It's been a minute

I haven't been on here in so long. I haven't even been on here to read other people's stories which I used to do all the time.I'm staying home from school today. I had so much homework to do last night and I didn't really get a chance to do it because I was out running around with my mom. So she said I could (just this once) stay home from school today so I could catch up on it. I have to do this...
December 8th, 2010 at 04:43pm


We've PSSAs all week. I'm so tired and I think my brain has turned to mush. There is one silver lining though. There's this guy I like, his name's Andrew, and I have the same lunch as him now because of testing. See, all the juniors now have lunch fourth period and him being a junior he's in the same lunch. It's only temporary, but I'm not complaining.I think he noticed me looking at him today,...
April 10th, 2010 at 01:15am

My blog

So, I felt like posting a link to my book blog. I was just working on it and that's what made me think of it.It's at if anyone reads this and wants to see it.Blah I need 100 words at least and now I don't know what to talk about.Sarah just gave me a huuuuuge cupcake. And I really want to eat it. But I'll probably barf so I'm waiting until after my chinese...
March 21st, 2010 at 07:17pm

Feeling lazy...

I'm so bored and exhausted and just feeling generally blah.I had yearbook after school today until 5:30. That always makes me tired when I get home. And I was already sleepy. Today was a long day...for whatever reason. I fell asleep in my economics class. I don't usually fall asleep in class. It's very unlike me.At least I got some of my story done. I wonder what everyone thinks so far. I'm pretty...
March 18th, 2010 at 11:54pm

I just posted some new entries or chapters or whatever...

I'm hoping I can stick this story. I'm notorious for slacking off after the beginning haul. I'll get real into what I'm doing then all of a sudden, I'll wake up one day and I'm uninterested. I don't know why or what it means, but then I go through and start the process all over again.I'm feeling good about this though. I don't like the title but I had to think of something and "Creation" was the...
March 18th, 2010 at 02:47pm