Semen-plain and simple.(NC17-ish)

One tablespoon of semen has approximately 20 calories. Semen also contains zinc and calcium which helps prevent tooth decay.One typical ejaculation contains 150 mg of protein, 11 mg of carbohydrates, 6 mg fat, 3 mg cholesterol, 7% US RDA potassium and 3% US RDA copper and zinc. The protein content is roughly equivalent to that found in one egg white. Also, women physically exposed to semen are...
January 8th, 2011 at 05:33am

AWWW PENIS! I NEED HELPPP!!! Spotted ***s and Crippled Cocks.

Can someone please make a layout for me??? What if i tell you what I want and shizz?I PROMISE I will name my first born child after you!Okay so I keep trying to make one and I am challenged at all things technological. My computer HATES me!This is the monotonous order at which i keep doing this:1. Stare at the design page2. Go look up how to make them3. Try to de-code them4. Scream...
July 1st, 2010 at 03:14am

Bam Margera

WTF? He was beaten by a 59 year old woman on Saturday!WHAT??? A MEMBER OF JACKASS IN THE HOSPITAL???I would explain more but their are TONS of articles on the subject...^ sorry if this is spam? I didnt hear very many people talking about it so I wanted to get the word out!!!!POOR Bam... I don't have enough words so... what are you guys...
June 15th, 2010 at 09:43am

GETTING CLOSE AND PERSONAL! Come sit on my lap ;)

Okay if you are reading this you are probably a little perverted. Based on my good ole title.The reason I made this? I wanna get to know you and for every one of my questions I ask you that you answer... I will answer one of yours (whatever you want). NO MATTER WHAT IT IS ASKING! SO get jiggy with it! :) Ask me some crazy shit... LET THE INTERROGATION BEGIN! BAHAHA (pardon my cruel chuckle!)Here...
June 12th, 2010 at 06:14am

Oh! Kinkyyyyy! ;)

Okay... so I'm super bored and I had a coffee today so there is no way in hell I am going to be able to go to HEYYY!!This is called "Oh! Kinkyyyyy!" because.... lets talk about fetishes (sp?)I have a fetish for sexy adams apples... also... I don't really know... hmm... any who... I find snowboarders extra delicious... and I like my men a little on the overly skinny side (ha ha).Other...
June 11th, 2010 at 08:03am

Virgin Tears Taste Delicious :)

Okay... so last night I got into a fight with my mom and I started crying.Yes, I know you guys probably think I'm a huge pussy (cat) and such... but I get so mad that I cry because I can not do bodily harm to you (my mother dearest). Do you guys ever do this?So anywho-ville-penis I was sleeping in my brothers room (NOT how it sounds! My cousin was sleeping in mine and my brother is outta town so...
June 10th, 2010 at 05:16am

Let me be a prostitute

okay... I'm not really a prostitute. But i wanted to be a whore for a little bit and everyone craps a lead brick if you cuss in you why I wasnted to be a whore...^^^ I got a formspring!!! wanna ask me a question? who cares if i don't know you! haha!You can be a bitch if you want! That's the beauty of the internet! anywho!WITH LOVE, your local whore. (p.s I...
June 6th, 2010 at 11:44pm

The official rules of calling shot gun in a car!

How and when you can call shotgun -Here are the official rules of calling shotgun, in my eyes and hopefully yours as well1. The shotgunner must be in clear sight of the car, and shotgun can be called regardless of whether the driver is in sight of the car2. If you are the first to be picked up on a journey you are automatically given shotgun. You retain this position for the entire journey, unless...
June 3rd, 2010 at 10:49pm

Will the Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up? Raping therapists.

Okey dokey artichokeys!I want to make an alter ego. Like how slimy shady is for Eminem. I think it should be Lilly Swamp. That would be so friggin awesome!! FOr example:Mom: "Did you brutally mangel, beat and torture you sister?"Me: "No that was Lilly Swamp."Mom: "Oh... ok then..."**signs me up for therapy**Which brings me to my next order of business:You can't spell THERAPIST with out the word...
May 19th, 2010 at 01:51am

MOTHER FU....!!!

Ok... first off... IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!Second off... Why does it seem that EVERY story on here has a huge combination of fuck, shit or damn? Sometimes they MIGHT have different versions of these. Ok... I have a challenge. Lets write a WHOLE story... without fuck. Look at the greats, none of them ever used fuck! I mean it really is fun to say and such... but... when I read a story I really want as...
May 4th, 2010 at 06:43am