Cartilage Piercing Turned Red.

So I got my cartilage done for Christmas last year. It's been a few weeks now. Everything was going just fine until yesterday. I don't exactly know what happened, but for some reason I bumped into my car door while I was getting in and it hit my piercing really bad. Ever since yesterday morning my piercing is just really red. It does hurt. I couldn't sleep with it this morning. So I'm wondering...
January 18th, 2012 at 08:38pm

Rant about

So, this is pretty freakin ridiculous! I know there have been tons of constumer complaints on that site and that the moderators on that site take everyone as complete idiots and talk terrible about them behind their backs, but punishing someone for obeying the rules is just fail.Here's the issue at hand. I've been given a warning asking for a Black Market item in return for another Black Market...
November 9th, 2011 at 01:06am

Introducing a Kitten to a Cat Help!

So yesterday my boyfriend and I went to Petco to buy aquarium supplies and we ended up coming home with a stray kitten.The kitten has had a vet visit already, and it's clean and healthy. It's about 4-6 weeks old. It's also a female. She's not fixed yet, but she will be. She will be staying at my boyfriend's house.Now here's to the question. My boyfriend has a cat, a male, he is fixed. He's already...
June 22nd, 2011 at 06:22pm

So Mibba what do you think about this story and a a co-write like this?

So Mibba, I came up with a story idea with my boyfriend a few days ago. I figured I might tell you about it. The story plot goes a little like this:There will be two different storylines, a girl and a guy. Basically the girl's your average really popular and nice ro-model, and the guy's a really angry, not too social, and life hating kind of guy. Both of their lives take a completely life-changing...
June 11th, 2011 at 03:28pm

I'm at a loss.

Right now I'm stuck, completely stuck. I was going to try to hang out and spend the night over at my boyfriends lake house tomorrow, but my parents aren't too thrilled with the idea. They can't really do anything about it because I'm 20, and they can't tell me no. By there looks I can tell that they don't want me going though. I'm also trying to go to the lake house next weekend and spend the...
June 10th, 2011 at 10:39pm

Here goes my rant about another site.

So let's just say there's an adoptable website. For the sake of protecting identities let's just call this site X. I've been on X for a very very long time. I even helped them create an adoptable sprite which took years to complete.Now, a series of unfortunate events happen to come by and I lost almost all of the original images for this sprite because I wasn't online for a certain amount of...
June 8th, 2011 at 06:05pm

Calling All Cornsnake experts!

Okay, I know a few of you on Mibba own a snake. My question is simple, but I looked online and haven't found an answer yet. So here it is:My boyfriend has an adult cornsnake. She is a little over three feet long and very active. We used to feed her an adult mouse once every 2 weeks, then we switched over to two small mice once a week because pet stores usually don't sell any outgrown mice. The one...
May 14th, 2011 at 06:13pm

New story and ideas for a comic?

Okay, so today I decided to go against the odds and post a new story on Mibba. I haven't posted a story in so long, and I don't know if I want to continue the other story I posted on here so long ago. I will try and update my story on a regular basis or day to day basis even because the chapters are so short.Now on to another thing. Does anyone here pplay Perfect World International? They are...
May 11th, 2011 at 03:24pm

Should I bring my old stories over here? Would you be interested?

I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I came over from Quizilla after they took my homepage from me. It's been a while since I've actually done something on Mibba, and I know the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie is coming out soon. Is it already out? Back in the good days of Quizilla I wrote a Pirates of the Caribbean fanfiction story. It's still unfinished, and I really don't want to...
May 8th, 2011 at 03:53pm

How to Persuade My Dad?

Okay, so in the last journal that I wrote I wrote about getting a pet for myself. I have decided to go with the leopard gecko. I've already persuaded my Mom about getting a leopard gecko for my birthday, now I have to persuade my Dad. That, is the hard part. My Dad thinks that any animals besides dogs, cats, and birds are not pets and should not be kept as pets. I was wondering if any of you had...
December 12th, 2010 at 09:10pm

Calling All Reptile Lovers and Owners

So I know I hardly ever post on Mibba, but I do know that it's a great place for various types of advice and various types of answers. I'm thinking about getting a reptile. I do not want a snake. (They are cute and adorable, but my boyfriend already has one and they seem a little non-social.) I've already done research on a few different reptiles and looked at various websites, but I wanted to...
November 27th, 2010 at 06:41pm

Calling all techies (loombo trouble)!

So I really wanted to watch one of my favorite TV series today and clicked on the link, pressed play on the player, and it came up with a little red x on the top left corner. It's worked fine for me before, but ever since last week loombo seems to have stopped working for me. My technological mind goes as far as anything theater releated, but it stops there. Could anyone help me with the loombo...
August 29th, 2010 at 10:06pm

Girls only! (Unless guys would really like to be grossed out.)

I dislike period so much, but in the end they always seem to be worth it because it's the one thing that tells every girl she's feminine. Last night was the worst. I got my period, along with the cramps, right before I went to bed. I stayed up until around midnight thinking I would simply tire my body out and fall asleep. I even had tea! I woke up two hours later with unbearable cramps. I decided...
May 29th, 2010 at 07:58pm

Would anyone be interested in...

After taking some time to browse through endless amounts of stories I came to a conclusion that there are hardly any mutant hybrid type of stories here on mibba. Most supernatural type of stories include vampires, which I don't mind at all. I thought a little variety could be used so I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a type of story that included hybrids and mutants. If anyone is...
May 27th, 2010 at 03:59pm

So I feel like reading, but I'm a little picky.

Grrrrr..... I've been browsing through a lot of stories, and none of them seem to be about anything I'd be interested in so I thought it was better to ask. Besides my yearbook, dictionary, and antonym and synonym finder I only have two books. (My other books are fire damaged. I used to have a whole library.) So I've decided to scout mibba for some stories since I don't have the elements to go...
May 21st, 2010 at 12:02am

Howrse and What's On My Mind

Anyone on here play Howrse. I bought two Marwari fillys a while ago. Now they are going to start rides, and I was wondering if anyone had a training schedule for Marwari's. I already have one for Standardbreds, but I really need one for Marwari's.Okay, enough on Howrse. I was just wondering if anyone thinks that the younger generations are just growing up too fast. When I was little half the...
May 20th, 2010 at 01:48pm

Calling all horse lovers!

It's been ages since I've been online and actually written a story. Well, there's a reason for that. Let's just say it's natural disaster issues which still really haven't been fixed.Alright so I landed across an amazing game a week or so ago. For anyone who's really interested in horses you should give it a try. Just do me a small favor. When it asks you for "your godfather" when you sign up...
May 18th, 2010 at 08:38pm

What exactly is everyone interested in when it comes to reading stories?

So I've made up my mind. I'm going to write again. That is, after all, why I made an account here. Right now I've posted a few poems, nothing big yet. I want to write a story though, one that I know I might actually finish. I am not writing a fan-fiction. I'll be writing an original story. The thing is, I don't know what to write about. I've thought about writing a werewolf story. I haven't seen...
January 11th, 2010 at 12:32am