vegas paradigms

Due to television shows most people think that others from Vegas ae douche bags that curse/cuss alot, impersonators, or mobsters. Have you ever heard of the word B.S.?There are douche bags(tourists) and most move here hoping to make it big. Most mobsters are gone or underground, and the impersonators are crack heads with no life hoping to get laid.So here's what happens, people gamble, lose money,...
December 19th, 2010 at 03:10am


Recently, ( I heard) there was an arguement between Will.I.Am and Perez Hilton broke out and started going at one another on-line. I'm surprised that they don't commit suicide over those damn "cyber bully" incidents.( I would like to say that I am not trying to humiliate anybody, if your being bullied please contact your local athorities)But honestly, when do rappers have beef with celebrity...
December 6th, 2010 at 03:41am

beginer payaso camindo o jumpstylist también

Pues un caminante mismo del payaso del beginer yo ha visto muchos vídeos muy avanzados, pero me amaría luchar un caminante del payaso del beginer en línea, o aún a un bailarín del jumpstyle también. Todos lo que pregunto son caminante del payaso del beginer. O el jumpstylist, y usted podían enviarlos al youtube o al dailymotion como ' batalla-Rey de la caminata del payaso contra yourname' o...
January 20th, 2010 at 04:11am

BEGINNING Clown walkers or "jumpsstyle" dancers wanted

As a beginer clown walker myself I have seen a lot of very advanced videos, but I would love to battle a beginer clown walker online, or even a jumpstyle dancer also. All I ask for is beginer clown walkers. Or jumpstylist, and you could send them to youtube or dailymotion as "clown walk battles-King vs. yourname" or you can put yourname first if you want to. As long as your using friendly...
January 20th, 2010 at 04:06am

Gracias por leer mis pensamientos en ediciones del racismo hoy

Sin embargo racismo contra color de un person' la piel de s se va la mayoría de la gente sigue siendo el racista contra gays, que me molesta. Y antes de que consiga en el detalle quisiera decir que sea estrecho pero cualquier tipo de racismo no está a la derecha en absoluto. Mucha gente utiliza al gay como insulto y tiene gays racistas del aginst de los insultos también. Gente can' la ayuda con...
January 20th, 2010 at 03:43am

Racismo con el mentalmente incapacitado.

Como una ayuda que tiendo a trabajar con otros estudiantes que tienen incapacidades mentales, nada está equivocado con ellos. Si usted me pregunta, ellos son seres humanos normales que luchan con aprender. Aún entonces he trabajado con personas que tienen incapacidades mentales que es sabe realmente más que hago, y más que el maestro ella misma. Aún entonces eso no me sorprende porque aunque...
January 20th, 2010 at 03:41am

Paramore Chupa

La "alternativa" también conocido como el grupo de rock Paramore tiene música que suena todo lo mismo. La banda de Paramore ha esparcido como una enfermedad de venierial, y también tiene un culto como seguir debido a las bandas perturbando emocionalmente música. Un miembro de familly de imediate mío escucha constantemente la música, cerrándose en su cuarto y maltratando cualquiera que no...
January 20th, 2010 at 03:39am

Racism Issues with the Metally Disabled

As an aid I tend to work with other students that do have mental disabilities, nothing is wrong with them. If you ask me, they are normal human beings who struggle with learning. Even then I have worked with people who have mental disabilities who are actually know more than I do, and more than the teacher herself. Even then that doesn't surprise me because though they struggle with society and...
January 20th, 2010 at 02:56am

Racism Issues Today

Though racism against color of a person's skin is gone most people are still racist against gays, which does disturb me. And before I get into detail I would like to say that I am strait but any type of racism is not right at all. Alot of people use gay as an insult and have racist slurs aginst gays also. People can't help who they fall in love with, it just happens. And to make gay marrige...
January 20th, 2010 at 02:47am

Old School Rap, Underground Rap and Todays Rap

Most people say that today's rap talk about nothing but sex, money, cars and parties. And surprising to most people that I talk to I must agree on that subject. Listen to music by a well known rap artist that goes by "Lil Wayne" and his constant rapping about sex and money. Even naming his record company "Young Money". Which tends to be super retarded.ON the other hand, old school rap was about...
January 14th, 2010 at 12:38am


The "alternative" also known as rock band Paramore has music that sounds all the same. The Paramore band has spread like a venierial disease, and also has a cult like following due to the bands emotionally disturbing music. An imediate familly member of mine constantly listens to the music, locking herself into her room and mistreating anybody who doesn't want her listen to the horrific band. With...
January 14th, 2010 at 12:26am