
k, i know this ISN'T the poem section, but nobody ever comments on poems from wut i've seen... putting this up is huge for me soooo... tell me whatcha think?? thx. =)==========================================================================Bang.One eye.Bang.Second.The world is blind to us, third eyes devoid of sixth sense.We are wrapped in innocence and oblivion, when all we see is sin.Chained to...
February 28th, 2010 at 12:56am

I love Writing.

This is one of my less... unique (in other words weird) journals.I was bored, and it's 10:15, and I wanted to write another chap. of my story, but I'm too damn sleepy, so here I am.You can stop reading now. Bet your bored.(for people who continued)Don't you just love words?APPLEBANANAOMNIPRESENTBIANNUALETC.ETC.That was the crappiest word choice to express my love of words.They can express anything...
February 3rd, 2010 at 07:15am


I HATE IT.I keeps me caged, makes me questions, forces me to dream, and DRIVES ME INSANE!!!!!I want to do something with my life. NOT just sit at home, being a housewife, or have a normal job, like normal people.I couldn't give more of a damn if people didn't remember me for my name, or what I did, or who I killed.I have such a NORMAL, good life, why waste it doing what is USUALLY DONE?!BUT what...
January 27th, 2010 at 03:42am


Music. Dramatic Music.Movie Soundtracks, etc.I LUV IT.Weird right? Makes me sound like a total loser. But every ping of the piano, hum of the violin.It takes me somewhere I WANNA be.Batman Begins for example.I luv that soundtrack like no other.It makes me feel like I'm actually there.I want to cry, sing, laugh, dance.SOMETHING to get me out of this monotony.This... NORMALCY.The deep beat of the...
January 15th, 2010 at 03:00am

That feeling.

I get it all the time.It makes me feel amazing, like a whole wait is lifted off my chest. My muscles tense, I smile, I want to break free.I can travel anywhere in my mind when I get that feeling.Anything can happen, anything can exist or coexist.Usually when I'm dreaming I get it.It takes me to another world, somewhere far far away.Then I wake up. Then I realize, it's all a lie.And then only...
January 9th, 2010 at 02:48am