about me

Hi, I'm Blake...I'm fifteen. And even though my name's blake, i'm a girl :) I promise. I like: rain, my guitar, movies that make me cry, cute couples, holding hands, toe socks, snow days, talking to people, snowflakes, smiles, sleepovers, ice cream, dove chocolate, rainboots, cowboy boots, wind-up clocks, typewriters, the ocean, hearts, painting pictures, old photographs, grandparents, thunderstorms, tornado drills, my family, doodling in boring classes, suzanne collin’s books, shells, the smell of vanilla, mumford and sons, music, singing, you (for reading all this), funny pictures, memories, inside jokes, wildflowers, the moon, mars, counting the stars, kina grannis (amazing singer), trampolines, campfires, writing, pillows, feathers, feather pillows, painting my nails, shopping, surfing, pet rocks, pet goldfish (RIP Seven…he was my goldfish but then he died…long story, ask me :D), clichés, weapons, crayons, hot chocolate, ice skating, poems, fairytales, princesses, black, panic! at the disco, blasting my music, rain, rain, rain, rain, dancing in the rain, rain. I like rain a lot. I like how when you go to an ice cream store there’s 50 bazillion flavors to choose from. new notebooks, tea, coffee, starbucks.
I strongly dislike *coughhatecough*: mean people, backstabbers, writers block, being scared, snow, justin bieber, being sad, dead pets, crying when people are watching you, school, drama, headaches, dull scissors, stupid people, ?.


my love can’t be tattooed
summary: Emily Mareena is on the run from her psycho ex-fiance who has plans to kill her. What will happen if he finds her?
status: slow, but steady

summary: Brian Manney is about to put a bullet in his head when the phone rings.
status: on hold indefinitely


when dreams fly

razor sharp heart

the color of summer


fall for anything


layout by gemma@onlyliars | image from weheartit.com | please don't steal