sur moi-même

Well, hi there. My name's Alyssa. I'm a little least on the inside. On the outside, I'm supposed to be an adult. I'm kind of, really, massively scared of the big, intimidating world out there. If I could I'd stay in my room and only travel in books. However, that is, apparently, frowned upon in society...
I love to read and will open any book I can get my hands on. In fact, it's rather difficult to walk around my room at the moment, due to books and papers. I also like to write. Hence, my existence here at Mibba, yeah?
I think Doctor Who is the epitome of coolness. And Perry the Platypus is the most awesome platypus on Planet Earth. Tumblr is where my life is...


Hogwarts: A Future
Latest update: Characters
About: A new generation of students as they walk Hogwarts' hallowed halls.

Latest update: The story I'm heavily working on now, along with Hogwarts: A Future
About: In the times before Lucifer was cast out of heaven. As the tension between God and Lucifer rises, a young angel named Belial must make a choice...

palier de tourillon




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Resources by ransie3
Image by mxairam
Layout by Sean at hummingbird layouts