
United States
Joined date
January 13th, 2010


So my name is Jess. I am a seventeen year old girl. Ok now all of the really boring stuff is out of the way.

I really would love for people to be looking for a friend enough to read this, but I'm not delusional... I know maybe one person on the entire internet will. Ok now I sound emo but really I'm not. Not that I have a problem with "emo" it's just that the label bothers me. There is not one person that can fit into any one specific mold, be it emo, prep, jock, or any other. So it seems stupid to label as though they are.

That little rant just told you something else about me (actually way more than one thing.) To begin with as you can see I love to talk. But also I see the value in being silent. I believe that at times it is a more eloquent form of conversation. Another thing is that I really value individuality. I get really worked up sometimes over things that I am passionate about.

I just lost my train of thought, so I will continue like I never started a rant. I really love music. I listen to almost every genre (blues probably the least, but I do listen to jazz and classical, along with country, rock, rap, metal, and pop; of all different eras. Not much earlier than the 40s until you get to Bach, Beetoven, and Wagner etc.) I sing constantly and play tenor saxophone; well and acceptably (respectively). Can't blame me for not playing well seeing as I just started; I am trying to learn to read music. I never had a chance to,and it's difficult to be a really good vocalist without being able to read music. And an instrument is way easier to learn with than your voice; there are no fingering charts for your vocal cords. Plus my friends are all in band, so they convinced me to give it a try, and I'm glad I did... I love it!

As you can see, music is my life. I am a tomboy. Abrupt change, I know, but I hate transitions and I hate editing more, so I will just leave it. (I am good at editing, but I see no point for an informal entry.) Anyway, I am kind of a tough girl, and I joke around a lot. If I don't like you, you get told off whenever you start being an ass to someone else. If I don't know you, unfortunatately, my reaction is to be skeptical, but I won't go kung-fu-bitch on you unless you give me a reason (but if you do, glaring daggers is an understatement.) If I don't like you, I might be a little smart-aleked, but it will be with ice and only when you really got to me. If I do like you, I will be smart-aleked all the time, but its only a joke and you can tell. (Its usually accompanied by me sticking out my tongue or something equally teasing.) If I do like you and you start being an ass, you still get told off. But I always make it up later.

I am really sentimental and serious at times though. And romantic. Lol. Oh, another thing: the whole guys aren't supposed to cry and show emotion thing is bull. I truly thing that any human (or supernatural creature that I doubt exists but would love to believe does) has that right, and furthermore should show emotions in any close relationship. I also have no personal space. People often get freaked out cause I get physically close to them, but that's just me. It does not mean anything except that I feel touch is an important way to connect (and don't take that pervertedly.)

This is insanely long for something no one will read, so message me if you think I sound like a person you would get along with. Bye!