It's That Time of Year Again, Folks...

That's right, time for my annual, "I've Been Reading Depressing Books So Now I'll Make a Journal Entry About Death". You can call it my IBRDBSNIMAJEAB time of year. Or not.So the book this time is Pet Semtary, by Mr. Stephen King. Warning, this has spoilers for the book in it.So, basically, this guy, Louis, moves to a little town with his wife, Rachel, and his two kids, Ellie and Gage, and their...
March 7th, 2011 at 02:06am

Christmas is coming...

The goose is getting fat. Would you put a penny in the old man's hat. If you haven't got a penny, a half-penny will do. If you haven't got a half-penny, then God bless you.It's a song.I celebrate Christmas, but sometimes I really symathise with the people who don't. In band, we play Christmas carols, and I feel bad for any Jewish person in the band going "Aw F@$#, not again!" Or any Muslim who is...
December 11th, 2010 at 12:53am

Remember Me?

So now it is Remembrance Day. I went to my school service yesterday. I wore a poppy until it poked me in the boob. Then I took it off. I missed the minute of silence. At least I did better than my friend, who was quite for a minute at 12:00. ah, how I love her!But still, when we say we remember, we really don't. Sure, if you've personally lost someone, you remember them. We remember great war...
November 11th, 2010 at 09:51pm

Show Your Purple!

*Hey, if you are a homo-phobe, you may wish not to read this. I may offend you, and I really don't like those who hate people because of their sexual orrintation. So if you hate anyone who isn't straight, I suggest you leave this page, pausing only to remove your head from your ass. Thanks.*The other day, I joined people across the Canada, and maybe everywhere else too, I don't know, in wearing...
October 22nd, 2010 at 01:13am

All Hatred. (R rated)

So, just a note before you read this:If you happen to be the kind of person who hates people because of their skin colour, sexual orientation, or religion, feel free to read on, but know that I will probably offend you.Thank you for your time.So, I was reading a magazine, and I stumbled across the most horrific thing I've ever seen. A group of people in the states somewhere, I think Mississippi or...
September 18th, 2010 at 11:43pm

Journey Journal

So here I am in Alberta. Not my usual province. (I'm not telling you what that is. So ha!) I am here to visit my awesome grandparents. And I have spent about three days in a car. For those of you who don't road trip, this is a very very long time. Even more so when it's hot, which it was, for about two of those days.Being in the car gives you time but not space. This means that I have TIME to...
July 27th, 2010 at 01:14am


So every now and then, I get these weird epiphanies. Just today, I was in a car going on a two hour long journey and I was bored with the book I was reading, so I sat back and was looking out the window and suddenly, it just hit me. I just felt the passage of time. I could feel the seconds whipping by. I understood that every second, something changed. The wheels of the car turned, dragging the...
July 19th, 2010 at 03:45am

Grad is soon...

And so is my birthday! Yes siree bob, I will be fourteen when I give my valevictorian speech! WooHoo! There is a lot of hype. Girls are swapping their dress styles and crittiquing hair. Our history teacher is doing Henna tattoos. And my guy friend just went to WallMart to buy a pink tie! (he was trying to find a spongebob one, but he couldn't.) With all the excitment, it makes me wonder why? I...
June 24th, 2010 at 03:17am

Some Food for Thought and Apples....

I just realized (well not just, but you know) that even though everyone always asks "What will my fate be" they shouldn't. I can tell you your fate right now. I can tell me my fate right now. I'll give you a hint, they're the same. Death.Fate is what is at the end. And no matter who you are or were, rich or poor, bitchy or nice, pretty, ugly, in-between, your fate is the same. My fate is the same...
June 16th, 2010 at 12:35am