Habanaka123 / Comments

  • so, hi. um. i updated Goodbye to Romance. i love you for sticking with me. <3
    June 9th, 2012 at 07:31am
  • That was the best story comment I've ever gotten. I... thank you<3
    October 10th, 2011 at 11:29am
  • Nah, life's been pretty boring dude. And yet, busy... If that makes any sense. I need to get my ass to writing, but I just can't do it. My brain is just sort of taking a week off. Which is why I haven't been on... Usually I'm on here doing something! But this week, I'm like eh. It happens. Its like a vacation of sorts... But I gotta make it end! Drives me nuts! But what can ya do?
    March 25th, 2011 at 12:37am
  • Ah, sorry for the late reply dude, I got busy with stuff. I apologize. Anyways, my friends, welll... Most of them are stoners still. I sort of quit a few years back, and don't talk to them as much. The guy Spuds is based on exists, he was my best friend since fourth grade, but we hardly talk anymore. The guy named Allen in the story is real too. He got to doing heroin at one point and eventually landed himself in prison. Thus the anal rape pamphlet story. (It does exist) Uh lets see... Have a very good friend who I met on here via a zombie story I wrote. Her name is Alex. We text each other constantly. Then there's the girl who I wrote said zombie story with, her name is Ashley. She is sort of the total opposite of my friends. She's totally straight edge. Then me and my sister are really close. She's 17. Sometimes it feels like I raised her, which is weird but true. Uhm... Most of the people I know have a weird sense of humor too... Its a requirement to be around me. Hahaha! That's about it though. All I can think of anyways. So... Anything new?
    March 21st, 2011 at 02:51pm
  • i tore a muscle in my shoulder and most likely my ACL
    March 18th, 2011 at 09:49pm
  • lol I know(:
    I talked to your mom yesterday
    and guess what?!?!
    March 18th, 2011 at 07:00pm
  • Hahaha! Wait, why did you question mark thank me? I meant nothing as an insult, I assure you. Anyways, MCR should be pretty cool. They're more my sister's band than mine, and I'm pissed because Neon Trees is opening for them... I'm not a big fan of theirs. Circa Survive opens the show after ours! I was pissed! (Doesn't mean I'm not looking forward to it) Incubus fan! I saw them live too, it was awesome. Brandon Boyd is probably my favorite singer of all time. Let's see... I highly recommend some Taking Back Sunday dude. If you like MCR, you'll dig them. MCR actually used to open for them back in the day. (Never seen TBS. But they're touring soon and I'm definitely going) Coheed and Cambria, I highly suggest a look. All of their albums tell a story. Which is a crazy sci-fi story through rock. They take a little getting used to though, but once you get over the hump, you realize how genius it is. Glassjaw, is my favorite. I'm not sure if you'd like em though. They're a little crazy. Look up the band Head Automatica. They have the same singer, but I guarantee you'll like Head Automatica. I'm pretty all over the place music wise dude. I even listen to a few rappers. Your "brothers" are like huge pot heads aren't they? Hahaha! And crazy people are awesome. My favorite kind.
    March 18th, 2011 at 12:37am
  • oh hush up!!!! i thought i put it on yours lol
    CALL ME.
    March 17th, 2011 at 10:53pm
  • Ah, Tyrone Swift came from a friend's fake gang he made up in high school. (The one Spuds is based on) He used to go around tagging it all over school. It was pretty funny. So I put Tyrone in front of Swift and started making characters based on the name. It sort of stuck. (The story you read is actually a part of something Tyrone Swift is a character in) Anyways, that's where the name comes from. As far as music goes, I do enjoy all kinds of rock. I've never heard of the Unicorns admittedly. Let's see... I tried to list my top five bands once, but I always get stuck. I'll try right now. 1. Glassjaw (Best live show I ever went to) 2. Coheed and Cambria (Epicness) 3. Incubus 4. Circa Survive (Also a very good concert seen them twice. Once they opened for Coheed) 5. Taking Back Sunday (Although that was a really hard choice, believe me. I listen to a lot of stuff. Picking a top five was not easy. That fifth spot is tough!) But yea, I'm sort of all over the place. If I hear it and like it, then its good to me. Underoath and Thursday were probably in the top seven... Its hard telling. It changes a lot. Going to see MCR next month, then the month after, Rise Against. Which will be pretty cool... By the way, you are very mature for a person 10 years younger than me... That or I'm really immature for someone 10 years older than you... I like the former better. I will not pry at your personal life homey! Not my thing... And I ramble like a crazy person too, don't even sweat it. hahaha! (I wasn't calling you crazy at all... Just so we are clear)
    March 17th, 2011 at 07:14pm
  • Well... I'm 24. I have a shitty job at a fast food place. I live in Sandusky Ohio... Which is basically a tourist town. If you find Lake Erie on a map, you can find where I live... Uh... What else? I'm bald... I play bass... Uh... (Can you tell I'm typing as I think?) I'm a big fan of music... Which is like saying I'm a big fan of eating. Everybody likes music, who doesn't?... Okay I'm a big rock fan and its funny when I go to shows where there's a bunch of kids. I always look like I shouldn't be there... I kind of think its awesome though... I'm single... I have no idea why I felt the need to mention that... Why not I guess! I have a sister, who is pretty awesome. Which is rare I suppose. I'm lucky to have her. She shares the same music taste as I do, which helps. We usually go to shows together... Uh... That's all that comes to mind right now. How bout you dude?... Oh! My name is Justin by the way. Justin Hamm... The last name is funny. Tyrone Swift has a long explanation behind it. Hahaha!
    March 17th, 2011 at 02:22am
  • Definitely agree with ya there dude. There's sort of a place for everybody, and if you put something you like up, chances are, somebody else will like it too. Its a very cool thing.
    March 16th, 2011 at 02:40am
  • Thank you so much for the comment. It made my night. :D
    March 16th, 2011 at 02:25am
  • I have to agree with you there dude. I have met more cool people on here than any other website. Its pretty damn awesome. Plus it gives me a chance to put crazy ideas on a place where people can read them. Definitely cool.
    March 15th, 2011 at 11:54pm
  • omg you have to call me!!!! my mom found my phone lol
    March 15th, 2011 at 11:43pm
  • Hahaha! Yea dude, I tend to stay away from the fanfics myself. Most of them tend to be like that. every once and a while you get one that surprises you, but its rare. I'm a fan of original fiction. I think a lot of the fan fics are just weird forms of masturbation.... As weird as that sounds I mean that statement and I hope it makes sense. Hahaha!
    March 15th, 2011 at 08:54pm
  • Hahahaha! Yea dude, I've noticed. Sometimes when I need a good laugh I come on here to read things. Always brightens my day... At least they're trying though... Some props for the uneducated. Hahaha!
    March 15th, 2011 at 01:30pm
  • Haha! Thank you. I appreciate that. I have a tendency to explain things that don't need to be explained. I do that in reality as well. Then I skip around. I always want to get to where things pick up, because reading about a car ride is just not appealing to me. But I'm glad you liked it for the most part.
    March 15th, 2011 at 01:35am
  • Thanks for the story comment :)
    March 13th, 2011 at 07:20am
  • lmfao beau would hahahahahahhah
    we need to hand out!!!! girl I miss you!!
    March 12th, 2011 at 11:52pm
  • I know exactly what ya mean dude. I've known those two for like... Ever. Not your bros but the guys in the story. We used to smoke a lot. Myself probably being the worst. Then I shocked the system and quit... Anyways, what did you think of the story as a whole? Your criticism is greatly appreciated.
    March 11th, 2011 at 03:30pm