Distraction_Fox / Comments

  • Thanks so much for the comment on my story! It truly meant a lot. I'm glad that you enjoyed it! :)
    June 11th, 2013 at 11:50pm
  • @ fascination.
    I did apologize and say that if she was to copy and past my exact comment back I wouldn't hold a grudge.
    I do have pretty deep set reasons for it. If I offended you I apologize to you as well and understand why you would be.
    June 11th, 2013 at 10:36pm
  • i already commented on someones story for your comment. I know you don't like all time low but the preface has nothing about atl in it, and the next 3 chapters dont even focus on the band, the boys are just in the story. i think its a bit unfair for me to give a detailed comment to someone else to get nothing back from you. im sorry for being a bit rude, but its just not fair.
    June 11th, 2013 at 10:34pm
  • Hi, I saw your comment on Mibba’s article about the new site, and I’ve started a petition to get Mibba to make the new site layout optional. Sign it please? c:


    xoxo, Saleigh
    May 28th, 2012 at 09:38pm
  • lol thats the one. thanks.
    April 4th, 2012 at 06:59am
  • Thanks lol :)
    March 7th, 2012 at 07:24pm
  • That's be mint if you could keep me updated on your story about the werewolf :)
    Just send a link to my profile or pm me when the first chapter is up. I look forward to reading it.
    March 7th, 2012 at 03:55pm
  • Ahh! I am so sorry it has been much too long! I have been very neglectful of my Mibba account & writing of late! Do you have an email address? Much easier to stay in contact...I hope I don't sound like too much of a stalker though. My email is; redwallflowers@hotmail.com (:
    Ahahaha my friend and I have drifted apart now. Not because of our break up, he's just changed so much since we were close. It's a real bummer, he was just the greatest.
    Snow on Christmas would be awesome xD But I can't imagine a Christmas without going for a nice swim! Not the best? Snow is great! Admittedly, I've only seen and been in it once or twice in my life, so I guess after living with it the novelty wears off a bit.
    Your ferret's look-a-like is absolutely adorable! I would love a ferret or a bunny rabbit, but due to state laws I'm not allowed one /: Total shame! My dogs are West Highland Terriers or "Westies" so they're small and white, not very fluffy and traditionally midget hunting dogs, though mine at both whimps and love sitting in your lap or on your toes :3
    Sport has never really appealed to me, which I guess is sad because I have what my family insist are great "sporting genetics" and an athletic build. Shame it goes to waste on academics rather than athletics. Well that's how they see it anyway, I'd much rather brains over brawn though! (:
    And no, I'd hope no one posts to get ignored, it'd make very little sense.
    Hahahah awwhh! I quite love Cemetery Drive, in fact, I love that whole album. It has such a raw feeling to it. Like, not only is it real, it's just so raw and incredible. Exactly! Their fan base is incredible, proud Marcher & Killjoy here, though I do prefer their older styles, I'll stick with them until The End. (No pun intended with song names!). But gosh, meeting them! I'd be so starstrucked and shellshocked. I'd have no clue what to say. I'd probably bask in Mikey's gorgeous looks! They're just so inspirational, I'd be blow away that they're actually there, with ME! (':
    And certainly, deffinately, 100% the greatest thing ever. I'm thinking I should get a boy like that xD Though there are hardly ANY in Australia. I don't think the emo/scene/punk/rock/gorgeous styles ever hit Australia. ): *Sad face*

    Hahahah long messages FOR THE WIN! xD
    I'm terribly sorry I've been so long, I hope you didn't think I had forgotten about you! Though you probably have because I'm so neglectful!
    And it's EXTREMELY rarely I get to talk to someone as awesome as YOU!
    Looking forward to an email in reply (:
    Beth xx
    July 28th, 2011 at 12:39pm
  • Sorry about the delay between comments, I kind of broke my Macbook charger. I have a great talent for breaking and losing things. Though I actually rarely break things, I constantly lose things. But just to be different, I broke my charger!
    ^___^ You’re really too sweet!
    Wow, I think I hate your system already, no need to learn to hate it!
    And Connor, that’s a cute name (: And it’s always good to be friends first, they’re usually the best relationships. I don’t have anyone at the moment, I was actually dating a friend of mine too. We’d been pretty much best friends for about 3 years or so and when we went out I was pretty much in total bliss ^__^ Then a girl he kinda knew told him she was totally in love with me, he decided to upgrade to her and just kinda ditch me. It didn’t work out for them either /: Ehh, enough of my soppy old story!
    Hahahah yes, it is rather consistent. It can be freezing cold, boiling hot, humid as hell, raining or dry as the outback desert and it’s still sunny. Pretty great (: It would be great beach weather I must say, but I don’t really like the beach at all. It usually rains the most during Winter, but we often get mammoth storms in Summer, close to Christmas. I don’t think I’ve lived through a Christmas night without a huge and humid lightning storm display (: It kind of makes it feel more Australian or something….I don’t know ^___^
    Nawwhh! You have ferrets? That’s the coolest thing I’ve ever heard (: Are they boys or girls? And what colour? I’ve never seen on in real life, but they look totally cute! I have two dogs and two cats…well I technically only have one cat and my siblings/parents own the others. But you get it.
    Yay for mutual loathing of sporting activities! But why do people like getting hot, sweaty, bothered and just gross in general? Ew!
    Hahahah suggestive hmm? Interesting! (; And yes, it’s a shame, more people should post STORIES rather than pictures. But readers are good, I don’t get many but I’m satisfied with reading, but I guess it would be hypercritical to read and not post. So I do both (:
    Fill you up with belief and power? Pretty much! Some of their songs are just incredibly moving just so…unexplainable. Famous Last Words is one of their songs that just makes me want to cry and cry and cry with not sadness, not happiness, just with the feeling of being overwhelmed with belief and like, being related to, it feels like someone understands and that in itself is incredible. I get giddy just thinking of it! ^___^ Most of my friends, actually probably all of them think I’m some stupid fangirl, but to me they actually go beyond the fame and stardom, their music and message is just so real to me, and I believe it, so who cares? I’m so jealous you got to meet them! Must’ve been so …. Wowing! Hahah. And is there actually anything hotter than boys in makeup with tattoos and piercings? I’m yet to see it if it exists!

