I am too excited for Christmas.

I am beyond happy at the moment. Christmas is like two and a half weeks away, yay for no school. I will have some time to finally update my stories, I have already started, I'm kind of stumped on what to write, but I have some ideas. But right now I have to write a story for US History II on the Holocaust, and after I write it, I just may post it to mibba :D. I can't wait to continue my stories, I...
December 8th, 2010 at 01:28am


So it's been exactly a month since I started (I fell in love with the cute british boy), and I orginally named it (It's really nice to meet you) but that was so boring, so I changed it to something more exciting and hopefully it will lure more readers. I am hoping that I will be able to make my chapters longer, it all depends on how much time I have to myself, like I mentioned in my last entry I...
October 2nd, 2010 at 06:01am


I have been so extremely busy since the middle of august, so I haven't been able to really have much time to myself. I have only been in school for about three weeks now and I have had more homework than I thought was possible, a lot and I mean A LOT of essays from english, cause i'm in English 11 Honors. I'm in marching band so my tuesday and thursday nights are full and every other friday I have...
September 25th, 2010 at 05:26am