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Lakota Skyes

Lakota Skyes
United States
Joined date
January 3rd, 2010


Just in case you guys are wondering...YES. I AM random if you ever try to talk to me. I seriously have A.D.D. I love all bright colors,and black just creeps me out.
I have an emo friend named Tyler,and he's the best guy in the world! He puts up with my attitude every day. By attitude,I mean I get <i>very</i> angry at the people I don't like.
<b>People I don't Like</b>
1.Kick Puppies.
2.Are rude and snobby.
3.Hate dogs and horses.
4.Hate me.
5.Don't respect anyone and backtalk.
6.Are brats.
7.Don't like good food.
8.Don't show any appreciation.
9.Are depressed,all the time.And have no faith in God.
10.Are whiny.

<b>People I do Like</b>
1.Are more than likely like me in one way or another.
2.Keep secrets.
3.Have respect.
4.Are nice.
5.Are funny.

6.Have a good sense of humor.
7.Like horses or dogs.
8.Think cats are out to get us (Tyler lol)
9.Don't read many books.
10.Put up with me,and believe in God.

<b>Random Facts About Me:</b>
1.I love my God.
2.I love my family and friends.
3.I love animals....besides snakes and scary things like that.
4.I'll do basically anything on a dare.
5.I do have a bit of an attitude.
6.I'm random,but not the annoying kind.
7.I love to write about anything.
8.I'm actually 14.
9.I like to make new friends.
10.I like to ride and train horses.
11.I like to train dogs.
12.I have 4 dogs.
13.I have 2 horses of my own.
14.I'm nice,and have a good sense of humor.
15.I can make just about anybody laugh in about 3 seconds.
16.I get people out of bad moods.
17.If you cry,I cry....So please dont,kay?
18.I'm the girl who will bust out laughing in the middle of class about something that happened....YESTERDAY.
19.I don't consider anybody my best friend.Because friends have no rules,they just have fun.
20.My name is Jenna.
21.I'm southern,and if you don't like it,you can sit on it. Cus I'm proud of where I come from.
22.I HATE Internet fights....they're just sooo stupid.
23.I don't like politics.
24.I hate racists and descrimination.
25.I love to get comments on anything here on Mibba. It makes my day,seriously.
26.It makes my day if you add me as a friend :)
27.I love to hear that people are reading my stuff on here.
28.I want you to talk to me,because I'm home alone after school for 2-3 hours,and I get bored!
29.I have an awesome older brother named Trey! :)
30.I think I'm done with this list :)