'Ello 'Ello 'Ello

It's been awhile, I'm sure of it. I don't really write much or post on here. Well, I do write a lot, but it's always a new story and I end up making more plots for different ones, and it pretty much takes a long time.So, also, has anyone heard of Jessie J? If not, then go listen to her. Might not be your music style, but her voice outstanding, WITHOUT the shit they do to singers voices on CD's....
February 10th, 2011 at 04:02pm

Why my friends are pissing the hell out of me.

Ever just had those kind of friends that just annoy you, but you think 'it's just a phase', but then it's not, it's the real fucking deal. They just aggravate you so bad you feel like attacking them? Well yeah, i have two at the moment. One of them, Becky, seriously does my head in. Second, Jess, isn't as bad, but it's annoying me that they both never get on. They both also feel the need to tell...
September 14th, 2010 at 11:25pm

'it's my birthday!' "it's the moment to live and the moment to die;"

Oh Hey, it's my birthday, well nearly the end of it. It's been awesome. All though I didn't get much cause i got a DVD, some sweets, bubble bath, few posters and some money, i'm still extremely happy. i get my two proper presents on tuesday which is my ipod touch and new converse. the converse weren't origanally my present because i only wanted my ipod, but my mam insisted! who could say no to a...
August 8th, 2010 at 05:49pm


Oh hey there. Okay, i never write journals in here but i feel like i must because i have a few ideas i want to lay down for you all.Firstly i'm think about posting my josh franceschi fic even though i have no idea where it's leading to. i just feel like there isn't enough of Josh fics!secondly, i've been writing this all time low fic, mainly based on alex, and tbh i'm really proud of this fic....
July 29th, 2010 at 10:51pm

in the dark, in the dark

okay, it's a journal.wow, i'm new even though i started this journal in January..weird.but hey, it's better late than never.i've uploaded to chapters of my fanfic and it's got four readers already...awesome.next time you read, i'd love some feedback ^^IT NEEDS MORE WORDS..WHY?OKAY, SO HERE YOU GO, I'M WRITING IN CAPS CAUSE I CANNOT BE BOTHERED TO GET RID OF THE CAPS.HEY, i just read the hottest...
June 2nd, 2010 at 06:17pm