wreckless / Comments

  • Gred-and-Forge

    Gred-and-Forge (100)

    United Kingdom
    Hey, how are you?
    Just saying hey and I decided to write a new story about two people meeting whilst traveling to America and was wondering if you had anymore of those amazing ideas spare? xD
    I'm still planning on doing to window thing too but I just got this idea and had to write it before the idea went :D
    August 29th, 2010 at 05:44pm
  • Gred-and-Forge

    Gred-and-Forge (100)

    United Kingdom
    It's going to take AGES, to save up for me. Since I want another Mac. I don't like normal laptops anymore now xD
    August 1st, 2010 at 08:46pm
  • Gred-and-Forge

    Gred-and-Forge (100)

    United Kingdom
    'kay, I've got an iBook but one from 2004. It's dying and I really don't want it to
    I can't afford a new laptop so if it goes I'm completely computer-less since my parents wouldn't share
    August 1st, 2010 at 08:24pm
  • Gred-and-Forge

    Gred-and-Forge (100)

    United Kingdom
    Sorry laptop told me it was the wrong page!
    August 1st, 2010 at 08:20pm
  • Gred-and-Forge

    Gred-and-Forge (100)

    United Kingdom
    I've seen Eclipse twice but it did seem better the second time. I guess it wasn't as embarrassing since I went to see it with my parents the first time. But only because it was a midnight thing so no one else was allowed to come with me. Hahaha I think three times would be too many for me, although it's my favourite of the three of them :D
    August 1st, 2010 at 06:18pm
  • Gred-and-Forge

    Gred-and-Forge (100)

    United Kingdom
    I keep getting sucked into some crap TV programme or I'll end up finding a story and reading that then I end up finding more and completely forget about what I was writing. I keep leaving stuff in the middle of a sentence and going back then being like 'wtf was I going to finish that with?' xD Hahaha well I'm afraid people will be expecting some sort of sex scene since in EVERY Alex story there's one and I honestly have no idea how I'd write that, I'm too innocent xD (Says the girl who finds sexual innuendoes in ANYTHING xD) Over here getting pregnant at that age happens all the time, I think we have the highest teen pregnancy rate in Europe. I bet it's higher than in the USA too. No one here moves around a lot, we barely ever get any new people but I guess it's too boring here for people to want to move. Haha that's funny. I REALLY want to move to Cali but I think we'd end up moving somewhere no one ever heard of, since it'd be for my dad's work. Oh that sounds easy, I'll keep that in mind for next year. When are you going? They're stupid exams in EVERY subject we do like SATs then A Levels I think are like AP Exams, but I'm not sure. Same here. I hate going. I'm trying to do well so I can become something with really good pay but I seem to be getting dumber and dumber as time goes on xD
    July 31st, 2010 at 08:58pm
  • Gred-and-Forge

    Gred-and-Forge (100)

    United Kingdom
    I'm trying to do the same, but I keep getting distracted by other stuff. But I did post a chapter yesterday so I do have a whole day until I need to post a new one. Plus I feel bad on the cliff hanger I left it on because people will be expecting something to happen between her and Alex and I don't think I'd be able to write it right now so they're going to have to deal with her passing out instead xD I'm mean lol. It's the same for me, it was either go to a shit school and end up dumb and pregnant at the age of 14 since thats the most anyone there amounts to or go far away and actually learn stuff. I met a lot of people too but they're all a bit stuck up their own ass since it's sort of a posh area. I live in one of the rough parts of town so they're totally different. I was thinking about some stuff to do with it yesterday and decided to do it about me and my friend that I haven't seen in three years since we moved up to high school and he went somewhere different. 'Cause I realised that I loved him once we moved and there was no real way of talking to him again after that. I think I might make my parents plan a holiday for around a date when I can go to Warped that is if we haven't moved to Cali before then. Kinda for free? How? Everything about schools in America confuses me especially as you don't have equivalents to GCSEs or A levels
    July 31st, 2010 at 07:11pm
  • Gred-and-Forge

    Gred-and-Forge (100)

    United Kingdom
    Yeah I'm trying to post one every other day but then I'll end up being dragged out of the house to go to one of my mums friend's houses. I am so lazy, I mean I really think I'm the laziest person in the world xD That's what I was planning but someone said that I should do an Alex's POV chapter so I'm not sure who to give the one night stand. Maybe if I did it as her then he got upset and had no idea that he felt like that towards her. The people who live around me are kind of around my age but I don't know any of them since I go to a school a bit away and some of them think I'm posh because of it so no one talks to me now I go to my secondary school. Neither am I, my mum's friend said she was going to come around and drag me outside to get some sun so I don't burn the minute I get off the plane to America in a few weeks. I shall then but I'll need to finish the ATL one first. Oh yay people would finally read my story! lol I know she really doesn't act like it, she's in magazines here all the time about how she's acting out. I really wanted to go to Warped but I found out about it too late which pissed me off, but I think I would have been more upset if I missed it when ATL was there. She looks like the type of person who is a bitch but pretends not to be. Yeah I'm not smart, I'm terrified I'm going to fail my GCSEs in a year and half. All stuff to do with American schools confuse me, it's totally different to what it is over here
    July 31st, 2010 at 04:40pm
  • Gred-and-Forge

    Gred-and-Forge (100)