    Ahahahahaha reeeaally long message this time! Have fun reading it hahaha sorry again for the late timing <3
    Juliette xx
    July 12th, 2011 at 10:54am
  • You comment on my photo was so wonderful, that you ^_^ It honestly made me have one of those grin-so-hugely-at-your-laptop-you-look-like-a-total-tool moment. But it’s not like you can talk about being pretty, you’re totally gorgeous!
    Yes, having our Summer holidays at the same time would not work out…due to our opposite hemisphere locations. It’s been 6 months since my long one. I’m thinking I need another. You know what, just two 6 month holidays a year would do me I think ^__^ And you only have 11 years at school? I suppose, you guys have forms and stuff? We end up with Kindergarten, Preschool and then Grades 1 – 12. Oh and then university, we don’t really have colleges in Australia.
    Awwh that’s so cute! I’m happy you and your boyfriend are having it work out, it’s really awesome. What’s his name?
    Hahaha so England isn’t that sunny huh? Australia it’s always…well almost always, sunny. It’s even sunny when it’s raining sometimes. Not even kidding >__<
    Wow a vet, that’s really cool! I’m not much of an animal person, but I do like cats! And I ride horses, because they’re so nice and cuddly and just are pretty cool in general. (And it’s easier than doing some other sport that involves more physical activity…though horse riding actually does involve more physical activity than most people think!)
    Hmm I’m not a Katy Perry fan, though I do like Lady Gaga ^__^
    I’ve never written a Frerard, I’m just not even going to attempt that I don’t think >__< And you should write more! I’d like to read it. It seems not many people on Mibba actually write though /:
    Yes My Chemical Romance are incredible. They’re so inspiration and gorgeous (on the outside, too) and just wonderful. Their music and their story and their message. Some of their songs….I honestly want to sit down and cry when I listen to Famous Last Words. Not even of sadness…just the message and emotion is so strong. It’s just…indescribable?
    0.o You met Frankie? YOU MET FRANKIE? Jealousy meter just exploded. Six times. >__< When? Details please xD (Pretty please?!) I have a HUGE thing for his lip ring days, it’s a shame he took it out. And his tattoos are just….*____* Yum.
    Egypt? Really dirty and gross >__< Extremely polluted due to massive over-population in the main cities and lots of poverty. It’s really sad, but it’s so incredible. Just the culture and the people and everything, it’s totally overwhelming. The history and everything is amazing too, like, you think it’s awesome and stuff in books but when you’re there it’s just this whole new level.
    Okayy….I’m probably way boring you with my super long message, I’m sorry ^__^ You seem totally cool and nice though!
    July 2nd, 2011 at 01:57pm
  • Nawwh you have a boyfriend? Cutee ^__^ How long have you been together?
    And yeess, two weeks, it's only a semester break, not our long one, we have our long one over December/January.
    Hmm...about me? I'm rather uninteresting >__< I used to live in Egypt. I want to be a clinical war trauma psychologist in central Africa when I'm older. I'm going to go to university in Egypt. I love MCR...and LeATHERMOUTH, too. I like pretty much all metal music, in fact. I'm a secret Frerard addict but I'm totally in love with Mikey Way, his odd awkwardness is so sexy ^__^
    What about yoou?
    July 1st, 2011 at 12:40pm
  • Ohh congratulations! ^.^ I just finished my exams/school semester too! I'm on a two week break, but sadly the first week is almost over. It's not been long enough. Hmm....anything fun. I went to a Theme Park...called Movie World, it's on the Gold Coast. Pretty fun I guess. I saw a guy in a TBP tee. It was so cool. I totally wanted it >.<
    What about you?
    June 30th, 2011 at 10:27am
  • Definately! MCR are the best ^_^
    Myfavourite album TCFSR - best song from it's "It's not fashion statement, it's a fucking deathwish"
    and thank you :3 you're really really pretty
    how are you?

    ^.^ Hahaha yes, they are the best!
    I loovvee It's Not A Fashion Statement! And Three Cheers >.< Awesome album.
    Thank Yooouu xD
    I'm doing quite splendidly actually! :3 I don't actually talk like that normally, I'm just in an extremely good mood! ^.^
    How are you?
    June 28th, 2011 at 05:25am
  • Wow ^.^
    I love your love for MCR.
    Aren't they kinda like, the best?
    What's your favourite album? Btw; you look totally super pretty in your profile picture (:
    June 16th, 2011 at 12:09pm
    April 3rd, 2011 at 05:18pm
  • Nawwww I'm still here :) xx
    I changed it...yesterday.
    Wuv you more :3 xxxx
    April 3rd, 2011 at 12:40pm
  • Yeahh I have
    March 12th, 2011 at 12:26pm
  • Bands like Bring Me The Horizon, The Blackout, My Chem..
    March 9th, 2011 at 06:30pm
  • Hahahaa, yeahh
    March 8th, 2011 at 07:12pm
  • Sorry about what?
    Its coldd but the suns out if that makes sense haha
    March 7th, 2011 at 06:45pm