Hello everyone!I've been wanting to dye my hair bright red for a LONGGGGG time.I am officially doing this tomorrow.Do you think i will look good with this change?I've always had brown hair so i am SUPER nervous...Please comment :]oh boy i've never been so nervous to dye my hair before.Here are some pictures:before:
August 16th, 2011 at 01:22pm

Long time no journal! ~ Times have changed.

LONG TIME NO JOURNAL!I was asked to Prom by my boyfriend... Well, it turns out that I arranged everything and I found a way for us to get there and back and I chose a place to eat.I am not the type of girl who has to be in control of everything... but in this case i felt like i had to because my boyfriend would not take things into his own hand. I don't mind this that much but it is the fact that...
May 12th, 2010 at 05:49am

--------Niveous mountains--------

~Sigh~I am exhausted. It is TUESDAY and i am already wishing it would be Friday night so that i could sleep in tomorrow.This last weekend i was sick and last Friday i am pretty sure i had a fever (i never checked it)I slept over my friend's house for the first time and i couldn't breathe through my nose. I took medicine but nothing cured me. (go figure) It was fun sleeping over Leina's.Saturday :...
January 27th, 2010 at 05:16am

Well, hello there my keyboard.

Today has been quite a long day if i do say so myself.My first class was P.E... It was POURING this morning and on top of that it was SUPER windy. So, on my way to the other side of the school towards the Gym i got pelted by the rain which i didn't mind and it was super windy like i said before. When i got to the locker room i looked in the mirror and my makeup was running down my face......
January 22nd, 2010 at 02:50am

If only my coat had legs!

I am going to go insane. I have finals tomorrow and to top that i am missing my favorite and only black coat. I have no idea where it went and i have taken really good care of it since i got it.I wish my coat had legs so that it could walk back to me but thats impossible.Finals...= stress. Tell me about it. I am flipping out. I will go into overdrive in a few mins. I SHOULD BE STUDYING BUT...
January 13th, 2010 at 02:31am

Some Sort of Emotion.

Hello :]Well i need to let some sort of emotion out because i don't have anybody at the moment to vent to or cry to.. I mean.. I have friends who would listen to me and be there for me but i don't really want anyone i know to read this... because it is painful...There is only one person who knows me personally on Mibba and it is perfectly okay for her to read this... so.. here it is:Is it okay to...
January 12th, 2010 at 02:18am

My Very First Journal. ~Exhale~

Well... This is officially my second time on this site and i have made a story layout and tried multiple times to try and see how this layout crap works. Why is this website so incredibly difficult? Why can't I make a layout and use it for my stories, journals and profile? Why? T^TThank you for all the welcoming comments on my profile. They make me smile. I was so shocked to see so many comments!...
January 8th, 2010 at 02:16am