LiveLoveLaugh! / Comments

  • Thank you so very much for the comment on 'Darkness Consumes All'. I'm so glad you are enjoying the story.

    Thanks again,
    July 10th, 2010 at 07:59am
  • thank you very much!! now i will be able to read and save stories..

    i m great!! I kinda wondered on to mibba by the site quizilla.. quizilla was pretty easy to use.. but i like what mibba has all the little seperated tabs and all its easy to follow the stories!!

    u must love writing.. and i like the way u write.. to b honest i like to write myself but dont have time to post my stories or feed back.. i acuttally started writing this story which was pretty intresting from my friends point of view..
    i dont know about the rest..

    yh... thnk you again for the help
    oo i forgot to introduce myself.. I am Shruti, 17 and i am a senior!
    February 4th, 2010 at 03:28am
  • I meant to get back to you earlier but I got usual lol
    First, I want to say thank you for the comment :D
    and to answer your question,

    when you're looking at the story page, in the top right hand corner there should be a link that says "subscription."
    click on that and just read and you can click on a link and it'll subscribe you to the story so that every time someone updates their story, you'll get an email and can follow the link back to that story and read the new update :)

    hope that helped.

    btw, welcome to Mibba :)
    I'm Brittany, how are you?
    February 4th, 2010 at 12:33am