I can give it all on the first date

January 2012

Wow! It's already the year the world will end! Well, actually I don't believe in that stuff. Hogwash as my dad says. Oh father. I got back from Kauai about a week ago. That was uh-mazing. I was supposed to do a whole buncha stuff like zip-lining and what not, but ended up at the beach for most of the day. I spent most of the late afternoon/ evening napping and listening to music. One thing I'd like to point out though, the chinkens were freaking me out. There were chickens everywhere. EVERYWHERE. They were at Ke'e beach, they were in Poipu, they were even at the canyon. I'll even bet they were at the crater. Ridiculous. Yet, they were quite pleasant to look at.>
RI don't have to exist outside this place

About me.
Sooo, where do I begin on these things? On the front? Hahaha? Anyway, all jokes aside, I am an amateur author, but, good thing I am aspiring to become an editor at some hotshot publishing company. Boring much? Naw. Not me. You know how I realized I was growing up? My mom stopped calling me cute and started describing me as jaded. I also realized my mom was getting old too, then. My dad has a feeling around him like he has been 46 for about 18 years. As far as I know. I feel like an anxious preteen and I can't think of anything else to say, so it will end here.
And dear, know that I can change

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But if stars shouldn't shine by the very fist time


Then dear, it's fine, so fine by me


'Cause we can give it time

© Neon Daze