Crimson Remorse / Stories

  • Cruelest Silence

    Cruelest Silence (3) / Info

    Original fiction (Romance, Drama)
    Word count:
    16 147

    I'm the only one good enough for him, I just hope that he sees it and doesn't make this harder than it needs to be. We have yet to speak to each other, but that’s just a minor detail. If he rejects me, that's okay too. I'll just take him by force. Slash.

    August 15th, 2010 at 09:41am

  • Crimson Remorse

    Crimson Remorse / Info

    Original fiction (Romance, Fantasy)
    Word count:
    1 534

    Laughter. The word barely registering in her fear-hazed mind as a deep rumble resounded behind her, the sound nothing like a growl. It was a noise of amusement. Amusement of her fear. “Run. And don’t look back." :Het:

    June 6th, 2010 at 09:12am