Delusionally Insane / Comments

  • I haven't talked to you in FOREVER! What's up?
    March 6th, 2011 at 09:07pm
  • Thanks for the comment on my story<3!
    Hope you enjoy it as much as I do writing it!
    October 4th, 2010 at 09:34pm
  • Hey you! What's up? Been awhile.
    July 3rd, 2010 at 10:03pm
  • aww that's so awesome, I'm full Chinese but I've never been to Asia. Dx
    June 17th, 2010 at 10:52pm
  • Thanks for understanding, I'm sure you've had these weeks too. Ugh I know it! My laptop hates me. Yeah karma is a bitch and I thank her for being so. I bet that slut does have some kind of STD! She slept with his fifteen year old brother to and then he calls me and says he made a mistake. I laughed at him and hung-up. Ha yeah, your helpful you made me laugh at my shitty week.

    Yes they do those cruel heartless monsters. They killed over 200 sea turtles and almost 200 dolphins! Then on top of that the brown seagull is going extinct because of there damn oil spill! They just tick me off so bad!

    There is and I feel sorry for the leaders and politicians that have to deal with it because some idiot cut corners. Like Obama and the oil spill, every one blames him and it's not his fault. Same with over there.

    I know! I wish they would, even if it's just for a short talk with Sweets or Hodgin's, as long as we get to see that cutie it's all good.
    Oh, I hope he is! For some reason I was just assuming that he would be but since you brought it up I'm starting to wonder now.
    Maybe he will I mean he is around more people then she is and who wouldn't want to bonk Sweets? He's hawt.
    Oh god that was so funny I can't get over it! He really did look like his world was coming to an end.
    Yes will will!
    June 9th, 2010 at 12:09am
  • AH! I'm so sorry that I didn't reply! First off, there was never an email that you commented me, second I tried to comment back three times with super long comments but it kept logging me out so I got mad and didn't touch my computer for the rest of that day then my boyfriend of three years dumps me for some skank that cheated on him the second day they were together. I have had a hell of a week and I feel so so so bad I didn't reply sooner.

    No those buttholes don't and Obama (president of us(just in case you didn't know)) was yelling at the CEO and shareholders that they best pay out of pocket to the shrimpers and fishermen that's lives are ruined because of them. And you don't even want to here what people are saying about the animal deaths. This spill has killed (so far) over 1000 animals. But on top of that, there being stingy about paying for people (because volunteers aren't enough) to help clean the animals and set them free.

    I think so too, and on top of those things the people over here are mad over some kind of drywall of something made in china has something really bad wrong with it. Witch I think that if it wasn't there when it came over they shouldn't be blamed for it but we have more then our fair share of idiots over here.

    Yes, Zach will always be our favorite no matter what and I like Fisher he's awesome. Yeah it was so funny, poor fisher though Avatar was awesome.
    Well I think that Daisy will fall for some squint over there and Sweets will be taken aback by it but recover fast and think it's for the best. But the book was cool, to bad it makes no seance now!
    I know, like I said we will forever adore Zach.
    June 8th, 2010 at 11:27am
  • Haha I know right? I was laughing at that, some shows are just ridiculous with their plotos sometimes.
    June 7th, 2010 at 07:33pm
  • I saw the first episode of True Blood and now I'm addicted, I seriously need to watch more. Grey's Anatomy, I only watch on the soup when they make fun of it :/ like when Sandra Oh's character got stabbed with an icicle?
    June 7th, 2010 at 07:02pm
  • Really? Wow I never knew that either but I guess I do now. I watch Gossip Girl, Supernatural, and Vampire Diaries. I don't see the point of ending shows for the summer if that's when most people are going to be watching them anyway.
    June 7th, 2010 at 05:53pm
  • XD yay I don't feel stupid!! Haha
    ZOMG I agree with you about Gossip Girl. I was staying over at my friend's house and we literally screamed. Scared the crap outta the neighbors, but that's another story haha
    June 7th, 2010 at 05:36pm
  • XD I can't wait for the next update!
    June 4th, 2010 at 09:16pm
  • LOL I love Anthony!!!! XD He is so cute when he is hyper, he is the Jimmy version for their band! So how soon are gonna update your story again? I can't wait for the next part!!!!!!!!!!! XD
    June 4th, 2010 at 05:50pm
  • I bet they are and it makes me sick! They should be doing more, because when it came to using the oil for profit they were energizer bunnies now there sloths when it comes to cleaning up there mess.
    Really? I mean I bet it's stressful but people have been doing ti for awhile and not allot of people of quite, have they?

