More Girl Drama I'm Sorry

now I’m afraid if I stop talking to him, I won’t ever hear from him. I miss him. I haven’t seen him since the last week of July. Sure, it might be school. It might be stress. But it could also be that he doesn’t want to talk to me anymore. I bet he regrets ever sending me that first text that tuesday. I don’t regret it. I won’t ever forget it. I still have that one text saved in my...
August 27th, 2010 at 03:12am

Prepare for "meaningless" girl drama

So, I think I've talked about my friend Ryan, right? Well, I'll give the whole story as best I can.For the last two weeks of July, I went to a Baton Rouge Little Theatre acting camp. We did the Scottish play, and that's where I met Ryan. He was friends with my friend Victoria, who's been to BRLT many years before. So, when I met him, it was across the circle that was made around Molly and Olivia...
August 14th, 2010 at 06:17am

Little Theater

So, today I had my performance at the end of the two-week camp I went to at the Baton Rouge Little Theatre. We did Macbeth, and it was awesome! I absolutely loved going to that camp. I just felt so at home there.Never in my 14 years of life have people actually fought over who was going to sit next to me. In two days at this camp I had to choose between three of four different people everyday to...
July 31st, 2010 at 07:50am

Too Scared to Make a Left Turn

Hey! So, a couple days ago, I was riding my bike around my neighborhood and I went by this one guy cutting grass. I smiled because he looked really familiar. As I passed by the house, I saw this guy in the carport, and realized, IT WAS MY CRUSH FROM EIGHTH GRADE! I hadn't seen him in over a year. I almost freaked out and ran into a light pole. But I gained control and kept going, thinking how...
July 5th, 2010 at 06:12am

Injuries and Burns

So, because I'm a friggin ginger, I get sunburned EXTREMELY easily.I went to a family reunion on Saturday, and I put sunscreen on, but I still got burned. My face and shoulders. I did have a lot of fun though, especially on the big, blow-up slip 'n' slide. I can still feel my fun on the slip 'n' slide.Whenever I would try to get out of the pool part, I would fall. Well, they had it on the...
June 22nd, 2010 at 03:00am

New and Awesome

I LOVE FUJITSU COMPUTERS!I now have the coolest laptop I have ever seen.Like, just now, I turned on my screensaver and touched it to scare away the fish. Before that, I was on skype, video chatting my friend. Before that, I was on Onenote, writing stuff down... with the pen. Before THAT, I was swiveling the screen around, over and over and over.This thing is amazing!You don't even know how much I...
June 18th, 2010 at 10:57pm

3 Days!

I'm so excited! Just three more days till I get my new super cool computer!That's right, my school is giving us FUJITSUs!!!!!!!!!!! This means: 360 degree swivel screen; built-in camera; stylus pen (I can write on it); PLUS it's a freaking TOUCH SCREEN!!!!!Oh my gosh!On Friday, I'm getting mine!!!!Ok, that subject is running out of steam, so new subject.I've had some weird dreams the past few...
June 15th, 2010 at 06:35pm

Done and done

Yes! It's finally over! Done with school, and now I;m off to more important things.... like writing! Although, I can't add anymore untill after June 18..... a moment of silence please.As you may have guessed, I had to turn in my school laptop today, but no worries, because I'm getting a better one in a few weeks. And, plus, till then, I can just go on the home computer or a friend's. But, I will...
May 25th, 2010 at 06:21pm

Gonna Fail

I am absolutely positive that I'm gonna fail my theology exam.Nobody that has my teacher knows if the answers they have for the study guide are right.We barely even know what we learned this year.See, my teacher is... how to put this nicely.... a crazy b****.I'm sorry if that's offensive or anything, but it's the truth.She's absolutely senile.I have so many stories about her that I won't say in...
May 23rd, 2010 at 09:58pm

2 down. 4 to go.

As the title says, I have 4 more exams to go.Today, I felt pretty good about my french and civics exams... but I'm still worried.I realized that I could actually get like a 73% on my civics exam and still get a B in the class for the semester!Don't worry, that doesn't mean I slacked on the exam.Well, off to study for english.Just thought I'd put my last post up for a few weeks.I'm gonna be turning...
May 21st, 2010 at 12:54am


I'm pretty positive everyone else on this side of the globe feels the same way.I really don't want to take exams, just because all it does is stress you out because you forgot something you learns four friggin months ago!And the teachers are all freaking out being like "I can't teach you 18 weeks worth of information in two days."And they're telling you how important it all is.No pressure...
May 18th, 2010 at 04:19am

Stressing out!!!

Oh my God!!!I can't believe I'm gonna be taking final exams next this week!!!I'm getting so scared.My parents keep telling me, "Oh, you'll do fine. You did well on your mid terms."Yeah, well, this semester, things were harder.Especially in math.Dude, I hate my math teacher so much!!!I can't understand her and she can't teach.Same with my theology teacher, but that, my friends, is a whole nother...
May 16th, 2010 at 12:10am

Well, here we are.

So, I'm new here.I'm excited... This is my first journal on mibba.It's too bad I can't access mibba at my school.If I could, I totally would be adding new chapters way more often.Anyway, so I figure, since it's a journal, I'll talk about my day today first.I did not have a good day.First hour class, we were using my laptop to play the movie we were watching.My computer kept freezing and was going...
May 14th, 2010 at 05:50am