Dujo Admin Age: 24 Gender: Male Posts: 530 ReportLinkQuoteDecember 9th, 2007 at 01:27am Quote


United States
Joined date
August 6th, 2007





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current favorite story: http://www.mibba.com/story/I-Am-Lightning-Zap/You-Can-Paint-My-Love/

You've never met me but I am opening my heart to you. If you judge me by just what you see here, you'll be wrong. If my friends judge me, they'll be wrong. I am the only person who knows me and I don't even know that much about me. If you really wanted to understand me you would have to understand that you will never understand me. Once you have that down you can read me like I can read Romeo and Juliet, not very well but well enough to pass a test.

I will admit, I do have issues. I have a very low imune system and I get sick every week. Shots acctually give me the disease. Medicine has stopped working with me. If I got a disease like cancer they'd have to pull the plug because the medicine just isn't working. I have a voice in my head that tells me how much better off everything would be with out me and how horrible I am. Without meaning to, I act so indescribably stupid just because I'm worried that if people knew my real brain status they would either expect more than I can give them or realize that I really am stupid. I think I belong in a mental institution. I have insomania, anerexia, and ADD; none have been treated. I want to know if we had a choice of being born because if I was never born I would never feel this hurt.






.........|||RIP PANSY! PUT
.........|||THIS ON YOU PAGE TO
......./|00|TECHNICIAN!! ="[
...../|||/...|||R.I.P PANSY!!!
.../|||/.....||| poor guitar!

*If you have ever pushed on a door that said "PULL" copy and paste this on to your homepage!!
(This is my cue to copy this)

---- /// - \ ----Put this
--- III --- III ---On your
--- III --- III ---Site if
--- III --- III ---You know
----\ - ///----Someone
-----\ ///-----Who has or has
------/// -----Died of
-----/// \ ----Cancer

Auntie Jackie
Natanya's step dad
Get Better:
love you with all my heart

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