HellVolhardZelinsky / Comments

  • I SAW!!!
    I wanted to go pee so bad but I held it in till the trailer got done!
    May 22nd, 2011 at 08:01am
  • You dirty Man Utd supporter. ;) I'm from Manchester so growing up that's who we rooted for. My dad lives in London though so I got into Arsenal as a teenager. Sir Alex is going to get shoved in this place one of these days. You wait. I can't stand his smug little attitude and I loathe Wayne Rooney with a passion. Used to just yell obscenities at him on tele, but after what he did in the match against Arsenal at the Emirates this month, I'm completely done with any sort of decency toward him. I'm rooting for Barca as much as they annoy me winning everything. I kind of want Man Utd to win because I want van der Sar to walk away from his career with a very successful last year, but I want everyone else to lose. If we could move van der Sar to Barca for the final and they win, I'd be thrilled.

    I don't put up with professional cricket because it takes forever. I mainly just stick with European football and English rugby.

    The normal CSS and HTML for Mibba are different than normal. You have to know what's what with it. Although, you can override the base essentially. It's actually a lot easier than websites and whatnot. There's also a tutorial in the forums to explain all the CSS if you need it.

    Put them how? Songs or pictures?
    May 22nd, 2011 at 02:41am
  • Awee thanks! :)
    I wish I could put more pictures up! I'll have to find another site for that. lol. Do you know of any good ones?
    I have sooooo many pictures. I hope you like my poems! :3
    I don't write that much but when I do it's either super angry or just silly. lol.
    I tend to get going when I'm drunk, if you give me a pen I write a goofy song or something. :P
    I'll have to take a look at your poems! I've been trying to get my profile together the past few days so I haven't even really read anyone's work.
    I'll be sure to comment! ;)
    May 21st, 2011 at 06:38pm
  • Well, hello then. :)

    Do you know what that means or are you asking because it's a ridiculous sounding term?
    May 20th, 2011 at 09:19pm
  • I swear I had added you there! Facepalm
    May 20th, 2011 at 07:02pm
  • That is too long!!
    It should be illegal! lol.
    I've had some insane tests like that though, I'm quite terrified of exams actually.
    I do write! :)
    I also take pictures and few believe I speak too much. :P
    May 20th, 2011 at 04:16am
  • Hello, and thanks for the comment :)
    I'm glad you like it so far :D
    May 19th, 2011 at 01:15pm
  • Thanks for the welcome! :)
    Its going well! How's life treating you?
    May 18th, 2011 at 08:36pm
  • A test? I laugh! I'm done with school for three months. :) Finals week was last week. Now I'm job-hunting. Ugh. School for me will start up again in August. I can't wait. I'm already sick of being home; I'm missing my freedom. Bah.

    But...a [i]six hour test[/i]?? Is that even legal? That's like...cruel and unusual punishment! o_o

    You can mail food that doesn't expire. :D Like...junk food and jerky and stuff. I'm gonna miss her. She was awesome in general; real sweet, cute, and funny. Not only that, but she fed me and another girl last Wednesday. All the Taiwanese junk food we could ask for. xD

    Religion [i]is[/i] fascinating. I've always loved hearing about new ones. I used to be...thoroughly uncaring. I mean, there's 'athiest' and 'agnostic,' but I used to simply not care. I didn't have an answer, and I never cared to find one. But I still loved learning about the world's religions. =] Nowadays, I'm pagan. And I love it.

    I LOVE Egyptian mythologies! And culture. And...all of it, basically. Greek bores me, for some reason. Probably because we're forced to learn so much about it in school. I never understood why Greek mythology was so important when Egptian and Mayan and all the others were ignored. Pissed me off, really.

    I adore Pink; she's one of my heros. I've never heard of the band you mentioned, though.

    Thanks for the poem comments! Yeah, I genuinely try with poetry. Most of them are worthy, but there are also some stinkers scattered throughout there, so if you come across a string of poems that are bad, keep reading. The really, really good ones (according to various Mibbians who have shared their opinions with me) are around there, somewhere! :)

    I'll try to get to your poems. =]

    May 17th, 2011 at 03:43am
  • Hiya Thanks :D I'm at school. Lol

    What about you?
    May 16th, 2011 at 05:06pm
  • I don't even study for 1 hour little own 6 D:
    It doesn't matter..
    May 16th, 2011 at 03:26pm
  • I hate test ><
    May 16th, 2011 at 03:21pm
  • Awfully, you?
    May 16th, 2011 at 03:07pm
  • No problem. Green Days amazing. xDxD
    May 13th, 2011 at 09:40pm
  • np its very good
    May 13th, 2011 at 04:32pm
  • No problem. :D
    May 13th, 2011 at 03:53pm
  • I looked for it for like EONS!
    And dude, I have to keep changing my fucking name cause Brock always finds out who I am.
    And me being me, I just go through my playlist, pick a song, if I can't use the exact word, twist it around and then use it.
    But dude, dude, dude! Isn't my profile like fucking awesome?
    And guess what?
    Avenged Sevenfold won the Golden Gods which is like the Grammy for Hard rock and Metal last night.
    Isn't that awesome?
    April 21st, 2011 at 06:13pm
  • The differences in cultures is one of the good things our world has to offer. I mean, they have caused a lot of wars and stupidity, but that's only out of general human error and such. I think that the differences are the best part. I love talking to and observing the exchange students around campus. Their mannerisms and vocabulary choices are fascinating to me. Plus, the girl next door, who's from Taiwan, enjoys sharing the food her parents mail to her. YAY FOOD! :D

    Which are your favorite cultures and mythologies?

    I don't think I could study as much as you do. Heh. I'm far, far too lazy. After all, I did decide to skip out on my homework, last night, to play a (very unique) board game with my friends. It was [i]awesome.[/i]

    Finals are coming up. I think there's an average of 7 or 8 periods left for each class. Four more weeks of school! Yikes! I [i]ought[/i] to be studying, but.... >_>

    Anywho, I'm off. I took a few minutes out of my computer software class to write this. (Hey, I'm done with my project, anyway, and I'm [i]lightyears[/i] ahead of the rest of the class. xD) And now it's time to go! BYE!

    April 18th, 2011 at 04:33pm
  • Ah, sorry! When I receieved your last message, I was in a hurry or real busy or had a ton of homework or had to go to dinner or [i]something[/i], so I told myself I'd get back to it when I was through, and then....and then...well, if I knew, I'd tell you. xD It got a little lost? I'M SO SORRY! D:

    I've been alright, I s'pose. I'm on Spring Break, which is AWESOME. I have a week off, so I've been job hunting and hanging with friends. Actually, today, a friend of mine took me to tour her Indian University--erm, 'American Indians,' technically--and IT WAS SO COOL. There were all sorts of oldoldold buildings and traditional stuff and an old graveyard and [i]everything[/i]. I kinda which I was Native American. Geeeez. Oh, and then we had a mini Japanese party with Japanese junk food and anime. Twas cool. Soooo yeah. A day packed with culture! Twas awesome. =D

    Soooo....if this message seems a little crazy, it's 'cause I'm jacked up on chocolate creme, high fructose corn syrup, rice, and and and and those little breadstick things.


    I will [i]definitely[/i] read those poems of yours, but my brain is buzzing too loud for me to be serious. But honestly, I will [i]totally[/i] read those for you in time for my next reply, okay?

    How have you been? Besides exams and such, of course?

    March 25th, 2011 at 04:46am
  • No problem :) Feel free to check out some of my poems if your interested
    March 20th, 2011 at 02:22pm