The Story of my LIfe.

My mp3 player stopped working the same day i spent 5 hours writing a 7 paged paper. My phone doesn't like the let the screen work when its cold. It just so happens i live in the northern US. So the screen only works when its been sitting in front of a heater. My stereo stopped working about a week ago when i was home sick with a fever. And last but not least me laptop hates the world and likes to...
March 3rd, 2010 at 02:49am

Biology, Latin Projects and skittles...OH MY!

Biology- At the beginning of the year he was never in school and we never had homework and we never did anything actually except watch movies. So now that he is in school he feels the need to make up for what he missed. I understand that yeah we have to pass the final and get the total amount of lab hours in and all that but that doesn't mean that we need 3 packets of homework to do on Mitosis and...
February 21st, 2010 at 07:53pm


I came to realize that a lot of things in my life are lame. well not just my life but life in general. I'll start with my life first cuz..i want to. So..whats with guys? i mean really. on minute they'll be all nice to you telling you how cute you are and how unique you are and then the next they think you're PMSing because you didn't do something they agreed with. LOSERS! well...not all of guys...
February 21st, 2010 at 05:52am