    I know, there so adorable! I miss Zach more then anyone, Wendel was cute but Fisher is my favorite temp-person.
    Yeah, I think Daisy will find some one but Sweets is probably going to be heartbroken by it.
    Yeah he was pretty freaked out by it, I thought he was going to have a cow!
    Ugh, I'm watching reruns with Zach in them. (
    June 3rd, 2010 at 09:27pm
  • God they irk me so bad, they should have to clean it up by hand.
    Maybe he quite because of his wife, people don't like there lunatics in the limelight.

    Me too, Wendel was a sweetie!
    I agree, but I think they made the right choice by breaking up.
    Ha, he so would! But I think him pushing them to get together really has helped.
    I know! I hate not being able to watch it every week! I wanna know what happens! D:
    June 3rd, 2010 at 11:07am
  • I agree, I think we should drop them in some water then drench them in oil so they know how those poor animals feel.
    Yeah I'm almost positive that it was less then a year.

    Well Wendel and her broke up in good terms, he just asked that whoever she finds takes care of her and she said he was way to good for anyone in the world.
    Well I guess they called it off because she wanted him to wait for her and he said it was a bad idea.
    I agree! Maybe she'll see how much she missed him and they fall in love (Openly). I am soooo glad that they get to do the next season, I would have died if it ended forever like that. I can barely stand it ending the season like that!
    June 3rd, 2010 at 09:23am
  • They should! I mean there killing our planet, those people irk me. You know a specialist said that if BP would have not been such cheapo's that for 500,000$ they could have got a fail safe method and none of this would have happened.
    Really? After only that short of a time? Didn't the last guy quite right before elections?

    I was shocked too at first but then got really happy and squealed allot.
    Yeah he did propose to her, it was so sweet cause she thought he was going to break up with her but he asked her to marry him instead.
    I don't know, I mean I know she loves him and he loves her but she might not be able to get past the thought of hurting him. Well only she thinks she'll hurt him. Do you think they will?
    June 3rd, 2010 at 07:45am
  • Only a million is very cheap of them. And on top of the tens of millions of gallons that's being pumped into the ocean because of them, they decided that there estimating not being able to permanently fix it until August!

    I was thinking finally! I mean I've always wanted Angela and Hodgin's to get married. There the (second) cutest couple on Bones. I figured that Zach wasn't coming back but you can't blame me for hoping? I wish he would comeback, or even just be on the show in that institution place. Oh and Daisy and Lance broke up! I thought they were going to make it! They were so perfect for each other!
    June 2nd, 2010 at 08:38pm
  • Oh, well I agree. I don't see a need for a base over there, it's called keeping our noses out of things witch apparently we can't do. And that oil spill over here has leaked over 18million gallons of oil into the ocean, they should be broadcasting this info everywhere.

    I know, no one that I know here cares about Bones, I can't believe that Booth went back to the army! Didn't he looks so good in his uniform? I never did catch what happened with Zach, is he still in there? I remember he told Sweets that he didn't really do it, so what happened? I adore Zach, I have from the very beginning. Oh and I love Angela's dad, he's so awesome!

    I have a huge thing for Bones, I could go on for days. xD
    June 1st, 2010 at 09:32pm
  • I know, there's a huge oil spill by where I live and that's all over the news so yeah I hate it.

    That's really cool, I just think that the physiological conditions that people get from fighting in wars are interesting. I mean don't get me wrong I wish more then anything that there were no wars or fighting but there is and I can't help it that it interests me.

    Yeah I read yours like last week and frankly, I love Bones. Did you watch the season final? (I sooooo want to talk about it if you have. If not, I have the link so you can watch it. Because if you haven't you might just die.)
    June 1st, 2010 at 12:02pm
  • Oh boo, I just hate news in general. It may be horribly childish of me but, 'Ignorance is Bliss.'.

    I know, but still thought I would point it out as my mistake.
    June 1st, 2010 at 11:25am