New story soon!

Oi crazy people! I am going to be putting up a new and AWESOME [well I think so] story soon! It's my take on the aftermath of this non-existant end of the world! :D Hope you read it!And I am taking character requests for this story too! Just give me a brief description, name, age, gender, and yeah.I already have 4 other characters my friends gave me, soo, yeah. I will close the character requests...
August 18th, 2011 at 11:35pm

Frustrated and Epicness

Ugh. I cant like... focus on my stories! I always forget about them, but I do get chapters up. Anyway, thats not the reason for this entry. I am frustrated that my sis wont get off the other computer so that I can finish my socials homework!!!!! >.< And like.... it's annoying....School is going good, and I will be posting updates for some on my stories every so often. I hope to get lots on...
October 23rd, 2010 at 01:36am