Usuxmyblood / Comments

  • Hey =) what's up?
    June 22nd, 2010 at 06:40pm
  • Yeah that's me but my hair was dyed blonde and i made the costume, took a week or two.
    What languages do you speak?
    June 22nd, 2010 at 06:01pm
  • hey! uhm, the weather is always bad here. too hot to be specific.[:
    yes i do. i practically grew up in the Philippines.^^
    June 22nd, 2010 at 04:31pm
  • Things have been good,thank you. What about you?
    I've been working on some ideas for original stories and some kpop fanfics. What have you been up to lately? :)
    June 22nd, 2010 at 02:43am
  • hey thanks for comment :)
    June 22nd, 2010 at 01:01am
  • XD I see. That's kind how it is here. Lotsa hip college students (two big universities in my town, so there's lots of them.) but then there are the other people who live here XD

    My stepdad is actually white, and my mom and him used to work together, that's where they met. So like, my step siblings are half white, but they look Japanese xD

    lol the Japanese, maybe? But I read that they don't say how are you as much as we do.

    Oh, well happy birthday to both of us! XD Doing anything special for it?

    Oh yea, that's something interesting to me too actually. But I think on the side maybe. But yea, I think linguistics is for me.. Today I was reading a book on grammar in the book store and I actually enjoyed it. /nerd
    June 22nd, 2010 at 12:16am
  • I wouldn't say nowhere, but there aren't many Asians in my town. A handful, maybe. Where do you live? I live in a college town so it's actually a pretty eclectic sort.

    Yea, they are. But they were born here, they don't know any Japanese. Yea, my step brother is a year older than me, and my step sister is 14.

    Hajimemashite? That's nice to meet you, no doubt. You say it only when you're meeting someone and it literally means, I'm meeting you for the first time. Kinda.

    Tomorrow! That's my birthday! 8D
    I'd like to go to college, but you know I'm actually thinking of the military.. Going into a linguistic thing, like being a translator.
    June 21st, 2010 at 02:34am
  • Oh, no-My grandma who's Italian is my real grandma, the Japanese one is my step grandma.

    XD Well good-I'm not weird then. Japanese girls too, but I've actually never my one my age in real life x'D

    Well you should probably listen to them some other time then lol Have they helped at all with learning Japanese though?

    Oh? Are you in highschool still? I should be doing stuff like that since I'll be a senior this year...

    ...Not really.
    June 18th, 2010 at 04:28pm
  • Sorry for the wait! I've been on vacation...

    Yea, I get it. It's like that. In fact. my grandma used to be like that. She's from Sicily and her parents only spoke Italian so she understands it but doesn't speak it... Though, she has been known to sleep talk in Italian time to time..

    Eh, Asians girl are cute :B... lol, I sound like a creep.

    Well thankfully, South Korea is a lot less, uh, frightening than North Korea XD;; Well I hope that you get to go to Japan and Korea someday~ It'd be great to learn the language and put it to use XD And speaking of North Korea, I heard they're the absolute bottom at the World Cup. lol

    Hehehe, I do need to study though...
    So, I've been away for awhile, how are you? What's been up?
    June 15th, 2010 at 11:11pm
  • Pretend to be a possum, play dead and when everyone forgets that I am there; jump up and leaving. I'll even have my own theme music.
    June 11th, 2010 at 05:39pm
  • ...Don'.t you love huge comments?!
    June 10th, 2010 at 06:12am
  • ....It deleted my whole thing and I had like five paragraphs.. oh well...
    Anyhow.. Actually, she understands it fine. Like, when I go to her place. her parents speak to her in Korean and she understands everything. she just replies in English. She could speak it if she wanted too, like I heard her talking on the phone to a relative in Korean once. I just think she's lazy XD

    Haha, if I was really from North Korea, I wouldn't be talking to you. Actually though, lately I've been kinda interested in the country, like I've been watching documentaries and stuff on it. So as kind of like a joke I sent my country to North Korea, since there's no way that if I actually lived there, I would have internet. It's pretty interesting actually, and sad.

    Well you might say that! Actually, when I was thirtenn is when I guess I got kind of interested in it and I started poking around the language. But see, my step family is Japanese-Though my step brother and sister only speak English-I thought it'd be neat to learn so I could talk to my Japanese step grandma. And now I can! But also, I really just wanna go to Japan too XD And Korea!
    What about you? Why do you wanna learn?

    Bah! Pronounciation is easy! Do you listen to lots of Japanese music or watch any Japanese shows? You'll slip into it easy enough.
    June 10th, 2010 at 06:12am
  • Nice to meet you too!! (:
    June 10th, 2010 at 03:38am
  • I plan on blowing the bubbles, placing the lighter under them and watch them pop. Then I might consider lighting the rubber ball on fire and bouncing it around the ward. It could prove entertaining.
    June 10th, 2010 at 01:43am
  • Hahaha, that happened to my friend too-Actually, the same friend who hit me XD She's Korean, but she doesn't speak it much though she understands it- So one time we were at this Korean store, and the lady who worked there just started talking to her in fast Korean, and my friend mostly nodded the whole time. Then after I asked her what she said and my friend shrugged "I'unno!" XD Though I'm pretty sure she did know, she just didn't know how to explain it in English.

    Want me to try and explain anything else?
    June 9th, 2010 at 06:03pm
  • Oh the fun I could have. Give me a rubber ball, bubbles and a lighter and I'll be busy for hours!
    June 9th, 2010 at 12:13pm
  • lols thanks for the welcome I'm Catalina btw (:
    June 9th, 2010 at 03:42am
  • Of course, I always stalk my stalkers in return. It is one of my hobbies. I don't think a psyche ward could handle me though; I would enjoy the rubber padded rooms.
    June 8th, 2010 at 11:55am
  • No!! I never say anything bad to her or do anything! If anything, I should be given an award )8 She just thinks it's fun to cause me pain! XD

    What? I said I did have textbooks. To be precise, I have three textbooks, 2 handbooks, 2 kanji books, a dictionary, and a couple phrase books...
    And I don't go to Japanese restaurants often enough XD
    Although, a month back I did go to one! And yea, actually I did have a conversation with the woman that worked there (it was a little Japanese tea shop.) and she was surprised that I could speak it.

    Ooohh... Well, no is pretty simple. The main use is to show ownership.
    Watashi no neko. My cat.
    You put it in between the owner and the thing being owned.
    Inu no shiroi mimi. The dog's white ears.
    It can also mean like.. Of.
    Heya no mado. The room's window, the window of the room. And so on.
    Sorry, I didn't know if you wanted me to explain it or what XdD;;
    June 8th, 2010 at 06:17am
  • yes, :) it's okei
    June 8th, 2010 at 06:15am