Ever feel like

the world is crashing down around you? like everything you've ever done in life has been so fucking wrong? like God put you on this Earth simply to show people an example of what they should all be better than? I feel like that right now, and I can't stand it. Everyone can go one and tell me that I'm not a fuck up, that I'm a good person, that I belong here. But they're all lying through their...
February 25th, 2010 at 04:53pm

When someone you love disappears,

The feeling is pretty unbearable. When you don't know where they are or how they're doing. When you only get a call here or tweet there from them. YOU WORRY LIKE HELL. You might try and hide your worry from the world too, but everyone fucking knows what you're feeling. You can't just walk around, "GUYS DON'T WORRY I'M FINE I'M TOTALLY NOT WORRIED ABOUT THAT KID I LOVE THAT'S OFF DOING GOD KNOWS...
January 2nd, 2010 at 11:45pm