
I actually created a new layout. I feel excited because even if its a little simple i like it.... Hopefully everybody else like it as much as I do... yeah today has been a boring day, weather is pretty cold, I even jumped in the snow. Was freakin' cold, haha, my sister was laughing at me the whole time. I think she even took some pics. Yeah and thinkin bout gettin a tattoo, but still thinkin bout...
January 22nd, 2010 at 07:22am


Well feel kinda relieved, but i guess thats wat cigs are for... miss my frenz like hell rite now, boredom sucks a**, but hey who said it was ever fun. Ha, yeah well I just wish sum ppl would get over themselves. Also wish my dad would stop asking wat da hell he did wrong in raising me. Nothing I can think of is his fault, just becuz I didn't turn out how he wanted me to be doesn't mean he did...
January 18th, 2010 at 03:44am