Rough Diamond / Comments

  • yay, cant wait for the next chapter! lol
    I'm doing good, just enjoying the summer so far!
    June 10th, 2009 at 01:47am
  • i dont think your shit hun dont put your self down and i hope you can get something soon hun :)
    June 10th, 2009 at 12:56am
  • oh and I do miss [i]you[/i] as well. not just your funny (and sometimes rahter silly/pervy/twisted) imagination!!!! ^_^
    June 3rd, 2009 at 10:26pm
  • Hey dearie... my school is now almost over.. phew, I'm so happy you can't even imagine. How has your things gone? well I hope? ;) gah, I miss our silly conversations honey! <3
    June 3rd, 2009 at 10:26pm
  • Whut? who are you, why are you talking to me?! o_______O

    hihi, I'm just kidding! HI THERE MY FRIEND!!!

    Yes, I know... I've been so busy recently as well and will be for the next 2 weeks, my final excams start and gah... I'm so stressed, so I feel you honey!

    I'd love to be able to come and see that exhibition! :( I wish I could... maybe I could come and see the other one! the free range-thingy, I think I've heard of it before... hmm..

    My life outside the school is pretty much dead. there's nothing, so we're similiar on that case as well. heh.. uhh, have you heard the new the blackout-album? IT'S PRETTY DAMN AWESOME!!!! ^_____^

    I think I need some air, so a walk is in order for me now. Been trying to find some clothes proper for the excams the whole day from our attic. :/

    May 21st, 2009 at 05:27pm
  • Oh and your exhibition, does it have a theme at all?
    May 21st, 2009 at 05:16am
  • Ooo wow!! You are a very very busy girl!! But as soon as that is done you are free all summer right?! But good luck with it all! :-)

    Uh as for me I am done for the year for school woot! Soo yay for summer break! It sucks thought because i dont currently have a job at all, so that means no going out a whole lot since i wont have money, bleh! I guess i shall spend my summer reading a crapload of amazing books and stories!
    May 21st, 2009 at 05:15am
  • helloo??? *echo*
    o______________O I hope you're okay my dear! <3
    May 15th, 2009 at 07:40pm
  • Has the Mayer faze ended? Maybe this will help...¤t=mayersuit.jpg

    May 4th, 2009 at 08:19am
  • Hey you!! How are things going?
    May 3rd, 2009 at 06:44am
  • hey dear!
    I'm sorry to hear that you are busy and stressed, but try to enjoy the ride... I myself am trying my hardest as well. :D
    Been really sick recently, thanks to my periods and migreine. Honestly, last night I was so close of not calling an ambulance or something, the pain in my head was killing me, I couldn't move, my muscles just shook and I couldn't open my eyes cause the pain was just so blinding and god, it was horrible. :'(

    I've been thinking the hiatus-thingy as well, school is taking so much my time. But I know not writing would fast make me go crazy, it's my way to escape this rubbish and pathetic life. lol. :'D
    ouch, now my tummy hurts... whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?!

    Anyway, you're opening a gallery? that is so awesome!!! I'm so proud of you. :) is it your final project in school or whut?

    I'm going to be part of the team doing the make up and hair to a photoshoot for the most popular youth magazine in finland. That's huge thing for a make up-student. I'm so proud of myself! ^_^

    I think I'll go to bed quite soon... Damn I missed you Lexi!!!! o_O
    April 26th, 2009 at 09:47pm
  • yaaa, I know what you mean.. My life is so dull, yet full of work. I mean, I feel like I don't do anything, but then I'm on the run all the time and the days sort of floats away... o_O It scared me!

    Anyway, I'm going through some rougher patches in my life... so I dunno how much I'll be bere chatting. If I do, it's more for the stories and writing. I feel like I don't have energy barely on anything.... >.<

    HAHAH! I don't hate your John Mayer (but for anyone else I would purse my nose. can you say that on english? or is it only a finnish phrase... hmm... I wonder). But you do know that me and some other whiskey-fans have ganged up and are just [i]this[/i] close on barking into your apartment and make you write us another good chappie!!!
    April 17th, 2009 at 05:22pm
  • oh and have fun with drinking and partying tonight dudette!!!!! ;D
    April 13th, 2009 at 09:39pm
  • eeeww... horse's poo smells horrid.. and poo in general. well how did we start this topic? o_O I'll end it now, before it gets out of hand!!!

    and yes, club-shit. there actually was two poles for those ugly girls to writher around. and they were bad. I honestly dunno why they are so keen on embarrasing themselves, like I think it's cool if you are good at poledancing, no judging there at all, I know it's hard and stuff, but why those poor barely 18 year old girls have to humiliate themselves? or are they honestly too stupid to realize they make a foll out of themselves??? >:(

    Argh, school tomorrow! :( BOOOOOOOOOOO... but I'm going to take another tattoo (or schedule the appointment on wednesday)!!! so yay! Figured I need something to spice up my dull pointless life.

    So now, here you come in my cool and amazing friend. I'm thinking, of possibly getting "I don't believe in fairytales"-slogan to my back somewhere, but I dunno what font to use and how big and actually where... any suggestions? I also have a couple of smaller ideas floating around in my head, so if this doesn't yet work I'm just going for those.. All I know is, that I need some new ink!<3
    April 13th, 2009 at 09:39pm
  • yay! you're back! sorry for being so uber slow with replying, but I was way too lazy last night to comment after [i]that[/i] update...

    It's odd, like everytime I know I have to write a bit raunchier-update, I'm like.. eew, noo, not again, whyyyyyyy? but then in the end it's quite interesting and enetertaining.. lol. ^-^

    Ah, I'm so happy you're back! I had completely forgotten you were off into the woods... And now I feel horrible, I should've spent my easter worrying if you will get eaten by bear. Wait is there bears in England? I remember the other boy I was taking care of didn't know bears were truly real animals. He thought they belonged to the fairytales. Not kidding. o_O

    I've got pretty alright easter, nothing special. Or like, we did got invitation to this new club and had free booze and vip-section and a booth reserved for us. but it was rather boring. :/ I don't like that kind of partying. The club was full of imposters and clones with long blonde locks and fake tan. :P blergh..
    April 13th, 2009 at 03:58pm
  • YAYZAAAAAAAAAAAAA dudette. How's life?
    April 11th, 2009 at 02:47pm
  • sooooo miss thang, any whiskey updates?... :-) Bahahah I need my fix of your version of mr. sexy brian!
    April 10th, 2009 at 11:29pm
  • Hmm a guy you call skully? Haha, that is freaking awesome!! And he looks like Vin, now that is damn hot!! Yummy! :-)

    ooo and I shall read new story!
    April 8th, 2009 at 04:22am
  • Whut? it's ajohn meyer fic? okay... I read it, just because it's by you. but only because of you.... lol, not that I don't think John's alright, but you know. *shrugs*

    Aww, I'm sorry your mom didn't notice it. I hate it when they always seem to only find the faulses not the good parts about anything! :( It's so unfair. I feel your pain! <3

    My body is aching.. I didn't even remeber I had these muscles! oh, spinning is crazy! o_O I wonder how sick my body will be tomorrow! hahaah.. oh well, it's for the good cause. although, what's the point. it's never getting warm enough (okay it is, but I'm not Finland-friendly) here for me to falunt my body. :P

    and I want a boy friend... Being single is boring!
    April 7th, 2009 at 09:39pm
  • R.I.P. Longing Hearts

    April 7th, 2009 at 08:22pm