    United States
    Thanks for the comment =D
    February 6th, 2010 at 12:01am
  • gbkBTS

    gbkBTS (100)

    United States

    all i saw was like this figure going down the steps. and i got mad because they kicked everyone out so i was like "WHO GOT TO STAY UP THERE?"

    and then i saw it was alex :|

    ahaha, but he looked so hot. before i talked to him, i think he was like afraid of me or something because i kept staring :p
    February 5th, 2010 at 10:15pm
  • h8 lyfe

    h8 lyfe (100)

    NOOO!! We went out to eat.. we were gonna go during Mayday Parade's set but we left earlier since we saw ARTTM last November anyway..
    February 5th, 2010 at 09:17pm
  • h8 lyfe

    h8 lyfe (100)

    Then I'm guessing he was backstage with the rest of the bands.
    AWWW MAYN!! I wish I didn't miss ARTTM.. they were sooo good at the Op Tour if would've been fun watching them again >.<
    AND LOLOL at you crowdsurfing.. seems like you had tons of fun!!
    February 5th, 2010 at 06:54am
  • Akayytoremember

    Akayytoremember (100)

    United States

    "Carry me!!! Restraining order? You mean RESTRAIN myself on you HARDER? OK!"
    February 5th, 2010 at 05:25am
  • Akayytoremember

    Akayytoremember (100)

    United States
    Me too!
    And they'd be screaming and trying to push me off and i'd be clinging around their neck with all of my might, "DON'T LET GO!"
    February 5th, 2010 at 02:23am
  • h8 lyfe

    h8 lyfe (100)

    I went last Tuesday ^.^ IT WAS AMAZING!! Trust me, it's going to be sooo much fun!!

    You're lucky though!! Jersey (from Hey Monday) is going to be there tonight!! It's NJ, right? Well, if it's not, then when they go to NJ, then Jersey will be there!!

    Tell me how ARTTM's set goes.. I missed it >.<
    February 4th, 2010 at 09:57pm
  • Akayytoremember

    Akayytoremember (100)

    United States
    I know, It's on my list of things that I must do/must happen to me before I die list. Now I just have to 'ironically' run into either of them and launch myself in their direction hahah
    February 4th, 2010 at 09:39pm
  • h8 lyfe

    h8 lyfe (100)

    Really? Would that be the Take Action Tour?
    Getting ready to go out and eat sushi with my loser friends =)
    February 4th, 2010 at 08:36pm
  • h8 lyfe

    h8 lyfe (100)

    ^.^ It's really nice!!
    You're welcome =)
    What's up?
    February 4th, 2010 at 06:15pm
  • ThePerfectMistake

    ThePerfectMistake (100)

    United States
    you're very welcome! LOVE your story! :)
    February 4th, 2010 at 05:55am
  • A walking travesty.

    A walking travesty. (100)

    United States
    noo problem, just keep writing :]
    February 1st, 2010 at 09:10pm
  • A walking travesty.

    A walking travesty. (100)

    United States
    aww, thanks so much. <3
    January 31st, 2010 at 10:55pm
  • gbkBTS

    gbkBTS (100)

    United States
    it's cool. haha.

    i take like 4 hours to reply to a text.

    one minute i'll be like "i'm gonna write back right now" and the next i'm like "ohh what's this? it's looking interesting..." (:
    January 31st, 2010 at 10:29pm
  • gbkBTS

    gbkBTS (100)

    United States
    that comment down there was unintentionally long...

    i think i spelled that wrong. haha.
    January 29th, 2010 at 02:02am
  • gbkBTS

    gbkBTS (100)

    United States
    haha i would so ditch my friend at a concert ;)

    like when i forgot my ticket and i finally got it, i was like "THANK. GOD. I. GOT. IT. i seriously wanted to cry." and mat laughed and was like "really?" and i was like "YES. it's like, not even funny." and then he said "i know!!" and then i told him how if he wasnt HOLDING his ticket when he came out, i probably wouldnt even have noticed until they asked me for the ticket at the venue which was like an hour away and mat was like "that would be horrible! and i totally wouldn't go in without you because that would be so messed up." and i was like "thats good. because i'd steal your ticket and run in."

    then mat laughed, but i was being serious. haha.

    i love going in the mosh pit but i'd be terrified if to crowdsurf. haha.

    alex's smile is like... inhuman, isn't it? it's scary how amazing it is in person and how dizzy it makes you. <--- i sound like SUCH a fangirl :|

    anyways yeah, i met him and i was talking to him and mat was just watching, hyperventilating. ahaha, and i went to see all time low at the same venue exactly one year and one week earlier but they were headlining the tour so they came on last and i was like 12 so i had to leave because it was school night.

    anyways, i was like "i came here last year to see you!!"

    and he didnt let me finish and said "thats awesome!" and he smiled and i was like freaking out in my mind so i all i could do was smile back and then he just kept smiling.

    we smiled awkwardly at each other for like 15 seconds before i was the one to get weirded out. you'd think HE would turn away but he's so nice. haha.

    and then i just smiled and WAVED and walked away.

    i did that with john ohh too :|

    i am horrible when it comes to meeting hot lead singers. haha.

    oh but i had to go back with alex because mat and i asked some girl to take our picture and i was like cut off so i was like "ALEXX!!! will you take another picture with me?" and again, he didnt let me finish so we talked AT THE SAME TIME. haha.

    i said "i was cut off in the other picture!!"

    and he was like "yeah yeah. of course!"

    it was amazing. haha.

    i'm watching tv as i write this; and i just saw some guy who looks a lot like matt flyzik :o
    January 29th, 2010 at 02:01am