
I'm getting so tired of this weather; it's making me depressed. I guess that's what comes with being an inhabitant of Scotland... This is my argument for atheism: If there was a God, why would he create winter?! Haha, I'm just kidding, but still, winter bites! I'm officially SICK of snow. It's cold, slushy and gross. And I'm getting so pale I look like something out of "Children of the Corn." I...
February 16th, 2010 at 02:25pm

Music suggestions for my iPod?

I'm having some trouble filling up the space on my iPod! I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions for good music?Oh, and I'm not really into heavy metal/ dance music.I like anything a bit mellow, or even rock.Any suggestions would be much appreciated! Thanks guys!Oh, and also, is it ever acceptable for your guy friend to hit you in the face? (I did call him a loser, and he sort of lost it a...
January 14th, 2010 at 06:59pm