    United Kingdom
    Most of mine are 1x1 romances but I think I might finish up the three I'm in and just write instead. Since I keep needing to post and I write my chapters as I go I never have time to write chapters. Which sucks because when I do it's when I'm drained and don't have any imagination left. And that's funny since I always end up writing under and feeling like they're only replying to be polite. When I RP I tend to write as much as I can be bothered to if I'm not too interested. I like it! But I'm reading a story like that right now and she knows about mine, although in the other persons she likes the guy back so it is different to what mine might be. I was also thinking of Alex having a one night stand and my OC getting upset by it, but it's the first time she's ever been annoyed so she knows that suddenly feelings for Alex have appeared. I know all my neighbours well I know what they look like. There's this guy two houses down on the other side that I've never spoken but he looks like Aaron Johnson but he's the only other person on my street who's near to my age. Actually I may use that for an idea towards an original fic xD Yeah my friends started hanging around other people in my year like who actually do make it obvious they think they're better than you. I totally agree I mean look at Taylor Momsen she's only 16 and she's already acting like Li-Lo. I keep trying to make her like me but then think that maybe she should be different and ends up like I'm trying to make her perfect. Hahaha you can only really sound convincingly smart if you are smart, and you did xD
    July 31st, 2010 at 03:54am
  • Gred-and-Forge

    Gred-and-Forge (100)

    United Kingdom
    I've lost interest in most of my RPs because nothing really happens. Once they're in love it gets boring since all they do is kiss and say they love each other. When my story ends up getting like that it's the end. Aww well I'm sorry about that :) Well he'll be lost and probably wont know me. Only like three people from my school know where I live since I live quite far away compared to other people, but I wish something like that would happen :D Hahah well thanks, yeah she just seems to have an aura of awkwardness. Like her in the film makes me want to cringe, yeah she's pretty I think she'd prettier as Bella than herself though. One of my friends is really into acting, and she's quite good at it. But sometimes she knows it and rubs it in peoples faces so I guess knowing you don't want to get caught up in the fame helps to stop that from happening. Haha, I know what you mean. My OCs personality seems to change every time. Plus I got a comment saying she was a 'Mary Sue' which annoyed me and now I'm trying to make sure she's not but I think it's making her worse thanks to it :D
    July 31st, 2010 at 03:28am
  • Gred-and-Forge

    Gred-and-Forge (100)

    United Kingdom
    Yeah it's annoying when people do that, I've not had it with a story on here but a role play I did on another website. The stole nearly everything including school names and stuff like that. Yeah it's a romance, that's all I can write. Which is annoying since my love life is non-existent. Oh I love that! :D As someone said on a website she's like the human equivalent to a blank piece of paper. She ruins all the films, I think it's her that makes it feel awkward to me. Really? That'd have been cool! I'm so glad my mom's not like that. It seems much easier, I'm terrible at planning stuff so maybe if I started to do that it'd help me along those lines :D
    July 31st, 2010 at 03:11am
  • Gred-and-Forge

    Gred-and-Forge (100)

    United Kingdom
    I bet it wont, with the wolf pack it's really easy to create something no one else has thought of. But with my ATL they're on the tour bus, or will be eventually, and not much can happen there that isn't like anyone else's stuff. I mean you can have an ATL story without Alex walking in on the OC in the bathroom and feeling them up lol. I know, I hate her in the films. She just bites her lip, I think it's the only expression Kristen Stewart has. The books are much better. I usually use pictures of random people to base it in but I never thought about doing that. I actually may try that. Even with the notebook. Haha that's not weird.
    July 31st, 2010 at 02:46am
  • Gred-and-Forge

    Gred-and-Forge (100)

    United Kingdom
    Yeah I keep feeling like my ATL story seems like others since everyone has covered everything. After I finish it I may make an original fic but I'm terrible at making new characters up so I have to base them on people and hope they don't noticed, lol. Real vampire story sounds interesting. It's been a while since I've read something believable about vampires. Not saying I don't like Twilight but it does vary from day to day. Sometimes I'm ashamed to like it though lol
    July 31st, 2010 at 02:33am
  • Gred-and-Forge

    Gred-and-Forge (100)

    United Kingdom
    Well I'd probably read that too. I've run out of new stories and if I search for them I'll end up finding an ATL one or something to do with Twilight. I definitely need to read more orignals
    July 31st, 2010 at 02:22am
  • LightsInPolaroid

    LightsInPolaroid (100)

    lol lucky you
    the only talent I have is drawing. . .
    And I guess I just feel kinda bad that I'm only good at one thing
    January 21st, 2010 at 12:02pm
  • Sammy-Poo!

    Sammy-Poo! (100)

    Oh, wow. XD
    In that case, you should like... scream in her ear or something, be like "WAKE UP!"
    January 21st, 2010 at 04:27am
  • hockeygoddess

    hockeygoddess (100)

    United States
    Agreed. They are the best! (: Vampires are just too pale and...well i'm pale- so i guess i can't say that. But they are EVERYWHERE. It gets tiresome.
    Anyways how have been?
    January 21st, 2010 at 01:14am
  • Hello Reality

    Hello Reality (100)

    United States
    Haha thats what Im talking about!
    Out with the old in with the new.
    I know excatly how you feel.
    January 20th, 2010 at 11:29pm
  • D E L E T E D ;

    D E L E T E D ; (100)

    United States
    you should talk to him
    January 20th, 2010 at 11:26pm
  • hockeygoddess

    hockeygoddess (100)

    United States
    I love to draw stick figures although my friend's make mine look like crap. really? i think that too. i've tried stuff in the 3rd person, but it's not as strong as my 1st person writing. vampires actually are starting to get on my nerves. but that's pretty cool. i'm sure you have some pretty cool works
    January 20th, 2010 at 02:59am