LoveIsOurWeapon. K3U

LoveIsOurWeapon. K3U
Joined date
January 9th, 2010


by vivian.
Alright, this chick is amazing, trusting, fun, gorgeous & a little insane but that's the way I like them. I love her to death and everyone thought we'd totally clash. We're the complete opposite and she likes things her way, I like things my way but no. Society isn't just run by stereotypes you don't have to only be friends with people in your "cliché", and were living breathing proof. I love this girl, don't fuck with her unless you want me standing over your bed at night with a knife in my hand. Yeah, I'M CREEPY!

... :D


Kay so, my names Kristen,
and I guess that's all there really is.

I like lots of things and I hate lots of things. I'm girly and scene-ish at the same time. Who cares? It's who I am and I don't care what people have to say about it. I've been through plenty of shit, and I'll probably still be going through some in my future. It's life, I'd rather live it the way I want than the way some other loser wants me to live it. It's funny, everything I do, it all clashes, but that's just the way I like it. And well, if you don't like it, then go ahead, because no matter what your opinion is, it really isn't gonna change me. And whether or not you hate me or love me, either way, you've still got me on your mind.

You can suck my dick. (:


I'm so siq,
I'll make you vomit.
Go ahead and leave your comment.
This is how we getting down,
This is how we getting down.
Honesty's appreciated,
Your opinion's overrated.
This is how we getting down,
This is how we getting down.


-Blood on the dance floor. <3